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Thompson's Tree Farm
07-01-2009, 06:46 AM
To all our northern Sugar neighbours:
Happy Dominion Day!
07-01-2009, 08:42 AM
We are 142 years old today. I feel like it sometimes. Have to watch for fireworks tonight.
07-01-2009, 09:51 AM
where did june go??
07-01-2009, 06:12 PM
Just finished mixing & poring a yard of concrete to extend the floor in the pole barn that will be used as the sugar house this season. For some reason, 20 years ago, I thought it was easy to pour twice this much. Going to go relax the back now............ Dane
Dennis H.
07-01-2009, 07:07 PM
Hey Theron here is the pic's so far.
I just got to finish up the base and motor, I shold have that done tomorrow.
I did get the glass sight glass cleaned up I kept pushing a small piece of scrotchbrite pad thru it and it clean up to like new.
Gary R
07-01-2009, 08:28 PM
I thought you were a bucket guy? What are you going to do with that pump;) . Give us some plans:)
Dennis H.
07-01-2009, 08:38 PM
I am still a bucket guy but I got to keep my options open!!:evil:
I was going to do a small tubing setup this year an dif I could get ahold of a vac I was going to try that also. Well the planets aligned and the vac pump gods dropped one off at the house this past Sunday. So now it looks like I will be doing a small tubing setup WITH vac.
And yes I will still have buckets this coming season, you got have some buckets right?
07-01-2009, 09:23 PM
Holy cow Dennis! Thats nice! I knew after seeing your evap that that pump would end up looking like that. Theron
07-01-2009, 10:44 PM
Most in the maple line I have done the last couple of days was to plant a maple tree. For some reason I have a maple tree growing in the green house and it had a few little trees growing around the bottom that we potted up and grew a bit bigger before putting back out side. Have to keep cutting the topp of the bigger tree as it can't be moved as it grows from under the foundation.
Have to get back to work on things like a evaporator pretty soon. Do any of you guys know where a person can heavy weight liners for big barrels. I seen rain barrels made of cedar in Rona that have liners with taps in them that would work great for sap storage if a person could just buy the liners.
07-02-2009, 05:42 AM
BIGSAP UPDATE FROM NORTHEASTERN PA- Been working steady on syrup stuff although not killing myself at it. Took a bunch of big ash down last year and Booy and I have been dragging it out of the woods as of late. Got a lot of it cut up now firewood length and ready to split. Going to be great sugar wood, very nicely seasoned. Going to try to have quite a lot ready this year. Not adding many taps this year although doing a lot of improvements on my lines. I am loosing some more cull trees that Im removing but I am adding some more good taps so I think Ill be at a wash on the tap count. Going to try to make considerably more syrup this year just with my finetuning. Im shooting for 1800 gallons which would be a little over a half gallon becouse Im guessing im running somewhere around 3500 taps, might not be a reasonable goal but what the heck might as well shoot for the moon. Im hoping to cut in half a lot of my laterals with new mainlines, lighten up taps per lat, stuff like that. Also hoping to have a second high pressure vessel so I can stay ahead of the sap better and have better sap to boil but have to wait and see how the money situation is. Hope everyone is having a nice summer. Theron
07-02-2009, 06:45 AM
Dennis- great job on the paint job. Are you running and electric motor on that pump? I like the sight of a 4 gallon bucket overflowing on a tap of a big suagr maple also but vacuum is the way to go. You'll convert I am sure and there are always roadside trees to get your bucket fix!
Still working on wood and then I am going into the woods to check on things. Going to change out the bottom half of my main from 3/4" to 1" since I'll be adding more taps at the bottom. Get another week of vacation at work this year so that ought to be good for another 100-200 taps. 500+ taps on a 2x6 HMMMM. My plan is to work the help (father, wife) such long hours there begging me for an RO!
Also booked an anniversary weekend trip at a B&B in Vermont in a few weeks.
Have to plan out some side trips (sugarhouses, equipment dealers) , after all its my anniversary to. LOL
Dennis H.
07-02-2009, 12:14 PM
It is a 1 1/2hp electric motor.
Before I tore it all down to clean it up we had it running and man did it sound sweet.
The only thing that I have to get is a short length of reinforced Rubber hose that is 1 7/8" ID that is about 6" long. It was used to connect the inlet of the pump to the tank that stands beside it. I was going to reuse it but once I took it off I found that there wasn't much left of the wall of the tubing where it wasn't being suported by the inlet pipe.
I just finished painting the base and motor this morning so once it dries I will put her together and post more pics.
She sure did shine up nice though!
Dennis H.
07-02-2009, 12:19 PM
Maplewalnut we were just up in Vermont last week on a "Family" vacation also.
Very nice area.
The ONLY maple place we went to was Leader up in Swanton. I had to get a few things for next season and since I was in the area, you know the drill.
After I got home I also found that there was another maple supply manufacturer in Swanton that I could have stopped at, oh well maybe next time.
Thompson's Tree Farm
07-02-2009, 12:29 PM
There are four places within 30 miles of Swanton; Leader, La Pierre, CDL, and Dominion and Grimm. If you are going to the area, check the net for directions and make the stops.:)
Dennis H.
07-02-2009, 06:36 PM
This week is ending really good here.
Went over to my dad's this morning to help him with his computer and he informed me that he just bought a nice log splitter from Tractor Supply.:D
We have been talking about getting one now for a few years and we decided that this year was the year when we buy one.
I still have a 6x10 dump trailer full of cut wood that needs splitting so it looks like I will be the one breaking in the slitter this weekend.:cool:
07-02-2009, 08:21 PM
Wood cutting has come to a halt for a while around here. We had almost 2 inchs of rain monday and then sprinkles and then a bunch today so its like a swamp out there. Where I cut last week there are trees down over the path I cut through the down trees already. Never ending problem out there. Cutting up a bunch of old maple trees that died and went down in the past and also a lot of elms.
07-02-2009, 09:18 PM
Lots of rain here too Ken. This weather has moved us to work on inside projects.
Son Eric is restoring Cheryl's (mid 70's) 127 Cub Cadet. Just ordered the engine rebuild kit. Will have the machining started next week. New tire tube and rebuilt clutch on the mini bike for Mike, finished a welding cart for the 110 MIG welder to move it around, made maple peanuts, maple candy and maple peanut butter today. Plus ran all over the country picking up parts and stuff.
