View Full Version : DRAFT inducer

07-11-2009, 12:48 PM
i just purchased a draft inducer to put in my outdoor wood boiler, to reduce blow back smoke, and help get fires going when i throw green wood in it.

has anyone put a draft inducer in thier evaporator chimney. With this unit, you cut a retangular hole in your chimney and put this paddle fan on it.

just wondering...seems to be less expensive than the fans and grates that you see from the maple companies...this thing cost me 137 plus tax and shipping..


07-11-2009, 02:36 PM
So its like a torque converter on the chimney sounds like. Reduces the back pressure on the stove. Same thing as those electric fans you put in your furnace ducts to increase flow to the registars. Over comes friction a bit is what it does.

Haynes Forest Products
07-12-2009, 02:06 AM
Im think it will last about as long as it takes to get things boiling and then it will be toast. The words draft inducer impleys that once you induce the draft your good to go and the convectin will take over???

07-12-2009, 06:29 PM
years ago we tried this, didnt seem to help to much. we had a 30' smoke stack, 22" round sections. right off the base stack the next section had a 8" downward angled pipe that we had a blower hitched into. so basically the air was forced upward to create a vortex effect in the stack. (called it a venturi set up). Haynes is right, helped at first, but if you have enough stack height to begin with.....no benefit after its hot and rollin. If you want more draft pull, go to a industrial induction fan. just what we found out by trial and error.