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Gumlaw's sugar shack
07-31-2009, 01:49 PM
I just got back into sugaring 2 years ago and I have to say I don't know why I got out. It's great to see family and friends have some much fun even If we're a small outfit. We collect all our sap in buckets so the more hands the better. It's very rewarding for me to see my 9yo. stepson wanting to learn the tricks of the trade. He's learning a important lesson in life that a little
hard work pay's off in the end. He takes great pride in our finished product. I hope that it goes on long after I'm gone.

07-31-2009, 04:04 PM
I myself was born and raised in western Canada and when I made the decision to move east Maple was one of the reasons. That and trees period. I also carried all my sap in to the house from half a mile away until the last week when the snow melted and the ground dried up enough to drive in the feilds of the neighbour. I think it's one of the neatest things I ever did. I am hopeing to be able to continue doing it for a long time. I got started at way over 50 but I am still pretty tough for a old man.

08-01-2009, 08:52 AM
Thats interesting Ken, did you have relatives in maple country to infect you with the bug? Most people have a connection to maple somewhere before they jump in. You may have explained this somewhere, but I don't feel like searching. You are actually not far from me, just over the border.

08-01-2009, 09:26 PM
I bought this place in 2007 because she who has to be obeyed wanted to move back to Quebec and I had accomplised almost all my goals in life back in Alberta and needed a challenge again. I couldn't move here myself until after June 13 of 2008 as I had a elected position in my lodge and wanted to finish it out so my missius stayed here alone for the first year and then I got here in June. I had never tasted real maple syrup until I met my missus and she had these cans of the stuff. I had a collector jug of it my mom gave me 35 years ago that I had never opened that came from Lake Brome Quebec and that was my intrest in maple syrup when I got here.
Believe me Quebec is more of a challenge then I figured it would be but I am slowley learning the language. I am almost certain I will go to French school for year starting Sept. so that I can fit in a bit better.