Even purchased my hunting license today, with the muzzle loader and bear stamps.
Looking forward to hunting squirrels with Eric and Rocky his new Fiest pup.
I was very surprised that the 4 lb of maple candy came out so nice! Even in this weather. I boiled light syrup to 238 F and the machine did the rest. I now have enough molds to probably make 8-12 lb. at a time if required. This really convinces me again that having the right equipment sure makes the job easier.
07-03-2009, 08:58 PM
Wow-finally got some sugaring stuff done today (worked all day in the rain yesterday-inside today?) got a barrell jugged up and lifted the pans on the arch,,,
I ran a friends slasher the other day,,they are stacking tops for a chipper,,I bought a bunch of hardwood -pine and slashed it 4 foot and loaded my trucks for some outdoorboiler customers,,,he said I could have all the blocks on the landing,,must be 30 cords worth
Neighbors also gave me 20+ cords of blocks,,,just got to get it home and worked up,,,,,need to find a tractor to run my splitter,,,,,
Got the new truck home,,,85 IH 1654,,with a steel 12'x7.5'x5'body (2.5 cord body)needs a moter (has a 6.9 I.H.) plan on putting a 7.3IH in it,,runs now but takes either to get it going and blows compression out rad.,,water in oil,,,REAL NICE TRUCK!!! just needs a littel work,,,,
need to start spiffing the place up for the aug.2nd MAPLEHOLICS MEETING!
Have a great 4th...........
Amber Gold
07-04-2009, 12:29 PM
Finally got my new wood shed (portable garage) it's time to fill it full of wood. Hopeing to put about 10 chord in there. Picked up my new s/s round bottom feed tank yesterday thanks to Scott. This is a small 130 gal that'll fit in the corner behind my evaporator. It'll be nice to have it inside where it'll stay cleaner and be less susceptable (sp??) to freezing. Got all my tanks squared away for next season, now I just need to convert my old float setup to the newer 3-pipe style. Also would like to find the money for an intenso-fire arch...hopefully this fall.
Participated in Barrington Farm Day last weekend and about out of syrup. I'll need to buy some more if I'm to stay stocked up all season...although it's not moving very fast.
07-05-2009, 08:59 AM
Had a good 4 th of July at our local event, Goat Fest in Albion. Maple value added products were the favorite and we sold out of several maple items.
Looking forward to some leasiurly days off over the next week.
May try to start a new maple project??
Lets see:
- Air over fire?
- Steam enhancing system?
- Cream machine?
- Truck sap pumping system
Too many choices?:)
Have a great day!
07-05-2009, 10:58 PM
Worked at clearing out around maples that wouldn't flow this spring and get some sun on the truncks of them. Its slow going as almost every cedar on the place leans the wrong way and its hard not to damage a maple with out screwing around a lot. Had one tree try and fall the wrong way and then a big gust of wind blew it right over the way I wanted it to go.
Slowly getting may new pans made for the evaporator. Never though it would be that much work. I now know why store bought pans are worth so much. Bought bits to drill SS and they wouldnt touch it so had to dig untill I found a old bit that would drill SS. Word to the wise don't buy cheap expensive bits.
Jim Brown
07-06-2009, 05:37 AM
KenWP; From an old boilermaker-we used to drill SS with regular bits but you have to use mineral oil as a bit coolant ,regular bits will drill right through the stuff if it's cool
07-06-2009, 07:11 AM
I had to use what we call Tap Ease or tapping fluid and a drill press and I was able to drill probbably 100 holes with out sharping it. With out the fluid the bit would drill probbably 2 holes. I was drilling 5/32 holes by the way.
07-06-2009, 09:24 PM
Another thing that may be happening is the steel "work hardens" as you "rub" it with the bit. Best way to use a drill bit is lube and MAKE IT CUT. When it's rubbing without cutting, you are generating heat. When you get a chip to come over the cutting edge, you are using the base metal, along with the cutting oil, to cool the cutting edge. The cutting oil helps to conduct heat from the cutting edge into the base metal and into the chip.
07-06-2009, 10:22 PM
With all this rain I have to work in the shop lately and she who has to be obeyed is sure wondering what I am building this time. I have all these 6 inch long SS tubes set out on the bench with the ends soldered up and she wonders if I have lost my mind again. Waiting untill I have it built to expalin this one as a picture is worth a thousand and 10 words I am hopeing.
If the rain keeps up I will be able to use a boat to haul in wood pretty soon.
07-07-2009, 10:33 PM
Okay who was driving by my house in a MaplePro truck today? Got the evaporator and arch all polished and the arch paint redone. I am amazed at how one season can turn an arch into a mess like that. Also had my late grandfathers name stencilled on the ash door with 2500 degree ceramic paint and then a bake job to cure it in memory of the man who got this family into the maple madness. Got it back on the arch and sent my father in to see it and it brought a tear to his eye. Man I miss that man. Repainted the sugar house also and got some more wood cut. Long day but got alot done. First day off in 10 days and I worked on maple stuff, I think I need a shrink.
Dennis H.
07-09-2009, 09:17 PM
Man, it sure is quiet on the Trader lately!:o
I now have enough wood split for the next 2 years I think! I have been told from the BOSS that I am not to cut another tree till all this wood is gone.:cry:
I am working on a small shed structure to put my new vac in it looks like it will be about 6'x3' when all said and done. I am going to try and get the lumber this weekend to build it.
Other than that not much going on here.:cry:
07-09-2009, 10:26 PM
Man, it sure is quiet on the Trader lately! :lol:
Dennis you got that right! Must be everybody is on family time now. I make the trader my rest stop before turning in for the night and there is little on it.
If it was not for KenW there would probably be nothing on it:lol:
Gonna get a tap count and mark some more maples this weekend, Get some more wood cut and slap some trim paint on the sugarhouse, and put the last coat of enamal on the outside of the holding tank in the sugarhouse. That should keep me busy for an hour. When thats done gonna go see them Supermodifieds run with the wings at Oswego Speedway. I don't know what is more addicting for me a supermodified or an evaporator.
