View Full Version : Good Price For Used Drops???

10-18-2009, 06:28 PM
Well On Saturday The Family And Me Found Ourselves At Bascoms Yet Again. Man This Place Is Addictive, I Could Look And Touch Everything In That Place All Day Long Or At Least Until They Kicked Me Out. Anyways I Noticed They Have Listed On There Used Equipment Sheet Some Drop Lines With Health Spouts On Them, I Believe They Were Somewheres Around 30in Long. I Believe They Wanted Something Like .25 A Piece. Is This A Good Deal? Or Should I Just Bite The Bullet And Buy New And Make My Own. You See I Have Somany Things Going On Right Know That I Figured If They Were All Made Up And Ready To Go It Would Save Me One More Step. What Your Feed Back.
Thanks Maple Rookie

10-18-2009, 06:50 PM
Rookie,I know that sounds tempting but as research has shown,new spouts and drops produce much better.Your money is likely best spent for new spouts and drops.But sometimes if it means to tap or not to tap,go with what will get you going:D

10-18-2009, 07:36 PM
I agree the old drops will hurt you production. Go with new if you can.

10-18-2009, 08:51 PM
If they are good clean drops and newer high quality tubing, then 25 cents is a very good price as it will cost you about $1.00 for new ones. I agree with others, if you can afford new ones, go with them, if not, get the used drops.

NH Maplemaker
10-18-2009, 09:14 PM
Most all the used tubing that Bascoms sells are from there own bush. They always have larg piles there for sale!
How about Buying new and have your Kids Cut and put together for you! Great way to get them started in maple!!

10-19-2009, 04:37 AM
i make all my drops 32" new....... never bought used ones supose they would work fine if there clean and not pluged.....Chris.......