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View Full Version : Mainline Pipe Reel

10-25-2009, 07:05 PM
Was wondering if any one has built a reel to dispense 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inch pipe. I bought mine in 500 foot coils. I have some idea's in my head how to make it. There are so many great creative idea's on this site. Thanks MC

Haynes Forest Products
10-25-2009, 07:36 PM
Make it light and make the inside spindle as big as the inside diameter of the coiled pipe. Are you planning on mounting on a tractor or just rolling it in the woods? If your going to use it once then good old hill billy rigging with wood will work. What is the diameter of the inside of the coil? Keeping the coil tight as possible will keep it from snarling and kinking. It seems that when uncoiling poly pipe its only goal is to snarl, kink and tangling so keep it tight and under tension. And next time uncoil it in the hot sun and let it lay. Can you run it into the woods as it uncoils in a fixed place?

10-25-2009, 08:42 PM
I made one a few weeks ago that works good. I used a 36" plywood stop sign for the base--(about 7/8 thick). I fastened a piece of 3/4 inch pipe (a foot long) on the bottom of the sign for a spindle. (first had to weld it to a flat plate 4X4" or so, then anchored the plate to the underside of the stop sign with four 1/4 inch bolts.) I also had to take a bit off the 3/4 inch pipe in the lathe first, to make it go inside 1 inch pipe. One inch cold roll shaft would go inside 1 inch pipe, but weighs a bit more...
I fastened a piece of 1 inch pipe (vertically) to the rear rack of the 4-wheeler, and the 3/4 pipe with the stop sign slips inside. It unrolls horizontally.
4 pieces of 1/4 or 3/8 pipe about a foot long each with 3/8 bolts welded inside make the inner guide reel. Drill the 4 holes for these in the stop sign just so the roll of tubing goes over them, and use a good heavy washer (or plates made from 1 1/2 flat stock) on both sides of the wood for strength. You can change roll diameters very easy-just redrill the holes at a different diameter. You can haul one roll on the spooler and another on the front rack to where ever you want to start unrolling. I also made a small reel for lateral lines--same design and fits the same spindle.