View Full Version : deer still in velvet!!

red maples
08-03-2009, 02:20 PM
Even though its only august a little hunting fever is itching me!!!! I looked out the front window and saw a 4 and a six point munching at my peach trees. still in full velvet they were scratching at their horns a little with their hooves. time to dust of the bow and start to practice a little!!!

08-03-2009, 02:40 PM
Your lucky I can't hunt here in Quebec because I can't function in french well enough to take the course and tests. Deer ate the tops off all the little maple trees I planted so I need to get back at them.

red maples
08-03-2009, 02:45 PM
Ae you from canada originally or from the states ?? you need to take some french classes man!!!! So you can take that test and hunt again.

red maples
08-03-2009, 02:47 PM
hey I am now a maple enthusiast!!!!:D

08-04-2009, 03:53 PM
few weeks ago seen a dandy buck drinking out of the creek, sight like that sure does get the mind thinking about bowhunting. only problem is when i sit in the stand, I start thinking about the to do list.....should tighten laterals, jam more wood out, add on line to that section, The list is endless but I sure enjoy that part of spending time in the woods. Only problem here in northern Wis. is the wolves are really multiplying fast and hitting the deer herd hard. The old timers who spent so much effort in eradicateing them are probably spinning in their graves!

08-04-2009, 05:01 PM
Ae you from canada originally or from the states ?? you need to take some french classes man!!!! So you can take that test and hunt again.

I am from Alberta actually. Where I lived we had both white tail and mules and a few miles east there were pronghorn and I used to go out in the hills west and go after elk and bear. Me and moose never got in the same spot for some reason. I have white tail in the back yard most of the time and as I get the trees down and thined out for the maple trees I see more tracks out back.

Homestead Maple
08-04-2009, 08:53 PM
Any serious maple maker doesn't think about hunting until all repairs are made, wood is put up, and all the repairs in the woods are taken care of.

08-04-2009, 09:22 PM
That's funny Homestead cause I was thinking any serious bowhunter would have all his maple stuff done and not think about anything but venison.:D

08-05-2009, 11:54 AM
Your lucky I can't hunt here in Quebec because I can't function in french well enough to take the course and tests. Deer ate the tops off all the little maple trees I planted so I need to get back at them.

You have to be retested in each province in Canada? Most states accept a previous from another state I think I know VT does. You may have to hunt here.

08-05-2009, 03:29 PM
I always put up my trail cameras Aug 1, every year, which still catches most of those bucks in velvet. This gives lots of time to check the bucks touring the farm and gives me plenty of time to finish preparing for maple season, and gets things well underway for deer season.


08-05-2009, 07:43 PM
I took my hunter training course in 1973 before computers exsisted and Quebec dosn't accept it anyways as it would cost me 6o bucks to hunt with a bow and another 60 bucks to hunt with a rifle. Owell deer don't mind much.
rate I am going it will be turkey season before I get my maple stuff done.

220 maple
08-05-2009, 08:56 PM
Bucks are still in velvet in my little corner of West Virginia, I at one time could not wait for Bow and Gun season. Then I started making syrup and the rest is history. I go hunting every year, but my new favorite saying, If I NEVER KILL ANOTHER DEER I'VE KILLED TOO MANY ALREADY. Now that's sad if I must say so myself.

Mark 220 Maple

08-05-2009, 10:19 PM
220 my favorite saying is " If you are not gonna eat it don't kill it" I pass this down to my kids. One day one of the boys came home bragging he shot a tweety bird with his bb gun. I pretended to be excited for him and told him to go back and get it. When he got back I said guess what is for dinner. No joke the kid ate it and never shot another tweety bird again. Everytime he picks up that bb gun I ask him what is for dinner tonight and he says tin cans.

08-07-2009, 07:51 AM
Just remember guys, a job is something to keep you occupied between hunting and fishing season!!!!

08-07-2009, 10:18 PM
My fishing season last a full year then I start all over again.

red maples
08-08-2009, 11:13 AM
Back in the day when I way more time!@##$$% I used to practice with my bow all the time. I would love to practice more, but I ususally start to practice in june.

There is nothing I hate more than a bad shot at a deer. Even with the gun. I think I only had to use 2 shots to down a deer once. every other time it is 1 and done.!!!!

I grew up in New Jersey and talk about alot of deer. but The thing I used to hate was going to the deer checking station and seeing these guys from gun clubs who just go in and slaughter the deer. 4 broken legs, pick-up trucks full of deer all shot to heck!!!. and who knows how much of it they can really use of it.

I use as much as possible, I make jerky, sausage, all usual steaks and stew meat and stuff, use the bones for stock. and I do it all myself.

I lived in Mass for a short time and gun laws there are terrible I to missed a year shot gun because I had to get a firearms ID card. had to take a course, with a test, finger prints took about 8-12 months to do all that what a pain...sorry and no offence but glad I don't live there anymore!!!!