View Full Version : just bought ordered a bunch of stuff!!

red maples
08-04-2009, 10:53 AM
just ordered a bunch of stuff like
$900 worth. spouts, T's, tubing, wire, etc,etc,etc bad thing is I know I will still need more stuff but I can't wait until gets here!!!!! so excited. Have to go finish new sugar house before it gets here!!! its all done just a few more things door handles, shelf, and stuff like that. still have to finish re doing the windows picked up some sashed for $15 and stripping them new glass etc. just some plywood on windows for now. but the wife wanted to put flower boxes on the window:( wanted to keep it more mantownish but hey flowers don't grow in february right!!! it started out to be the shed and got switched hehehe!!!

08-04-2009, 12:21 PM
me thinks we know who the boss is . Like I say she who has or wants to be obeyed usually gets her way.

08-04-2009, 03:28 PM
My sugar house has window flower boxes on it, And it was my idea not my wifes. the sugarhouse sits in my back yard and I try to keep it looking like it is part of my lanscape not an eye sore to it. Also I have alot of year round visitors coming to the sugarhouse and it needs to look nice at all times.

08-04-2009, 09:54 PM
You guys are sad flowers boxes on the sugarhouse.....................:lol:
Okay so lets man them things up a little. How bout you guys take some old sap buckets drill a few holes in the bottom for drainage and screw them to the bottom of the windows, fill with potting soil and then let the one who must be obeyed plant flowers in them. Nice compromise flowers and sap buckets. Man that still does not sound right flowers in sapbuckets. LOL

08-04-2009, 11:55 PM
I figure a deer head or two works also. I have them in the house but for some reason I can't get the bear skin rug out in the open yet. Tried for a few years now.

I would probbably have flowers also and what ever else I can grow also. I keep a greenhouse full of plants all summer and three gardens going also and she has to be obeyed has her flowers all over also.

Dave Y
08-05-2009, 11:51 AM
I feel sorry for you! Having some one giving you orders all the time. I have been My own boss all my adult life and do not take to some one telling me what to do.
My wife asks for very little and gets what she wants and dont ask much from me. she likes deer heads coyote skins and anything else I choose to put in our home and my sugar house. With that said a few flower doesn't hurt a thing,
in or out of sap buckets

08-05-2009, 11:56 AM
Sounds like you have a keeper Dave.

Dave Y
08-05-2009, 09:14 PM
You are right Vermaple. We have tolerated each other for 34yrs now! I forgot to mention she also signed the note for the new evaporator, and I didn't have to twist her arm

08-05-2009, 09:54 PM
Dave Y I just like joking around withyou guys. My lady is pretty much the same way as yours. We have a good understanding with each other. We ask little of each other but when we do we are there for each other. My grandfather told me never ever go to bed mad at each other, sit down on the floor and hold each other till the anger goes away. It was good advice. I cannot recall the last time we were mad at each other. And all my manliness aside if it would make her happy to plant flowers around the sugerhouse I would go out and buy them for her. Just don't hold that against me.

Fred Henderson
08-05-2009, 11:27 PM
I have been retired 8 years and she and I are together every day. We get along just great but we do realize that we each have to have our own space and time away from each other. She goes to auctions by herself and I go to the diner for coffee in the morning.

Dave Y
08-06-2009, 05:22 AM
That one of the reasons she is still your wife. The Mrs . and I are the same way. She does her thing and I do mine . then we sit down and talk about what we have done.
3rdgen that's one thing I learn along time ago is not to joke about your wife. If I say is true.

08-06-2009, 01:35 PM
Ohh dont worry gentlemen- I wont let the other ladies know how you really feel about those flowers-lol. I just wanted to let you know I dont have flowers outside my sap house -yeah MY sap house;)

Dave Y
08-06-2009, 02:10 PM
Red maples
Sorry we hijacked your thread! I Know you are excited about the equipment you have ordered. i Hope it is everything you want. It is hard to wait on something like that. I know I cant wait till my new rig is here. But I have alot of work to do before it gets here.

08-06-2009, 06:15 PM
Ohh dont worry gentlemen- I wont let the other ladies know how you really feel about those flowers-lol. I just wanted to let you know I dont have flowers outside my sap house -yeah MY sap house;)

I hope you know we complain because we are bored. It's that weird time of the year. I used to say it was between spring bear season and fall hunting season but i don't hunt anymore so its between syrup season and other then cutting fire wood and looking at a unfinished evaportaor I think I don't have anything to do. I dream a lot.
I need to find a few more buckets and spouts for next year also. I have to look and find the 5/16 bucket spouts as going around the bush all my small holes are almost closed up but the 7/16 holes have hardley started. That extra little bit sure makes a difference.

08-07-2009, 02:26 PM
"maple talk" is good no matter how it is done! Most of the fun of sugaring comes from friends and talking, so enjoy!~Dawni