07-09-2009, 10:42 PM
I am in the middle of doing nothing. Just haven't been able to get much done. Too wet to cut wood and not in the mood to do much else. I am slowly working on my evaporator updates. A freind had offered me his Greenlee punchs to cut the holes and then he hasn't answered me back as to where to go pick them up yet. I might have to go look somewhere else pretty soon.
I walk around checking out trees also and trying to figure out a better game plan then this last springs workout. Can't belive how dark it is in the woods with the leaves on the trees compared to the spring when they were bare.
Oh I did find the septic tank today which wasn't were the map said it was and dug up the second chamber to apease the boss lady that it was okay. I tried to talk my way out of it but ended up digging a big hole and then covering back over again. Sheesh next I will be building a rock garden or something .
07-09-2009, 10:59 PM
Ken keep her away from your man space (sugarhouse) If she has you planting flowers around it your officially whipped and she broke you in good. A better sap gathering option for you is to send she who has to be obeyed out there and haul it back. Show her who is boss man don't be afraid.
220 maple
07-09-2009, 11:32 PM
220 Maple
Preparing two sugarbushes for a walk thru by my Amish equipment dealer and tubing supplier. One of the bushes I'm planning on boiling the sap the other I'm planning to sale the sap. The bush that is closest to my camp and is located in the next hollow beside my Pendleton County bush is loaded with sugars. I tied ribbons around trees Tuesday and kept count, 350 tapable trees, I had been in that hollow on two previous occasions tying ribbons and didn't keep count so I'm guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 750-800 trees so far and I'm not done yet. There is two hollows on this property both are loaded with trees. Hopefully in the next two weeks I have a count of trees and taps. The other bush that I'm preparing is located 25 miles from my camp and is owned by my first cousin. 400 hundred acres of Sugar trees, he and I are going to put paint on them because tying ribbons would take the rest of the summer. If every tapable tree would be tapped I guessing 5000 or more taps. Hopefully tomorrow my cousin and I are going to get started I will post what numbers of trees and taps we come up with. Until Sunday.
07-10-2009, 12:04 AM
Ken keep her away from your man space (sugarhouse) If she has you planting flowers around it your officially whipped and she broke you in good. A better sap gathering option for you is to send she who has to be obeyed out there and haul it back. Show her who is boss man don't be afraid.
You a funeral director looking for work or something. I figured getting her to run the evaporator for me for a few hours was doing good. I plant the garden already have since I was like 12 years old anyways.
07-10-2009, 12:17 AM
Okay Ken you are off the hook for a little while since she does help run the evaporator. You had me worried for awhile. I should have thought about the funeral director job I guess that is one part of the economy that is not dying.
07-10-2009, 06:05 AM
BIGSAP UPDATE FROM NORTHEAST PA- Been working on something maple along pretty regular. Moved my semi trailer up to the shed yesterday. Kind of a struggle but got it in position nice. That will eliminate pumping sap back up from way below the house and also gives me a three thousand gallon tank to recirculate in. The trailer has two three thousand gallon tanks. Ive also finetuned and split up most all the laterals in my cull tree stand for better vac transfer. Got a lot of wood cut up that needs to be split. Pulled up a lot of mainlines tighter, etc. My next move is to run electric to the releaser down the road and put those tanks on a sump pump to make that an automatic setup. Then I wont have to pump up from the trailer anymore or from those tanks either. Plus then I can put the releaser in a heated box as well. Im trying to eliminate as much work as possable. Over all just having fun finetuning everything that gave me any trouble last year and trying to squeeze as much sap as I can from my tubing setup. Theres ALWAYS room for improvement. Hope everyone is having a fun summer. Cant wait for JANUARY!!! BIGGGGGGGGGG!!!SAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
07-10-2009, 06:10 AM
. I should have thought about the funeral director job I guess that is one part of the economy that is not dying.
Well the business is dying, but it hasn't slowed with the economy
07-10-2009, 09:32 PM
You said you are trying to eliminate as much work as possible, Don't you know by now in sugaring that is impossible?
Keep trying
07-10-2009, 11:20 PM
Had a busy day today. Went to the place I found that sells SS and asked him what the peices of SS plate hanging around was worth. $1.75 a pound am wondering if that's in the ball park or not. He had 4x8 sheets of 18gauge for $210 bucks also.
I spied a little garage sale on the side of a busy road and they had a SS beer keg standing there. Cost me $10 bucks now I have to figure out what to do with it. I have never actually seen a beer keg before so am mistified as to how it actuallt works. Has a weird sort of plug in the bottom with a triangle shaped adapter on it. Owell something else she who asks questions will wonder if I lost my mind over.
Father & Son
07-11-2009, 04:59 AM
If that 18 ga 4 x 8 is bright anneal stainless that is less than half of what you can get it around here for.
Gary R
07-11-2009, 06:03 AM
Ken, Beer kegs work great! I've drank alot of them:lol: That is a good price for the stainless.
220 maple
07-11-2009, 06:25 AM
Yesterday I started marking trees on my cousins property, he had marked some earlier in the week. I am using orange florescent paint to mark with. I am keeping count as I go thru the woods, He and I have about 10 acres marked. We are setting at 783 taps, about 80 taps per acre. Hopefully we can cover some more ground today.
Mark 220 Maple
I discovered an easier way to mow around the sugarhouse. We have electricity, so I plugged in the Grass Hog string trimmer and it whacked down the weeds nicely. The only places we need to mow are within extension cord distance. It's a lot easier than lugging a mower up there, and it's looking good now.
Otherwise not much is happening. I got some carpentry done in the shack that I had meant to do for a while. That cold rainy day last week was perfect for it.
07-11-2009, 09:28 PM
I got a wedding favor order to put up in the morning. 216 of them. This the first time using 50ml log cabin as a wedding favor. most of the time it has been the maple leafs
07-11-2009, 10:47 PM
I figure the trees here will drown pretty soon. Nothings growing worth beans with the cooler weather and rain. I have been opening up around some of my maples lately as they are in the dry spots out in the woods. I am hopeing that the ones that never produced last year will maybe try a little harder if I get rid of the cedars around them.
I am hopeing for some good weather pretty soon or I won't have any wood to burn next year.
