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View Full Version : Modified Rain Cap w/pics

10-09-2009, 08:45 AM

I have a few shots of an "off the shelf" rain cap from Lowes and then the modified version. Not such a pretty job cutting the sheetmetal, but the extra air should help. Again, thanks for all the help.

10-12-2009, 07:14 PM
interesting but why not just a flip top one, they seal up tight when not in use and they are alot less restrictive on draft. and cheap to make, i made mine from a stainless steel stove burner cover from K mart, 9 bucks for a set of 4, and some stainless strips i got outa a dumpster at work. i tig welded them together and added a stainless cable to open it all salvaged stuff. if ya dont have a tig or welder ya can make one outa steel and bolt it or mig/stick weld it too

10-12-2009, 07:21 PM
heres a pic of it on a short section of stove pipe in the shop

10-13-2009, 05:51 AM
Hi Mark,

Thanks. I dont weld but I have a couple of connections down here. Yeh, your's looks good. Doesn't hot embers and ash come flying out of the stack?
My concern is sparking a nearby tree.

10-13-2009, 09:02 AM
I have no idea if it's true as I've never tried it, but I've read that the old timers used to shoot holes in the top foot of the stack with a .22 because it would let cold air in which would extinguish the sparks before they left the stack. I was thinking I might give it a try with a piece of single wall 6" pipe and the extra stove I have outside. I'll probably just drill the holes though...

10-13-2009, 12:25 PM
I have seen a stack like that and wondered what the reason for it was. I thought someones kid got bored and used the guys stack for target practice. Never did ask and he passed away a few years back and the shack is slowly falling to the ground with evaporator and all in it. Son will not give any of the stuff up. I don't think I wanna put holes in a stainless steel stack.

10-13-2009, 01:07 PM
You guys breakin' my stones on my rain cap idea? My designs will improve don't you worry. I'm a newcomer to this thing you call maple sickness.

10-13-2009, 05:42 PM
You guys breakin' my stones on my rain cap idea? My designs will improve don't you worry. I'm a newcomer to this thing you call maple sickness.

Not me, I was refering to the .22 holes in the top of a stack, true story. I like your rain cap. It looks alot like the one I had on my old evaporator. It served it's purpose well.

10-13-2009, 09:00 PM
You guys breakin' my stones on my rain cap idea? My designs will improve don't you worry. I'm a newcomer to this thing you call maple sickness.

Just the opposite Valleyman. I was just speaking to your concern over sparks lighting up a nearby tree. Don't know if it will work, but seeing as how your project is still in R&D stage you might give it a shot (pun intended).