View Full Version : Where to get Plastic Pennsylvania bottles

01-27-2005, 08:00 PM
Any body out there know any one who sells Plastic Pennsylvania bottles??

Ive been searching for some and nobody seems to carry these.

All we see is ALL-STATE. :cry:

We our looking for pint and mabe quart sizes.

Thanks for any help

01-27-2005, 08:26 PM

My dealer does. He is Amish and will ship UPS to your door. His name is Henry Brenneman and his # is 814-941-8974. Leave a message with a phone number and tell him I told you to call him and he will call you back. The guy that made the pan I referred to is in his community and he could probably ship it all together. :D

01-27-2005, 08:48 PM
Brandon, does he have any catalogs of any kind? Like to see them before I buy.

Thanks Charlie

P.s I will call him though, mabe he can descirbe for me.

01-27-2005, 09:19 PM
You maybe able to contact Sugarhill Maple Container Co. in Turners Falls Ma. 413-863-2222. They can tell you if they make a state jug and were their closest dealer to you is Or another one is Bacon Jug Co.

01-27-2005, 09:23 PM

I have used different types of jugs and I think you will really like these. They are really nice. I went to them this year as he carries ones that say West Virginia on them also!

Just order a couple of cases, you won't be disappointed! :D :D He should probably have some of the synthetic syrup filters and prefilters also and could ship them with the jugs at no additional charges! :D :D :D

01-30-2005, 07:43 AM
Hey Brandon,
I did call Henry this past fri. I didnt get a response from him yet.
found some at Loch's maple farm he has some to.
I did place an order with Loch's. Loch's is closer to me, about 2 hours away. So shipping should be cheaper than henry's?
But I would still like to get price's from Henry to. DOES HE HAVE A WEB ADDRESS OR EMAIL TO.


01-30-2005, 08:17 AM

You will probably hear back from him on Mon or Tues as I think he was going up to Leader and some of the other evaporator companies this weekend to get a tractor trailer load of equipment.

Leave him another message just to be certain. As far as shipping charges, doubt it would matter there. :?