View Full Version : grimm arch???

09-18-2009, 06:28 PM
looking at buying an grimm arch, but wanting to know if my pans will fit. its a 2x6 arch, i have a 2x3 front pan and a 2x3 rear pan, the rear pan is a leader prototype, made of copper and has too big drop flues that are housing copper tubes the run front to back. its an 7in drop. maybe some of you you will remmember my thread from a few months ago, copper flue pan, anyways thought i would ask you oppions on it. thanks maple rookie

09-18-2009, 06:37 PM
Rookie, I've got a 2x6 Grimm. My front pan is exactly 2x2 and the flue is exactly 2x4. They fit fine.

09-18-2009, 09:56 PM
Maple Rookie get a measurement of the depth of your flues and ask Cardiggan the depth from the top rail to the bottom of the arch. It should give you your answer. As far as length and width goes it should be fine. There is a small bro's 2x6 arch only listed on bascoms website for 400 bucks also. I think at that price someone on here would jump at it before they built a block or barrel evaporator.

09-19-2009, 06:46 AM
thanks 3rdgen, i will get those measurement, yeah ive been looking at that one for sometime know from bascoms and actually going over there today. to see in person what kind of shape its in. maybe theres a reason that its been there for so long. i just p.m. you this morning also thanks so much for the help. m/r