220 maple
07-11-2009, 11:12 PM
Covered more ground today marking trees, we have covered about 25 acres and are setting at 1398 taps. If they would be tapped like I tap my trees I would be willing to bet that we would be over 2000 taps, trees that could handle two taps will get one, trees that could handle three will only get two.
There are some trees on this property that are extremely large and old. My cousin tells me they was probably growing when Moses was wearing short pants. Those big trees could handle 4 taps easy, they was tapped 48 years ago. We probably will put three taps in them even though it's beyond the new standard tapping rule of two taps per tree no matter what size the tree is. I guess a won't have to worry about hitting a old tap hole after 48 years.
Mark 220 Maple
07-12-2009, 08:09 AM
220- a high vacuum friend of mine that makes over .5gal a tap only puts one tap in each tree,(he made 11,000 gallons this year),,,,I think thats a littel extream,,,but, I dont think you will gain much with more that 2 taps per tree (if useing vacuum),,,,,its exciting to hear about your new orchards,,keep up the good work and keep us posted,,,,,
07-12-2009, 08:46 AM
I agree with you Parker. UVM's Proctor Center has averaged over 1/2 gal/tap for quite a few years with 1 tap/tree. Granted they have the resources to do everything right, but I don't think I can improve my operation by doing more things wrong. Tree heath certainly should be one of our most important objectives in order to sustain the industry and fewer holes can help tree health. I have seen more than one sugar bush ruined from overtapping.
We use ecolo taps without vacuum, and have only 2 trees with three taps. The rest get one or two. 10" minimum diameter. We have a lot of young trees, so it will be a while before we have a lot of two and three tappers. We get about 80% of a full sized tap, but the trees seem healthy.
They are a little waterlogged this year, but the sun is coming now!
I hope they can make some photosynthesis happen now. The amount of sun was dismal in June. We got almost nothing in the solar department, so I'm sure the trees were feeling it too. I noticed the cornfields around here looked a little yellow, but now that the sun is back they are perking up.
220 maple
07-12-2009, 09:58 PM
Parker and Revi,
I agree one tap per tree would be ideal, especially with high vacuum. I went to a seminar several years ago that was held at camp in a neighboring county. The seminar was held in August and when we walked the woods the so called expert from Vermont asked the land owner why he had not tapped the trees in that part of the bush that spring. He was shocked to find that all the tapholes was closed, he said I believe they could handle more taps if they heal like that. We have a much longer growing season South of the Mason-Dixon. I always error on less taps than more. There is a camp down here that I was told would put a tap every hammer handle lenght. Nothing to have 10 or more taps per tree. They have vacuum on them also, and have had vacuum for many years. I'll keep the site updated as I gather more info. Also a FYI. If any of you saw the History Channel series Monster Quest, the episode about large cats, the video of the large black cat was taken on this property, I carry my camera at all times I could use the History Channel for some free Pub. LOL.
07-13-2009, 01:07 PM
We got the sugar camp cleaned up last week in preparation for the OMSPA summer tour. It certainly needed a good cleaning! I'm sure some of the stuff we threw out was put in there by my grandfather 25 years ago and hadn't moved since! We also spent a day to fill a good sized order for one of our retail stores. I've got a good chunk of next year's firewood cut but it still needs to be split and stacked on pallets. I got a chance to look at the structural changes we need made to the rafters in our camp and we think we've got a solution to fit the new evaporator in without raising the roof.
There's too much to do and not enough time!
07-13-2009, 01:50 PM
Sounds like my kind of place Ennis I am know as a collector. The auction after my funeral will make somebody tear their hair out.
07-15-2009, 07:06 AM
Well the first three days of the week are busts so far. I developed a lump and then a severe jolting pain on the right back of my skull starting Monday morning. Had to spend all day in bed and the ammount of painkillers would scare a person. Let up for a couple of hours last night and allowed me to eat and then returned with a passion untill sometime after two this morning. Took way to many pills and finally got to sleep. Just twingin so far right now but will take my pills and my hot bag off to bed for the day again. I have to wait untill I can get a ride to Coaticoak to the hospital tonight hopefully.
So if I sounds off less the next while is because I am down and out.
Haynes Forest Products
07-15-2009, 09:15 AM
Let us know how that Canadian health care works out for you?
07-15-2009, 09:46 PM
KenW you just described something that I had quite a few years ago. Just walking along and all of a sudden a pain hit the back of my head something awfull, there was a lump there as well. After a trip to the doc he declared it was an ingrown hair that got infected or something. Sounds dumb but that was the worse pain I can ever remember. Good luck and go to the doc and let us know whats up.
07-17-2009, 12:36 PM
I am sort of feeling better today. Turns out I have a pinched nerve in my neck most likely and its not makeing me feel well at all. Boreing for me right now as I have tons of work to get done and not able to get at it. Hopefully the steriods in the neck help it out.
All it seems to do here is pour rain every day also. just starts to dry out and away we go again. The forecast two days of no rain for next week. Will believe it when I see it.
07-17-2009, 01:25 PM
Ken hope you feel better!!!
07-17-2009, 06:39 PM
Spent the first day riding the waves in Barbados, nice surf down here. Going to down a couple rum and cokes tonight and listen to the waves.
07-17-2009, 07:29 PM
went up to maine last week on vacation i wanted to stay home and log cause i need to get all the trees i fell out of the woods cut and split and get it drying, i know it wont be dry for sugaring any way but the longer it sits the greener it will be but she maid me go on vacay:mad: but i had fun we went to old orchard beech and man there are some girls up there! WOW! we went to the cabelas store and gues who came home with a new gun? i bought a rem 7400 .270 to upgrade from the .243 but i think im gunna use the .243 this year cause i dont have enough $ for a scope for the .270 but darn i spent $ on a gun instead of a new much needed saw, oh well, still have to fix roof on sugar house and clean the evaporator all over again, going to try and get my new releaser tomorrow:)
07-17-2009, 10:33 PM
Well you can tap holes by shooting them I guess. Holidays are sort of important. Gives you time to rethink .
07-18-2009, 06:23 PM
You are only young and 16 once and this is some of the best years of your life and before you know it, you will be old and ugly like most of the rest of us and your mom will be gone and you wish you had spent more time with her and more vacations like this. There will always be more trees to cut, there won't always be mom.
