View Full Version : bumper crop next year???
08-03-2009, 07:45 AM
we had alot of rain the season before this could we be looking at another bumper year for next year. its rained 2-4 days outa the week for 2-3 weeks. mabe a good sdap flow next year. what do you guys think?
08-03-2009, 09:55 AM
I'll let you know next May!!!
08-03-2009, 10:55 AM
Ask 3rgen when he taps this fall and see what he gets. Maybe we should help him out a bit as he is going to give us a early warning system as to what to expect.
08-03-2009, 11:24 AM
I will let you guys know for sure how it goes this fall. You guys want my prediction. Well 3 things come to mind. Very wet dirt means a hard frozen ground that will take a little longer than normal to give up the sap. 2 nd thing I think we will get some good runs after that and last I think it will be a low sugar content year. The trees need the sun to make the sugar. I suggest everyone get some extra wood cut for the upcoming season. Longer boils with low sugar content. You guys with the ro's are gonna be busy as well. That is my prediction and Im sticking to it. Looking back I think we got most of our rain last year in the spring and then again late in the fall. I could be wrong. We had a very dry spring here and rain most everyday this summer.
red maples
08-03-2009, 11:58 AM
Last year we had a very wet summer here in NH. and sugar levels were very low across the state about 1.5 to 1.8%. guys ran through tons of lots sap but low yeilds of syrup mostly dark, b, anc comercial. Last year was my first year of playing with the back yard rig and I experimented with reds and sugars and the sugars were at 1.6% and the reds were at 2.1- 2.4% Some of my property is wet lands with dense reds and the swap which usually dries up during the end of july never dried last year. Soooo??? and the red syrup was better than the sugar maple syrup lighter color better flavor all around better!!! I only made a little of each about 15 taps red and 10 taps sugars. sap content was more with the sugars but longer to boil.
so go figure!!!
We have had a very wet season again. and swap has very high water so far. so I will compare it to last years log although from 25 taps to 200 taps tapping both types again. we'll see!!!keep some of it separate and see what happens...
some guys I talk to swear by sugars. only tap sugar what ever. the red syrup was better last year!!!! in my opinion anyway.
Fred Henderson
08-03-2009, 01:36 PM
With the amount of rain that we have had I seriously doubt that we will get much snow That means more cold with no snow clouds for cover. The warm and cold periods before and during the snow stroms makes for sweeter sap.
red maples
08-03-2009, 02:04 PM
we got about 100 inches of snow by my measurements last year and the coldest temps that I have seen in 15 years.
08-03-2009, 02:46 PM
The old timers here claim that the fewer thaws in the winter before maple really starts makes for a better season. Last winter never had a thaw after New years here untill March and look how the season went for me. If we had not have had the winter of 96 back in Alberta I would have had to say the snow was more also but that year we got so much snow it made this year pale in comparision.
I met a fellow at Lodge that is in his 80's that sugars and I will start picking his brain now for little tidbits of info.
Was also not bad for temps but after seeing 60F in my life -30C is a walk in the park. Electrician could not beleive I could work in it barehanded as he froze his fingers off.
red maples
08-03-2009, 02:50 PM
those oldtimers are the way to go!!! I have learned so much from them on all types of subjects they are loaded with info!!!
08-03-2009, 03:53 PM
The old timers here claim that the fewer thaws in the winter before maple really starts makes for a better season. Last winter never had a thaw after New years here untill March and look how the season went for me.
One of the old sayings here is that you will have a good run for every thaw you get during the winter.
I'm with maplwrks, ask me in May.:lol:
08-03-2009, 06:56 PM
Fred I said the same thing last year. With all the rain we had we are not gonna get that much snow. That theory did not pan out. I had more snow here late in the winter than normal. I had to use a stepladder to get to some of my taps when I pulled them.
Fred Henderson
08-03-2009, 07:23 PM
Well I am one of the oldtimers now and what they told me has always proven to be true We have to get so much precipated each year, it either comes in rain or snow. So just in case it comes on a very cold winter(no snow clouds)I plan on laying in a few extra cords of wood.
08-03-2009, 07:44 PM
guys- I want to weigh in with my thoughts on the upcoming season. Ive read everyones theories and Ive kind of reasoned everything out and this is what Ive kind of come up with, " TAP EVERY FREAKIN TREE YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON AND DRAG EVERY STICK OF FIREWOOD HOME YOU CAN FIND OR STEAL, THIS IS GOING TO BE THE MOTHER OF ALL SEASONS!!!!!!" Dont have any scientific evedence just have that feeling. Plus its fun to think like that. Theron
08-03-2009, 07:54 PM
guys- I want to weigh in with my thoughts on the upcoming season. Ive read everyones theories and Ive kind of reasoned everything out and this is what Ive kind of come up with, " TAP EVERY FREAKIN TREE YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON AND DRAG EVERY STICK OF FIREWOOD HOME YOU CAN FIND OR STEAL, THIS IS GOING TO BE THE MOTHER OF ALL SEASONS!!!!!!" Dont have any scientific evedence just have that feeling. Plus its fun to think like that. Theron
Now that is a theory I can get behind! Don't forget to add, "Boil in every pot, pan, styrofoam cup, old boot, etc. that you can find!"
08-03-2009, 08:07 PM
Wilcox- I like the posative. Im tapping in the second week of January no matter what the weather is and Im going to get all my spiles sunk in the trees so that I can fix all the squirrell chews before it thaws out and game on. Theron
08-03-2009, 08:08 PM
As far as rain making a good season next year remember it takes alot of sun to make starch to be stored in the roots to inturn make high sugar content next year
i say lowsugar next year. too cold and too wet this summer. volume in the spring will depend on rain and snow in feb and with theron need lots of wood
Thompson's Tree Farm
08-04-2009, 03:30 AM
I agree, lots of wood. If you don't end up using it, it will be even dryer by 2011. As to the production, I'll take what I get. I have had bumper crops when the neighbors had little and vice-versa. Same with sugar content. I don't try to outguess Mother Nature, just work with her.
red maples
08-04-2009, 10:43 AM
was thinking this morning (WOW thinking!!!) If maple trees are like (or sugar content) was like a grape, peach strawberry or what ever type of fruit, Have less rain or water in general the fruit is sweeter because the sugar content is higher add more rain or water and fruit is not as sweet and sugar content is lower or the same just more diluted. that is why as far as I know anyway , that wine is better durring a slightly dryer season because the the sugars are not as diluted.
But I like theron's theory tap it, boil it, and hope for the best because its WHAT WE LOVE TO DO!!!! RIGHT!!!!
08-04-2009, 07:01 PM
I know the leaves are going to be off the trees early in these parts. There are a few reds here and there in full color. 4 to 5 weeks ahead of schedule at this point. Lots of color in the bog by Robiez place.
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