View Full Version : Mapleholics Meeting, Sunday, August 2

06-16-2009, 05:13 AM
The next Mapelholics Meeting will be sunday August 2nd,,from 1 till?,,,Byo whatever,,,Ill have a grill (and mabey Steve will be around with his smoker?) All welcome,,,,223, North road, Salisbury, N.H.,,,,,right next to the Daniel Webster birthplace (on most maps of N.H.) or call for directions 603-934-7251 If you plan on comming let me know(but not required) So I know how mant paper plates and platic forks to get ;),,,,,,BRING YOUR KIDS!!!

06-16-2009, 05:31 AM
Parker- my girls were like- "we have to wait that long?" We will be there...

Amber Gold
06-21-2009, 10:26 AM
Just found out we may have a family thing up in ME that weekend. Not sure if we'll be able to make it.

06-23-2009, 04:41 AM
Amber- Thats too bad,,,gonna have to break your famlies heart,,tell them that I am making maple squash pie and they might understand....PRIORITES

06-23-2009, 05:23 AM
Maple squash pie...that sounds interesting, I had not thought of that one.

06-23-2009, 05:40 AM
I can verify that Parkers' maple squash pie is worth the drive from just about anywhere...

won in a taste test with my wife's strawberry rhubarb pie at the last Maplehaulics meeting...

06-23-2009, 07:03 AM
I like squash pie now have to add maple to it. I grow squash just to make pie around here.

Amber Gold
06-23-2009, 07:08 AM
Parker, you won't hear any complaints out of me if we don't go...

I can verify those pies were d*mn good.

07-25-2009, 08:10 PM
All right,,looks like we will have a pretty good crowd,,Steve is comming back from Maine with lobsters,,if you want one he says $3.50 a pound and they weight about a pound and a quarter to a pound and a half,,so figure $5 each? let me know if your interested so he knows how many to bring,,,will have a gas grill a wood grill and a smoker, (and the big finisher for the lobsters :),,,,Parker

07-25-2009, 09:25 PM
I can see you guys all gathered around a evaporator sipping nice warm maple syrup saying things like Hello My name is Parker and I am a Mapleholic. It's been 3 months since I last tapped a tree or boiled sap and I almost had a slip and started the evaporator this morning.

08-02-2009, 05:54 AM
Got the beans cooking-pies in the oven-lots of food in the fridge-still many last minute details-GAME ON

08-02-2009, 10:26 PM
Parker- thanks for hosting the maplehaulics meeting this afternoon...great food and good conversation...if you had your woodshed all full we would not have had a place to hide from the rain.

thanks again...

even got my swimmies in the sugarhouse all ready for next season...did anyone get a photo of Russ and Richard with theirs on?


p.s. pass on to Paul that those maple candies were excellent...

super sappy
08-05-2009, 06:43 PM
I wish that I could have gone to your party. I watched all of the you tube videos and saw the pics at - http://www.maplechatter.com/post?id=3601413 . Looks like a good time had by all. -Sappy

08-06-2009, 04:55 AM
Just back from vacation,,we left right after the party,,,that was fun (the cookout and vavation)-I have not eaten that much in a while!! have to do it agine,,,thanks to all that came,,,,,,who is hosting the next one?

Amber Gold
08-06-2009, 11:27 AM
Looks like everybody had a good time. Wish I could've made it. I'll make sure I don't miss the next one.

08-06-2009, 08:35 PM
Checked out the pictures and you guys all look like a bunch of Shriners. I thought I saw beer being sipped. That means some of you guys are cured from Maple right.

08-07-2009, 01:17 AM
I think you guys need to rename yourselves the redneck maplehaulics :D what is the deal with the orange floaties? Gotta say them lobsta's looked darn good. Hope all had fun.

08-07-2009, 06:10 AM
the swimmies represent large sap flows durring the season. aka put your swimmies on!!!

08-07-2009, 10:21 PM
That is funny stuff glad you all had fun.

Homestead Maple
08-13-2009, 07:54 AM
I wish that I could have gone to your party. I watched all of the you tube videos and saw the pics at - http://www.maplechatter.com/post?id=3601413 . Looks like a good time had by all. -Sappy

I see Paul Weeks in deep thought as to how he's goin to win that there Carlisle trophy!

red maples
08-13-2009, 11:06 AM
I aint gonna be missin' this one come next year!!!! looks like a good ole' redneck gatherin'!!!

need the baume hydrometer to make sure the salinity of the lobster water is correct.