Gary R
07-18-2009, 06:45 PM
So right you are Brandon. Enjoy your time off Dano
07-19-2009, 10:57 AM
Well I'm on vac in Maine also, went to the Yarmoth Clam festival yesterday and had a good time. I also have so much to do at the sugarhouse but it is good to sit at my campsite and do nothing like I'm doing today.
220 maple
07-19-2009, 09:38 PM
Heading back into the mountains Monday and Tuesday, I hope I can get a total tap count on one of the two bushes that I have been working in. The big bush on my cousins property I'm at 2227 taps with hopefully another 1000 to go. I guessed I would reach 5000 there easy but won't come close. My guess now is 3200 taps. The other woods I have counted over 400 taps in the first 950 feet, the hollow is over 3000 feet long by google earths ruler. I should get 1200 taps plus in that hollow. There is another hollow on that property that I was told I could tap, I don't believe it has as many sugar trees. I will post the final results when I'm done counting.
Mark 220 Maple
07-20-2009, 01:25 PM
220maple, sounds like your really going to do some adding, what size rig do you have,? and do you own a r/o?
good to hear about people having a great summer,
Its been one darn rainy one here,
07-20-2009, 07:08 PM
Doing yard work and trying to work the day job a little too.
Made a small batch of candy just to make sure things were still opeartional and it came out good. Sent a pound to Stacy in Columbus and Adam in Pittsburgh too.
Made a couple pounds of maple crumb Sunday while I was resting.
Cut pallets most of the day and have about 5 cord in the wood shed.
Neighbor Keith accidentally tipped over the bee hive on his property while brush hogging. He was stung about a hundred times! That was Thursday and he was parting with us Sat afternoon. Glad he was not allergic! I have had bees several years and can't imagine getting stung that many times.
Hope all the traders are doing well.
07-20-2009, 11:23 PM
Well They figured out today what's really wrong with me. Turns out I have a cyst on a nerve in the back of my head and because it aggravated the nerve and they gave me cortisone shots I ended up with shingles on my scalp. The pain is so intense some times it feels like a bunch of wasp stings. I have got out of bed for a couple of hours at a time since last monday and no end in sight yet. I am back to the doctor tomorrow Tuesday again and see what's what.
Maple has gone on hold for a while now as I can hardly type let alone think.
07-21-2009, 02:07 AM
KenW good luck at the docs get some rest and soon you will be back after your maple dreams.
07-21-2009, 07:53 AM
Ken WP I had shingles on the left side of my head and almost in my eye.
Get plenty of rest it takes awhile to shake it off. I've been working on making air tight doors for my evaporator. I just about have them done
(need to hang split brick on the doors) also am making it forced air over fire
but can't do that til I get the front back in the evaporator.
Amber Gold
07-21-2009, 02:59 PM
Ken, my grandfather got shingles after my grandmother passed away. That was 4+ years ago and I think he still has them, although the intensity has gone down.
Almost lost my best friend last night. Her stomach flipped and we made an emergency visit to the vet with a surgery to turn it right side up. Looking good so far and hopefully bringing her home tomorrow.
Still working on my wood...haven't gotten too far. It's looking like my plans for an intensofire arch this year will be pushed off till next year...vets aren't cheap. Still planning on adding those 50-75 taps. Will likely be buried in sap next year with those and the high vac. pump
07-21-2009, 09:42 PM
My grandfather got shingles all the time on his chest said it was very painfull but they always cleared up in short order.
Amber tell me about the vet prices. I have 5 dogs and it is not cheap. Got my best friend Molly the german short hair pointer that I bird hunt with. My daughters dog, Girlfriends dog an Akita that weighs 135 pounds and two strays that After months of looking and posting adds for their owners with no luck they became members of the family. Shorthair got a virus a month ago that led to a week on IV at the vets which was not cheap. After I got her back home 2 weeks later the boys were outside playing fetch with her and they threw the dummy into the woods and she never came back. We all spent a few days searching for her and on the third day we got a phone call from the neibor who owns a lodge and said they had some people staying there riding the 4 wheeler trails and took her back to NJ with them. Let me say that she has a collar that has a brass plate that is about 1x2 inches with her name my address phone # etc. plus a chip in her and another tag hanging on her collar. Well I got the address of where they were and made a drive. Got to their house and would not let me in. I was persistant enough to get them to open the door and there she was sitting on the couch. I was so happy to get her back. I hate theifs. Never heard from the police if they charged them or not. Also found out one of the strays had heart worms and let me tell you that is costly and the pain it put that dog through was not fun. He got a clean bill of health few weeks ago and is a happy boy now. Man I got carried away talking about dogs. Guess what it is raining again today. YeeHaw. Ken get well soon and Amber glad to hear your friend is doing good.
220 maple
07-21-2009, 11:06 PM
I don't have the equipment to handle that much sugar water at this time, my equipment dealer has a used 2000 gal/hr ro for 16,000 dollars. Not bad price considering they run about 45,000 dollars new. However I'm not planning on boiling the water from the big bush, I have someone lined up to take the sugar water at .40 cent a gallon if it's 2 percent or better. After the last two days of marking trees I'm still not done. I'm at 3536 tap count and still have a few more acres to cover. The other bush I have a total for the one hollow of the two hollows on the property. 1035 taps on 16.17 acres equaling 64 taps per acre. I believe I can handle that water, the good thing is if I couldn't handle I could always take it to my friend who's buying sap....
Mark 220 Maple
07-22-2009, 08:36 AM
Just thought I'd say hello from my vacation, also. We are on an island on Lower Saranac, Adirondacks. My sister has her mac notebook here, and you can see the towers on Mt. Pisgah from the site.
Ken, hope your feeling better!
07-22-2009, 05:40 PM
sapman your Near me, Are you in saranac Lake Or saranac,
Amber Gold
07-23-2009, 07:07 AM
3rdgen, hate thiefs to. Bastards. My wife keeps talking about getting another, but this is one of the reasons I don't want to. You never know what kind of expenses you'll get.
