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View Full Version : Homemade base stack?

10-07-2009, 01:56 PM
Do you guys know of any photos on our site showing the base stack area connecting to a block evaporator. I looked at some pics of TapME's and it looks good. I was just wondering about designs out there for comparison.

I have about 4-5 inches of space leftover after the four steamer. pans are in place. Currently I rigged my exhaust into the back wall of my block evap. It looks like if I follow TapMe's design it would be better for draft.

Any obvious issues if I made the base stack to fill the whole area, about 20"x4"

I was originally going to put a piece of steel plate to fill the gap and use it as the base for a small preheat sap pan.

Dennis H.
10-07-2009, 06:22 PM
It would be better to have the base stack the same width of the evap, that way the fire is able to get out to the back corners. My stack comes in from the rear and it stays 6" round. When I bricked my evap I had to lay the bricks in a way to try and help to get the fire and heat out to those corners.

My thought on how to make the base stack frame would be to use some angle iron to build up a frame that would fit the opening and it would also give you a place to attach the base stack.

Now how to make the base stack that there is something I am not sure about, yet. I know basicaly it is a cone shape with the top opening the size of your stack and the bottom opening would be, in your case, 48". If you had a large enough piece of steel metal you could make it in one piece, but 2 pieces would be more manageable.

I added a few qick drawings of what I would make for a simple base stack.

10-07-2009, 07:04 PM
valleyman; when I made my stack it was 2 pieces of sheet metal that are screwed together and sealed with that drop ceiling tile (insulation type) and attached to a angle iron base frame that sits on top of the arch frame and sealed with that great insulation. The top ends up the size of the stack and is hammered to a rectangle on the bottom and round like the pipe on the top. You will need to fasten these together also. You can bolt the stack to the arch frame or whatever it takes to make it stay there, mine weighs enough that it stays in place. hope this helps

Look at the pic in the thread captain says ....full speed ahead post #71 there a pic of the newly built base stack.