View Full Version : topsfield fair/deerfield fair

red maples
10-05-2009, 11:04 AM
Trying to squeeze in all ther fairs man to expensive...anyway

Topsfield fair had NH producers not MA. producers in the sugarhouse? Leavitt Family maple...nice folks

and sorry I don't remember who was at the deerfield fair it was packed in the sugar house there. they could use a working evaporator there that would be nice even if they are just boiling water. but they had some nice stuff on display, antique taps, cross section of a old maple a vac. set up outside was cool to see the progress of the maple technology!!! oh and also nice folks.

love that maple cotton candy!!!

Amber Gold
10-05-2009, 01:14 PM
My thoughts exactly!! I volunteered there Sat. mid-day and was talking to Brian Folsom about it. They should definitely have a working evaporator there. It would bring in so many more people. There is an safety concern with the way it's currently setup, but maybe Jesse Remgington could put an addition on and for syrup sales or maybe the cotton candy sales. It would be great to see the steam coming out of the cupola from across the grounds...that'd get peoples attention

red maples
10-05-2009, 03:12 PM
Hey Josh

Well I don't know if they really need an add on but if they got something a little smaller than the beast thats in there and say behind a counter or railing system and do oil fired or something low mantinence, just enough to produce a little steam and have a real set-up except for the water. it would have to back behind something so that noone could get even remotely close to it. right now its kinda confusing there isn't a good flow for people as it is right now and gets jammed up really easy. but it was a big hit form every one that I talked to and people were buying lots of syrup and syrup products because the prices weren't inflated like they are in the store. good concept but needs some work!!