07-23-2009, 08:12 AM
My last dog actually cost me almost $12000 bucks believe it or not. She was a miniture Dachshund and she figured she was a big dog way to much and one evening in August I went out to the garden to get carrots and potatoes for supper and she followed me as usual and then for some reason never followed me back in the house and decided to go after gophers. A coyote got her. It has taken me a few years to get over her as I every time I hear a little dog bark or see one I think of her. Freind gave me a framed picture of her and I have never taken it out of the wrapper in 4 years. We were supposed to grow old toghether is why a got her. My other dog had slept on the end of my bed for 16 years before she died 3 years ago and I haven't the heart to ever get another dog again after that.
I am slowely starting to feel a bit better sort of. The shingles knocked me for a loop and I ended up with a bit of pneumonia also. Between pain and coughing I don't sleep all that much yet. My evaporator feels lonely out in the shop with me ignoreing it but will probbably get to it in the next week again.
07-23-2009, 10:15 PM
Ken did you pay 12,000 or it end up costing you 12,000. My daughter's dog is a miniture Daschund. Pretty cool little dogs. I have a hard time keeping her out of the woodchuck holes. Hope you feel better soon. I have been seriosly thinking about tapping in October this year. I have enough trees where I could tap another 500 in October, november and still have enough trees where I would not have too retap them in the spring. Not sure if it is a great time of year to be doing it though. I would have to give up some time in the treestands bowhunting. I think I will try it atleast once and see how it goes. I am just about out of syrup and now A local restuarant wants to put up a country display with Maple syrup and other maple goodies. So I either have to tap in the fall or buy some bulk to keep up. I sold them about 6 gallons and they are out already and when the salmon season starts the smokehouses buy syrup from me to glaze the fish with and not to mention how much syrup they might buy from the restaraunt. It is my cousins place so I don't have to worry about competition and they are not looking for any return on the sales they just want another way to draw in people. Then I got a business connection who wants to buy syrup in December and put together care packages to give to his customers. I thought this was a hobby what the heck just happened. I only put syrup in pints and quarts the past couple years as this is what I sell 99% of. 9 bucks a pint 16 bucks a quart should I be raising my price?
07-23-2009, 10:33 PM
Well lets say my bank account got cleaned out for $12000 and in return a got one pup from my dog in return for it. Was take it or lump it. Dachshund means badger dog in German they tell me.
220 maple
07-24-2009, 12:07 AM
I recieved a phone call the other day, one of the tourist traps that sell my syrup is running low. They also want more candy their customers are getting angry. The last thing I need is a angry customer with money to spend. Needless to say I will be jugging syrup before I get back into the woods to finish the tap count in the new sugar bushes for next season. I don't have much syrup left from Maple season. (15 Gallon) I alway try to hold some for Christmas gift season. It sales very well when put up in Christmas glass.
Mark 220 Maple
07-24-2009, 06:15 AM
Funny you guys have or have had mini datsuns,,,I am now the care taker for my daughters mini dautsun,,,REESE-PEICE-POO (the logging dog),,,she is a handfull,,,she loves to chase chipmunks-ect.,,,I bring here to work with me,,Have a 40' rope tied up above a stone wall on the landing and hook her too it with a caribeiner,, she chases chipies all day,,,I have the logging camp set up on the job we are on now and she loves to chase mice in there too,,,,I have learned to NOT let her run free,,I have a 4 foot leash that I hook a 1 1/4" wrench to (like a trap drag) that keeps her wandering in check
OHH yeah-SUGARING,,,well so far this summer I have brought 4 cords of cut and split poplar and pine home,,another 6? cords of stuff that was laying around landings home,,,gonna have a big push next couple of days and get 15? cords of blocks-pulp (some 3+feet thru) I cut 2 years ago home from the landing I am working on now,,,,,
Been doing just cordwood this summer-the Ford F-350 I got earlier this year has been a steady producer,Big Sexy (IH 2 ton) never skipped a beat,,The (new to me)1654 I.H. has been a $ pit,,the latest problem was it would not stay in hi range,,,unfortunatly the 2 speed moter was not the problem,,,went to Camerata yesterday for parts,,should be in today,,,the whole gear head looks pretty beat,,but I dont have the $1650 for a rebuilt chuck,,,,when I get a minute I am going to search the junkyards to try to find one,,,,,Looking tor an EATON 15200,,,if anyone has one laying around
MAPLEHOLICS MEETING SUNDAY AUG 2 AT noon,,,,ALL WELCOME,,,I think the entire MAPLECREEK crew will be here,,,think STEVO is comming back from Maine with some seafood to smoke up- Mark is bringing some new BAR-B-Q grill he has,,,we should have plenty of grill space,,,sugarhouse and area is a mess-but,,,,,
07-24-2009, 08:44 AM
Well my vac. is ending a day early due to rain. My camper is high and dry but I noticed some of the tent sites where soaked. Seems like rain is the norm this year. I'm glad I don't put in hay. Since it is raining and forecasted to for most of the day and night we decided to head home. So I can get back to sugaring work.
07-24-2009, 05:42 PM
Parker, would love to come to the meeting but we are having our family reunion down in oxford mass that day. The good news is that I will be in the Franklin area for a couple of days the end of Sept. and will catch up with you then.
Maple, sugar wood is cut and at the sugar house just needs to be split, about 4 cords of pine and hemlock. Benn looking for a caner filter since the end of the season and last week came across a deal. Went to look and it was bought, more than I could put in the back of a pickup. 2 caners, one cylinder and one 16x16, 2 syrup drums, skimmer, scoop. hydro cup, burner for caners, roll of unopened 5/16 line, tubing tool 2 hands, 5 gallon bucket of fittings mainline and 5/16, 100 drops new, and a 2 bay engish tin sink to was buckets and other things, and 300+ 16qt leader buckets covers and spiles. all for less than day at fenway.
every one enjoy there summer the seasons around the corner.
07-24-2009, 08:08 PM
just got back from the maplerama, went to hear out the proctor research on the check valve spouts. very informative. also interesting to note that this research has been going on since the 1940's.
07-24-2009, 10:21 PM
just got back from the maplerama, went to hear out the proctor research on the check valve spouts. very informative. also interesting to note that this research has been going on since the 1940's.
I ordered 500 of them to try out in one of my bushes next spring. If they work anywhere close to what the Proctor research came up with this spring I'll have my whole bush on them the following year!
