View Full Version : Penn State Forestry Webinars

Gary R
10-14-2009, 07:03 AM
Once a month, Penn State is offering free webinars. The topics are in the interest of wood lot owners and are quite varied. During the "live" webinar you hear the speaker and see slides. Questions can be typed into a dialog box and the presenter will answer them. I have attended one of these and it was easy. After the webinar the entire program is on there web site for viewing. Publications are also available to download for free. To participate in the webinar you do need to sign up and get a user ID. If you want to view past presentations you only need to go there site. This is the link to the site.


On Jan. 12 there is a webinar on maple syrup. I do not know how detailed it will be. I believe it will be geared towards the begineer and novice. A good time for some of us to learn some more from the comfort of our homes.

10-28-2009, 07:34 AM
Thanks Gary, I'll try to watch the forest management one.

10-28-2009, 07:14 PM
Thanks for the link! Lots of good info on there. I'll be looking not only at the maple seminar but also some of the previous seminars that are posted.

Got it bookmarked!
