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View Full Version : MMSA Fall Tour

08-01-2009, 11:46 PM
The MMSA Fall Tour will be on the 26th. of September in the Charlotte area of Michigan. Details will follow.

08-02-2009, 11:19 PM
Your Invitation
To the MMSA 2009 Fall Tour

September 26th, 2009
Eaton County Michigan

Where: Starting at Haigh’s Maple Syrup & Supplies, LLC
6903 S. Lacey Lake Road, Bellevue, MI 49021-8403

Time: Registration begins at 8:00am
Coffee, Tea and Donuts

Directions: Coming from the south on I-69 take exit #48 to the right. From the exit turn left on Butterfield Hwy and go west into Bellevue to the stop light. At the light turn right on Capital Ave. and go east 3 miles to Lacey Lake Rd. Turn left on Lacey Lake Rd and go north ½ mile. Haigh’s are on the right.

Coming from the north on I-69 take exit #51 to the right. From the exit turn right on Ainger Rd. Go north about 4 miles to first stop sign, Battle Creek Hwy. Turn Left on Battle Creek Hwy an travel 3 miles to Lacey Lake Rd. Turn right on Lacey Lake Rd and go north ½ mile.

Bellevue is easy to find from M-78, M-79 and M-66. We are 10 miles from Charlotte. We are 16 miles from Battle Creek.

If you need more directions call the Haigh’s at 269-763-2210.

08-02-2009, 11:21 PM
Fall Tour Registration Form
Eaton County
September 26th, 2009

Name______________________________________________ ___
Address___________________________________________ ____
City________________________State__________Zip____ _____
Number of Adults attending __________@ $15.00_____________
Number of Children Attending________@ $12.00_____________
If you do not pre-register the cost will be $20.00 at the door.

Sales Items,
Pre-order and save shipping cost__________________________
(please fill out order form and send with this registration)

Check Number________Check Amount__________________

Registration must be postmarked on or before
September 12th, 2009

Make checks payable to:
Michigan Maple Syrup Association

Mail check, this form and sales item order form to:

MMSA Fall Tour
Larry Haigh
6903 S. Lacey Lake Rd.
Bellevue, MI 49021-8403