View Full Version : Patrick Phaneuf

10-09-2009, 04:02 PM
I purchased a new pan from Patrick in April of this year after reading good reviews on mapletrader. I just recieved the pan at the end of September. This was a long wait (5 months) and he accepted the payment right away, but I had read that was typical and thought that was acceptable.

My wife had UPS put the pan aside till i got home from overseas (business trip). When I unpacked it found all outlet ports (2 valve, 2 thermometer) and the bottom edge had dents. I contacted him as to what could be done to resolve the issue.

We are working this out, but the conversations are not reassuring. I had to remind him that by charging shipping and handleing he is responsible for these services. I told him sending the pan back and recieving a new one is not acceptable to me as I do not think i will recieve it in time for next season. I offered that i will live with the dents, even though I purchased a new pan, if he gives me some consideration for the dents like a thermometer.

Like I said, so far we have not come to terms on this. His excuses have ranged so far:

1) I is my fault since I opened the package to late (two weeks after it was delivered? my company uses 90 days before they say this)
2) I should just live with it and try to fix it
3) It will work with or without dents
4) Maybe I did it on purpose to get something out of it (this one is mildly entertaining as I though I had heard them all being in sales)
5) He never had a problem before so it must be me

I hope we can work this out, but people should be aware of the unprofessional manner I have experienced. If anybody else has good or bad results working with Patrick please speak up so the sugaring public can make an informed purchase.

I will post a follow up on how this get resolved, if ever.

10-09-2009, 04:14 PM
I called the post , It 5 days before i know if they pay or not . Can you wait 5 days or maybe 10 days ?

Damage opening claim number is : confirmation number . Post number
If the post pay i will make a new one and send to you . You have to resend the pan to me or maybe to the post .

I suggest to you to say the packaging is well if you want a new one and resend in a very good crate the old one UNUSED.

If the post don't pay , the situation will stay exactly like now.

With the hit this pan received no one crate can resist .

And please never bid or order something i made again .

thank you

Subject: RE: Telephone conversation
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 16:34:02 -0400
To: patrickletolier@msn.com


The pan got here end of last month, and I opened it last week.

Let me know what the shipper can do as the fault for the dents is most likely their handling. Where I am coming from is I paid for a new pan and the one I got is damaged, but usable. Like I said, a new pan is not worth the wait for me nor the cost for you so I am not thinking that is fair.



From: Patrick Phaneuf [mailto:patrickletolier@msn.com]
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 4:21 PM
Subject: RE: Telephone conversation


You arrive about 6 or 7 month after with this problem . You ask me to send a thermometer for resolve this problem and you said you will report to consumer protection ???? I can't not fallow you .

And i never accuse you i have question .

I will call the post and look after . For me it's impossible to make a new pan and send for free . I paid more when i shipped the pan for have a insurance but everything have a limit.

Subject: RE: Telephone conversation
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 16:16:51 -0400
To: patrickletolier@msn.com


The problem is the packing, handling, and the shipping, I have provided you with the proof, if you will not assume responsibility (as you are legally obligated to by charging shipping and handling) all i can do is leave negative feedback and submit a report to the consumer protection division. These issue is clear in the law, if you charge for shipping and handling, you are responsible for the that.

It really is not necessary to accuse me of not acting in good faith.




From: Patrick Phaneuf [mailto:patrickletolier@msn.com]
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 4:00 PM
Subject: RE: Telephone conversation

Hi ,

relax men , it's not my fault if you did not look the pan in time . the pan will work exactly like every one anyway . Just call the post if you think i'm not honest with you , the number is : . Maybe if you explain to us it's not too late .

When i receive every item from the post the first thing i do is look inside ????? and if i can't be there i ask to my wife to look inside if everything is ok . Very easy .

I sent the pan to you after the pan is made and ready to ship between all job i had . You sent the money thank you for that and you receive the pan you paid for .

I think it's me the bad guy now because you did not open the box , not you ??????? Everyone said on ebay feeback i crate the pan very well . You said it's poor because it's damage ??

My shipper is USPS and Canada post . I never had any trouble last 6 years with us . Why you ??? Do you dent the pan yourself accidentally ? And you want a new one ? What do you want ?

Why i have to pay 50.00$ + 20.00$ shipping for a thermometer to you ?? Because you did not look inside ?