07-24-2009, 11:20 PM
Ennis where in Canada are you finding these spouts any ways. I need to really get working on maple a little bit soon. Just been laid so low with this problem of mine.
I have yet to find anything to do with maple in the ads in the paper or traveling around to garage sales or any thing. I wonder where all the old or un used maple stuff really is around here.
07-25-2009, 12:58 AM
Ken I don't know about around you but around this place maple stuff at garage sales are rare and if there is anything it is either junk or gone within minutes. I went to 2 estate auctions this year that listed maple equipment. One I got some miniscule stuff was hardley worth going. Another had about 300 old buckets in great shape Bidding got to down to 50 bucks then it was let the war begin. I stopped bidding at 500 and walked away when it hit 1500 who knows how high it went from there. Crazy that is 5 bucks apeice for used galvanized buckets that I guarantee had lead in them. You can get very good aluminun buckets for 3.50.
Got most of the trim painted on the sugarhouse and of course it rained. Nice sunny skies then rain. I guess I gotta figure it is gonna rain everyday this summer. Plan on packing the last row of wood in the sugarhouse then I am putting a wood shed on the outside and want to fill that and get ahead for next year. One of the printshops I service is able to custom engrave glass bottles for me so that was a good find today. All it will cost me is materials. Nice making friends in the printing business.
Fred Henderson
07-25-2009, 06:09 AM
Where can Alu buckets be bought for 3.50?
07-25-2009, 10:02 PM
Fred I have bought them from Bascom's for 3.50 and your favorite place Patrick. I just looked on Bascom's website look under used Misc. and they are there for 3.50 still. One tip is check first cause There are various sizes and I request the bigger ones that I think are 10 qt ones. I really like these buckets over the galvanized ones. They never rust or split and no worries about lead.
07-25-2009, 11:00 PM
I paid $3 Canadain for mine from D&G here. I like the alumonium ones as the galvinived ones are all rusted up that they sell in places up here. Guy at Lodge offered me a bunch for $2 here a couple months ago.
07-26-2009, 12:36 AM
Ken hook me up Im looking to get Im looking for 200 more
07-26-2009, 12:51 AM
I ordered them at the OMSPA summer tour directly from Bruce Gillilan (sp?) who is the Leader rep for Ontario. I'm not sure if he's the rep for Quebec but you could always send a note to Leader through their website.
Jim Brown
07-26-2009, 07:28 AM
ennis;how much did you pay for the check valve taps?
07-26-2009, 08:35 AM
Heading back to the states this afternoon after ten days in Barbados. Spent the mornings riding waves, afternoon driving around, left hand side of the road took some getting used to, back to the beach to ride more waves, and then dinner and drinks on the deck overlooking the ocean. The best beach days was when it rained, no one else out, just me.
07-26-2009, 09:16 AM
after a long chat with gary g. from leader he is hoping to get the price to 35 cent range. but currently the price is in the 40 cent range. the little rubber ball is 8 cents he told me. and they had to buy 5 million of them
07-26-2009, 10:03 AM
Got a start on cleaning the sugarhouse and the yard around,,brought skidder home and got the neighbors tractor over for the job,,got the slasher saw moved up to the house,,bark-sawdust-ect. cleaned up in the yard,,now ready to haul in wood from across the road,,gonna try to haul in 30 cords this week,,,then set up the hood and splitter and start filling the shed after next sunday,,,goal is a stuffed shed and another 10 cords in the barn,,,
07-26-2009, 05:53 PM
Today was the first time in probbably 3 weeks I have been able to get out and cut wood. I think I have about 11 cords piled up in the bush ready to cut into 16 inch lengths and haul to the house. Will try and cut at least one more days worth of logs and then start cutting them up. I am hopeing it dries out somewhat also as it's to wet to haul it out of a few places.
07-27-2009, 12:03 AM
ennis;how much did you pay for the check valve taps?
I don't have my invoice with me but I believe it was about $0.35 plus I've got to convert to the stubby spouts so the initial cost is about double that. It doesn't take too much extra sap to pay for them if they work as advertised!
Jim Brown
07-27-2009, 06:46 AM
Ennis; We have the 7/16-5/16 adapter so I take it they will not work with them?
07-27-2009, 07:32 AM
You can use 7/16 spouts and put the check vavle on the end of the tap. just like a stubby
Thompson's Tree Farm
07-27-2009, 07:33 AM
I just went and tried an old 7/16 spout in one of the check valve adapters I picked up at leader this spring. It worked fine. It appears you will either need the "stubbies" or old 7/16 spout to plug in to the adapter.
Thompson's Tree Farm
07-27-2009, 07:34 AM
Great minds think alike....I don't know what you'd say about you and I though:D
Jim Brown
07-27-2009, 07:42 AM
So I take it we will be replacing our 5/16 adaptor with the check valves correct?
07-27-2009, 08:04 AM
gary g from leader said will fit all stubbies BUT cdl. guess what stubbies i have?
07-27-2009, 08:14 AM
Let me guess CDL Jeff. lol, i wonder if leaders going to try and make a check vavle that will fit on to a recular 5/16 spout? i hurd they were trying to come up with an idea how to do it, hopfuly somone comes out with something if these checkvalves really work and stay around for a wile.
07-27-2009, 08:17 AM
and correct jim, all you have to do is take the 5/16 adaptor off an put the check vavle on the 7/16 tap or stubby
ha lol thompson's tree farm, we seem to think alike :lol:
220 maple
07-27-2009, 08:05 PM
I can't wait. A gallon of syrup to the taphole. Anyone willing to make a guess at the price of a gallon of syrup when that happens. The largest camp in Canada 165000 taps, How many barrels will they need next spring. It's time to buy stock in barrel manufacturers. Syrup for the masses, I can't wait. I just can't wait........
Mark 220 Maple
07-27-2009, 09:12 PM
As I understand the claims for the check valves you should see an increase of about 50% or more. For most of us that will still leave us far from a gallon/ tap.
07-27-2009, 11:00 PM
Finally getting back online. Nate, we were on Lower Saranac Lake. The fishing got real good once I started concentrating on using the plastic worms. Caught several 12"-18" smallmouths right from the shore on our island.
