View Full Version : BLACK PVC PIPE
01-14-2005, 07:54 AM
What are some sources that people use to get their best prices on the rolls of mainline. The least expensive I have found is Goodrich but they wont ship 500' coils.
Any thoughts ? Pricing can vary drasticly from vendor to vendor
01-14-2005, 08:02 AM
I use 1/2" mainline and I can get it for $ 5.55 for 100' and around $ 7.80 at Lowes. I checked the 3/4" mainline at Lowes yesterday and it was $ 10.80 for 100'. This is for 100 psi, but that is all you need for maple syrup. A local store is much cheaper than the maple suppliers and you don't have to pay for shipping charges. :D :D
02-03-2005, 09:21 PM
I buy my mainline from a local supplier Portland Plastic pipe. They are a wholesale and retail plastic pipe dealer. One of our in state maple dealers gets his mainline there then sells at catalog price or slightly less. Check phone book for plumbing suppliers. 100lb psi is plenty stiff enough to drag thru the woods. If you have lots to install the rolls with wire prewrapped works really slick and saves time. But it pulls up hill really dry!!!!
02-04-2005, 07:20 PM
Go to your local hardware store and get what you need. Anyone who sells pluming supplies should carry what you need. It's worth the price to get it local. Less headaches.
Not that I know anything about pipeline but at the local maple conferance they were trying to get away from the black pipe line and go with a more translucent? pipeline. One if you moved your hand behind it you could see movement through the tube. They said it was easier to use and kept your sap cooler going down the pipeline. Now don't shoot the messenger. :D
Besides that I see they still sell black pipeline at Leaders and this was from a leader rep.
02-05-2005, 06:45 AM
I think everyone would agree that the clear or translucent pipe is better. The problem is that is costs 3 times as much. I hope in the future to change everything over to it, but I just put up all new mainline and I got some of it for $ 5.50 a 100' roll. Can't touch the other stuff for that. :?
02-05-2005, 07:00 AM
Also the reason the suppliers are pushing the "clear" and translucent is for the very reason that they are the only ones that carry that.. otherwise evryone would be going to lowes or the depot or wherever they can!!! just another gimmick, sure I bet the bacteria count may be less.. but heck if you boil quick and clean your stuff good each year.......
buy the good ole standby black water pipe... sugarers have been making GRADE A syrup from the black why change everything AGAIN :?
Your asolutely right Brandon and that's what people were saying. The comeback was in the long run you would pay back the increase by having cooler sap with less bacteria over a period of time so then you would be able to make a better syrup. One person joked that about every 5 years Leader changes the way to do pipeline so everyone has to change theres. Not that anyone has to but you know what I mean. Besides that the Leader rep laughed and said thats the way he keeps his job! The last presention of the day was the best. Alot of comparing drop to raised flue, cross flow to revolution and RO. You need to come up here one year and go to the conferance or at least come up for all the dealers openhouse weekends. Grab Jim on your way bye.
02-05-2005, 07:02 AM
I was thinking the same thing right after I made that post. Just like everything else maple, it is pushed like it is a must and you can't make good syrup without it. Lot of us would have more money if we didn't see so many catalogs, presentations and new stuff. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If it's new, it is always better! 8O 8O 8O
02-05-2005, 08:30 AM
While the black main line may heat up more sometimes that helps after a cold night to thaw out the frozen spots quicker. Like someone else said if you boil the sap quickly it should not matter that much.
02-05-2005, 09:00 PM
If you have a section of black PVC pipe that gets alot of sunlight, you could always paint it white, gee, problem solved, and you still pocket the change. :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Hope it helps, can't hurt."
02-06-2005, 08:37 AM
Does anyone remember when the orange mainline was the latest and greatest? Then everyone discovered most of it was electrical conduit and not food grade or even potable watersafe?
I have to agree with Brookledge. How many times has the sap not flowed because it was iced up? Plenty for me ! I think it's more important to keep your collection tank cool where the sap sits. Boil quickly if you can.
I bought a 400 ft roll of 3/4" last week for $52...........Like ssomeone said, paint it with white paint.......Mike
02-07-2005, 12:29 PM
I did try painting it with white paint and didn't work too good for me. I may try it again next year, but not sure if it is worth it. :?
02-07-2005, 05:07 PM
Thanks for the info. Will remember that next time. I tried earlier with some expensive plastic stuff and it didn't work very good. :(
Maple Flats
03-18-2005, 07:02 PM
I've heard painting top half is suggested. Haven't gotten to it yet. Was told to get a painter's mit, dip it and run your mitted hand along the pipe. I plan to try it if I get caught up.
Maple Flats
03-18-2005, 07:12 PM
Need help please. I washed my tubing last year at season's end and again with water and air mix just before tapping this season. Made a nozzel to hook up to my gas powered sap pump with an air hose fitting on the side. after cleaning I tapped and the sap in the tank smells funny. Sort of like an ice cooler does if you clean it and close it up wet for a long time. I pulled the taps, re washed it with 1%clorox solution and plan to rinse it with fresh water before re-tapping. Should this do it or do I need something else.
Have little time, the sap is running and the extended forcast finally looks great. Please advise.
03-18-2005, 07:28 PM
After I clean my lines in the late spring all I do is plug the taps and leave until time to tap. Then while I'm tapping I let the sap run on the ground for a while before I re-connect the lines. That should be all you need to do. Sap does have a slight oder to it. I think from the sound of it you are alright. I would put your taps back in and let it run on ground for an hour or so to get out the bleach and then boil away. I have seen people who do not ever wash or pull there taps until time to tap, and after it flushes out the line on its own they make good syrup. Not what I would recomend but some do that. Also when the sun hits the plastic pipe it is going to warm up inside a little and give you a little odor.
03-18-2005, 08:47 PM
One sugarmaker I usad to help had a 1100 tap bush on ancient tubing,never washed it and let the snot run out onto the ground while tapping.He kept the sap very cold until boiling,sometimes not the same day, and he made the best light amber I've ever had!
03-18-2005, 08:56 PM
Thats because maple snot is good tasting :lol: I have seen where the snots will travel through the tubing and will get pluged up when it gets to a tee. Then need to cut the tubing to get it flowing. Any ways That was the point I was trying to make to maple flats I think he will be ok unless there is another unforseen issue
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