View Full Version : Marckland auto drawoff
01-31-2005, 04:37 AM
I got a Marckland auto drawoff this weekend,,,It came with no instructions,,Does anyone ealse have one and know what all the red buttons do? and what are the power outlets for???does the probe go where the thermometer usually go or is it mounted diffrently? input would be greatly helpful Thanks,
01-31-2005, 05:21 AM
Call Bob Crooks at Marcland 518/532-7386
01-31-2005, 10:51 AM
the red buttons are the alarm silence, power, one opens the drawoff valve manually and thats what I can remember right now.
the outlet on the side is where the electric drawoff valve plugs into, you will need a short extension cord. I put the probe wire and the electrical wire through a piece of seal tight.
I love the one I have and I will also say Bob Crooks stands behind these 100 %. With his cust service.
Actually I was so impressed with his service I bought a digital barometer, boiling temp thingy this weekend.
01-31-2005, 06:19 PM
Parker ,
I have one and would never be without it again . Once you master it , which is easy , you will love it. I think your questions have been answered. Clean temp prob after each boil in pan cleaner or vinegar . Soak prob overnite if needed to remove scale.
Race Foster in Wisconsin
01-31-2005, 06:32 PM
Its best to call Bob you might have more than one feature. it might have low level alarm and auto shut down if it was for an oil system. Without looking on mine, I think the red button is the alarm silencer and the black button is the manual open switch. There is an up down button for the digital display. When I bought mine I got a temp chart based on the barometric pressure from Marcland. You may be able to get one. Its a good idea to hang a barometer in the sugarhouse so you can cange the draw-off temp as the day goes on. As sugarsmith said on the side is an outlet to run to the draw-off valve. If it has low level alarm in it you will need some #14 or #16 romex to use as a lead. Stripp the two wires back about 1/2" and set it to the pan depth you want when ever the sap goes lower than that it will go into alarm. Its a nice feature for a flue pan with a hood on it . I know some people have their oil burner set up to it so if the high temp or low level alarms go off it automaticly shut it down. A real nice feature that can save many $$. If you have any oter questions let me know
02-01-2005, 05:21 AM
Marcland's web address is
They have PDF's available for most of their controllers. I had the same situation... our used unit came with no instructions. At least our buttons are labeled, though, and the person who had it labeled the terminals and outlets for the valve and alarm.
Looks like the number Chris gave is their fax, phone is 518.532.7922.
02-01-2005, 04:34 PM
Thanks for the intel,,,what is the deal when you want to change sides to draw off? do you put the whole set up on the other side of the pan??
02-01-2005, 08:35 PM
Good question...our rig only has a drawoff on one side, so I guess we won't have to worry about it. Hopefully someone else who uses both sides can tell you.
02-01-2005, 10:30 PM
I have Leader Revolution pans so I always draw off the same side even though the flow is reversible. Becuse of this the only thing I have to do is move the temp probe. If you alternate from side to side you will have to move both the temp probe and the selenoid valve every time you reverse your flow. Or you could get a second selenoid valve and leave one on each side.
02-03-2005, 03:43 AM
I talked to Bob Crooks the other night,,,super nice, helpful guy,,he directed me to Marclands web site,,,,where there is a bunch of intel,,,I am not real computer savvy but I dont seem to be able to get to the information,,is it that the files are to big and I dont have enough memory in the computer or am I doing something ealse wrong???? any ideas would be helpful,,,Thanks, Parker
02-03-2005, 05:20 AM
most of the stuff I found on their site is in Adobe PDF format. If you don't have Acrobat Reader you won't be able to see the files. You can download it at
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