View Full Version : Securing Releaser

Amber Gold
06-17-2009, 03:57 PM
My releaser is right on a major road. Fortunately last season I didn't have a problem with someone taking off with it, but I don't want to end up in a similiar situation as Parker. Has anybody found a good way to secure the releaser, yet make it easy to access to check operation?


DS Maple
06-17-2009, 04:13 PM
I saw a setup over in Nelson, NH where a guy had his electric vac pump and releaser inside a locked wooden cabinet attached to a tree. There was an outlet for exaust, (which you obviously wouldn't need for just a releaser,) and a releaser discharge pipe. The pipe was sloped down into the tank so when the releaser dumped it just flowed right down and in. There must have been some kind of funnel or something on the bottom of the releaser to get it the sap into the pipe, but I can't tell you for sure because it was all locked up.

06-17-2009, 05:43 PM
there is a gizmo that you attach to the releaser that will pipe the sap saw one at lapieere open house. thinking that was what i needed for the splashing and lost sap over the side of my tank. one other thought is out of sight out of mind

Haynes Forest Products
06-17-2009, 09:03 PM
Maplecrest just described my problem last season the releaser sprayed the sap out the sides and over the tank hole. I ended up tapeing a heavy duty garbage bag around the entire releaser hanging down into the tank opening.
Amber Gold I was thinking of putting my entire releaser into a plastic barrel and piping out the bottom into my tank. What would happen if you did the same chain the barrel to the tree and keep a lid on the drum so you cant see it and strap some branches around the drum as camo. Use a crappy looking barrel on the outside.

Amber Gold
06-18-2009, 07:30 PM
Out of site out of mind would be good, but it's 20' from the road and is all open around it. Can't really hide it short of putting it in a box of some sort.

Expanding on Scott's. I could put it in a plastic 55-gal drum. Cut a hole in the bottom for when it dumps and a hole in the side for the lines coming in. Maybe build a small platform for the releaser to sit on. Haven't got it all worked out yet just thinking out loud. If somebody wanted it they could still get it, but at least the releaser itself wouldn't be as visible.