Go on internet i write all you want , the people can see abuse or dishonest guy anyway . I have a lot of good guys extremelly happy about my products .

Anyway maybe it's not too late for claim the damage . If you are the post and a guy come 5-6 months after he receive the item and he want money back what do you do honestly ?

If you need the tracking number let me know i will send . You will need for receive information from the post .

Try to have a good weekend .


Subject: RE: Telephone conversation
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 13:11:21 -0400
To: patrickletolier@msn.com

Hi Patrick,

The reason the pan was unopened is that I was overseas for a month, the package looked fine from the outside to my wife as it did when I got back.

It takes you 4 months to send me the pan, you took the money right away, and I had to repeatedly contacted you to get the pan, and now I am the bad guy because I did not open and inspect the pan immediately. I think you need to reassess the business situation as telling me to fix it after you did a poor packaging job, and your shipper mishandled the package is not just.

I feel I should warn others over the internet of this experience if we cannot resolve this issue as I paid (well in advance) for a new pan, not a damaged one. The least you could do is through in a sap thermometer that is used with the pan.



From: Patrick Phaneuf [mailto:patrickletolier@msn.com]
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 12:26 PM
Subject: RE: Telephone conversation

HI ,

The thermometer port is not dent , i bend down myself because the stem need to be 1/2" from the bottom of the pan .

For the dents, i took a insurance with the post but i sent this pan to you several weeks ago . IT,s now too late for receive money from the post . I don't know why when you receive the pan you did not look if everything is ok .

You can repair this dents with a auto boddy hammer . Use a strong table and just try to remove the dents slowly .

Sorry for that dents , i sent 50 pans like this one last years and you are the first with dents .

thank you

Subject: RE: Telephone conversation
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 08:56:20 -0400
To: patrickletolier@msn.com

Patrick, see attached. Essentially every port is pushed in resulting is dents and port misalignment, and there is one dent along the bottom edge.

From: Patrick Phaneuf [mailto:patrickletolier@msn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 8:50 PM
Subject: RE: Telephone conversation

Hi Scott ,

Can you send pictures please of the dents?

thank you

Subject: RE: Telephone conversation
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 15:03:47 -0400
To: patrickletolier@msn.com


Just got back home from business travel, the pan was damaged in transport (maybe 5-6 dents) mostly around the threaded ports. How would you propose to handle this?

Given that the season is coming and it has taken 6-7 months to get this pan and I am sure you are getting busier, I would like to keep the pan and settle the matter some other way.

Otherwise I like the workmanship and am impressed.



10-09-2009, 06:14 PM
Any pictures of the damage? I got a pan from him last year and the packaging was top notch just like the pan, even though the waiting for it s-ck-d. Sorry to hear that your pan was dented

10-09-2009, 06:36 PM
I received a pan from him about a month ago and the pan was shipped very well packaged. It was wraped on all sides, top and bottom with a 3/4 inch cardboard and placed inside of a thick cardboard box. I hope you can get the problem resolved. It must be very frustrating, especially after the long and unnecessary wait.:mad:

10-09-2009, 06:45 PM
I am on the fence with this one. I just got another peice of stack and raincap he made for me in the mail and it was crated very well. He even packed the inside of the pipe. The only way that stack was gonna get damaged was if the crating was smashed. Saphappy dont get me wrong here Im not saying you did not have a shipping problem. Was there any damage to the packaging from what you could tell? I hope you can get this resolved.

10-09-2009, 06:53 PM
Problem is just what happened to the pan to cause the damage. I know from my experience you can get some objects packed in cardboard that are okay on the outside but can be dinged on the inside. The inside on the package is where to look as it should show stress marks from a hard bang or collision.
I argued all morning with a french teacher and have asked for a translater even to resolve the situation and no luck there either also. Seems like not only me has problems lately.

Greg Morin
10-10-2009, 06:40 AM
now youve got me nervous ordered my 2x3 end of Aug. cant wait

Grade "A"
10-10-2009, 03:05 PM
saphappy, you and Patrick both should be mad at the shipper. The shipper was paid to deliver a package in the same shape as they received it but they didn't. Now you have damaged pans, Patrick may have to pay for them and the shipper sits back and counts his money.

10-10-2009, 03:27 PM
It's hard to tell without pictures, but the thermometer port on my evaporator is also (intentionally) bent downward so the stem of the dial thermometer is angled into the syrup without the fitting being below the sap level.

