View Full Version : fire in the sugarbush

07-03-2009, 05:57 AM
finally got around to reading my NHMPA newsletter and read about Ben Fisk's brush fire at his leased sugarbush in Newbury NH. anyone else know more about it? was he insured? sounds like it melted a bunch of tubing...

what a bummer- same guy lost his main sugarbush to last December's Ice Storm in southern NH


maple maniac65
07-03-2009, 06:46 AM
After reading it myself I wondered why I do not carry insurance for replacing pipeline. At the cost of replacement and the expense of time to put it up would insurance be a wise choice. Up here in what is called Northern NH brushfires are not that common, but they do happen.

Homestead Maple
07-03-2009, 02:14 PM
I saw Ben at NH Int. speedway a couple weeks ago and he said that the tubing that burnt was some old stuff and he wasn't to concerned about it.