Those of you who are doing what I plan to do, which is switch to stubbies and checks, when do you plan to make the change? I don't care to change all my tees, so I'm thinking I'll install the stubby and check mid-winter so I can plug them til season.
07-28-2009, 05:50 PM
I'll change mine to stubbies a few weeks before I plan to tap. That way I won't have to worry about them getting dirty. I won't put the check valve reducer on until I tap.
07-29-2009, 07:57 PM
Well I made my first sale as a maple syrup producer. Lady I had met in Sherbrooke had asked me what I wanted for a gallon of syrup and of course I had told her I wasn't really selling it. I took her a little bottle yesterday to try and see if she liked it and she insisted on paying me for it. Now I just have to wait and see if she likes it or not.
Was so hot today I went out in the bush and cut firewood so that it looked like I was doing something. I can now see most of my property line. Just a few more live trees and some the wind blew down left and I can show my dumb neighbour where the metal stakes line up. Found out that the clearing he had claimed he used to grow pot in it and now he has to find some other place to grow it. No wonder he sits in the house all day doing nothing.
07-29-2009, 09:05 PM
RAIN RAIN GO AWAY can we get a break or what. I managed to get the wood shed addition done on the sugarhouse. It is amazing how fast you can get something done when you want to get out of the rain. That puts the sugarhouse at 16x32 feet. If there is anyone looking to build a sugarhouse go big as you can cause you will always need more space. Done with the upgrades to the sugarhouse for the year. Gonna add another 8 feet next year to put another holding tank in. That will get me up to 40 feet. Got most of the wood cut split and stacked just wanna get 3 more face cords for backup and Im good.
Randy Brutkoski
07-29-2009, 09:19 PM
I am getting ready to build a sugar house, but i cant make up my mind what dimensions it should be. I just bought a 3 by 12 grimme lightning, and i plan on running an r/o but not inside the sugarhouse, but instead from my basement which is only going to be 30 or so feet away. It is a wood arch, but sometime i would like to convert to oil. i will listen to any ideas. thanks
07-29-2009, 09:43 PM
Randy I will tell you a little about my setup if it helps any. The inside of the sugarhouse is about 16x24 I have a 2x6 and an Insulated Holding tank that feeds the evaporator. The tank is probably 10 feet long 5 feet high and 4 foot wide. I want my wood as close to the evaporator I can get it so I stack 2 rows deep the length and height of the building. I just put a wood shed addition on that is 8 feet long. Evaporator is of center about 2 feet to accomadate the wood. If I did not stack wood inside I would have plenty of room. I want to upgrade in 2012 to a 3x8 and will have to give up some wood space. I also will be putting another room on the back next year for another holding tank. If I had built the sugarhouse it would be 24 feet wide and 40 feet long and I would be happy. I filter, bottle and store all in there. GO BIG AS YOU CAN. Also I think if you made the outside walls high enough to add on to later it would be a plus. My outside walls are only 8 feet high, with the pitch of the roof I would have to crawl around in any space added to the sides. So I keep adding length instead.
220 maple
07-29-2009, 09:57 PM
Heading back to the mountains again tomorrow, I finished counting on my cousins woods, 3680 possible taps all on about 80 acres. I could pick up enough trees for another 300 taps if I would run lines into the next hollow, but right now I don't have time to investigate that area. I need to finish counting a property near my camp. Right now I have 1190 possible taps but should end up near 1400. Also I was handed a key to another neighbors property who wants me to tap his woods. I don't have clue what how many possible taps until I do some hiking. I will check back in Friday
Mark 220 Maple
07-30-2009, 05:42 AM
I agree we could use a littel less rain!!! Been steady on the firewood. Got a lead on the differential I need for the moneypit (International),,Called BUBBA at Derby truck,,,he told me to call Junior,,,turns out Junior had the gearhead I needed,,,left Salisbury at 2:15,,was in North Charlston VT at 5:30 (exit 28 on 91),,,put the gearhead in yesterday,,did a test run,,seemed to work,,noticed the gear head was leaking oil-took a look-well that broken stud that I could not get out turned itself out (on the top of the differential) and oil was puking out the hole,,,,Now I wonder did the stud turn itself into the axel housing or out onto the road,,,kinda hate to take the diff out agine (big and heavy) but worried about hearing a big CRUNCH when the broken stud goes thru the gears!!! What would you do?
Jim Brown
07-30-2009, 06:05 AM
Take it apart at your time frame not when you are loaded to the hilt and two days late!!
pull it apart now then you won`t have to look for another one.
07-30-2009, 09:22 AM
take the drain plug out and go fishing with a magnet
07-30-2009, 12:34 PM
Where the bolt came out with a wire or such can it actually go into the differential. Never owning a corn binder myself I never worked on the back end of them.
07-30-2009, 07:04 PM
It will be alot cheaper to do it now instead of when you have no teeth left on the gears. It is a no brainer man
07-30-2009, 07:47 PM
I had one rear end blow up on me way out in the mountains. That was in the days before cell phones and such. Took all day to finally find a ride back home. The last time a rear end blew up one me I was able to drive back home on the front diferential and then fix it. Four wheel drive has it uses.
07-31-2009, 06:06 AM
Pulled the gearhead back out-no stud inside-I did count the teeth on the ring gear-44,,counted the teeth on the old one -37-,,,now I have alot of TRACTOR GEARS!! on the plus side I am really fast at popping the diff out and back in now :>,,,,,hauled a couple loads with the truck yesterday,,was trying to see about how fast it would go,,,then the exhaust fell off the manifold,,,thats loud!!! have to hold off on the speed trials till after I get that fixed,,,plenty to do,,,,,,Talked to Steve last night,,he is picking the lobsta off the boat then heading this was sunday A.M.,,,gonna be fresh
07-31-2009, 02:17 PM
Well Parker atleast you can sleep with ease tonight. I would have done the same thing and been happy I found no damage inside. You just wait one day you are gonna find that bolt on the side of the road and then curse me.
07-31-2009, 04:12 PM
Rained here today all day. What little dryness we gained we lots last night and today. Owell get ahead on my reading and paper work. They say that this July had less sun then since 1992 and I beleive it from garden. Nothings really growing.
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