10-12-2009, 07:49 PM
I feel for you, but legally you're SOL.

If you didn't report the damage until after the claim period it's like going to your car dealer with a problem a month after the warranty expired.

Really bad luck and bad timing. Especially when you get a pan that was so well crafted in the first place, and now it's not so perfect, and you're going to be upset every time you look at it. Been there, done that. Just try to get over it.

10-12-2009, 08:40 PM
I wonder why Phaneuf does not alert his customers to the fact that he has finished the order and is ready to ship it. In most cases now adays all packaging is traceable at any time to know it's whereabouts.
I think that Patrick should not ship anything until he makes contact with the buyer to say it will be there in X number of days and make sure it is checked over for any damage.
I know his prices might be good but I certainly won't buy anything from him. I have never had any dealings with him and I'm not questioning his quality of workmanship but over and over on the trader over the last 6 years that I have been a member it seems that alot have been unhappy with his customer service side of the business.
I wish you good luck with your claim, as it seems like it lies with the postal service

10-13-2009, 04:44 PM
Just to clear up some questions:

My wife has mentioned she will show me how to post pictures, I tried to do it, so we will see if it works.

Packaging was shrink wrap and fiber board, no cardboard wraping. the fiber board was cut out around the inlet and outlet ports so any hit to the package at those locations will cause denting. the fiber board was also flat sheets, so no corner protection. I think still a shipper problem.

Patrick has filed a claim with his shipper, we will see what happens. Again, great workmanship, good price, but a long wait and damaged goods.

The customer service was/is severly lacking.



10-13-2009, 06:08 PM
I'm not taking any sides but I'm wondering how much of the hard feelings is a languange/cultural thing. I'm from Ontario and have avoided vacationing in Quebec due to some bad experiences in the past. My wife and I ended up vacationing there this year due to some mechanical problems on our way to the east coast. We had a great time and met some very nice people but I still found that there were drastic cultural differences and the language issues can cause problems due to poor choice of words when using a language other than your mother tongue. These issues work both ways, I said things in french which got me some very strange looks and I was offended by some of the things said to me in english but after talking longer with someone realized that they weren't being pushy or offensive they were just struggling to find the right words. I hope things work out for you as I've heard many good thinks about Phanuef on this site too.

Fred Henderson
10-13-2009, 06:34 PM
i am wondering if the problem is with the US costoms doing inspections of goods coming into this country.

10-13-2009, 06:55 PM
I have often thought about just driving to Quebec City and picking up my 2x6 I prepaid $250.00 for him to deliver it. Would I have to pay a duty or something when I cross the border back into the U.S?

wanting to get into it
10-13-2009, 07:19 PM
Hopefully it will all work out. A long wait though.

Thompson's Tree Farm
10-13-2009, 07:36 PM
I don't think you would have to pay duty on it. I have purchased several farm related items across the border and there was no duty on them coming back into the States. Make sure you have a passport or the new license or they may have to pay some kind of duty to get you back in the States :lol:

10-13-2009, 08:01 PM
A friend went to CDL's open house up over the boarder , one day was american or english day, he went that day, there was still no one there who spoke more than three words of english, he bought ten cases of glass on sale, when he got to customs , they informed him the glass was from Italy not Canada,there is some importing law they cited and they could take it if they wanted, then he had to pay a tax on the ten cases, that made the price far from a sale.
If I was going to pick up a evaporator, I'd have whoever bring it across the boarder and pick it up here, just my 2 cents.

10-14-2009, 06:11 AM
I can see the language difficultys being a problem. My french teacher ticks me off almost once a day with things she says. I have problems going to D&G as they understand very little english there also. Also makes it hard to find out about certain things as it's almost impossible to figure out the yellow pages somedays. There are lots of dealers around but they don't advertise under Sirop d erable for some stupid reason.

Fred Henderson
10-14-2009, 06:21 AM
Anything made in Canada or the US has not duty going to and froe. However there made be a goods and service tax on the Canadian side but you can get that back by sending a simple form to Ottowa

10-14-2009, 06:52 AM
A friend of mine bought a sawmill in Quebec City and they did not charge him duty on it but only because he insisted it was only for his personal use and he was not going to sell any of the lumber.

10-16-2009, 05:35 AM
Any updates saphappy?