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Justin Turco
06-09-2009, 06:20 PM
I propose a flue pan that produces compressed steam, and a smoke stack that recovers still more heat to produce pressurized steam from sap. The combined steam is used to spin a turbine attached to a generator. The power is used to at least spin your meter backward. (net metering) Possibly even earn some money. One of you guys are smart enough to pull this off. Amber Gold...why don't you build it. You're in the market for a new rig aren't you?! Most of us could probably produce the equivelant of 10% of our yearly consumption of KW's in one month of sugaring. Some a whole lot more.

Also, I still think an R/O that produces finished syrup would sell well. At least for syrup made in China. But what an abomination it would be! (The syrup and the machine!)

06-09-2009, 07:04 PM
Justin are we maybe bored and waiting for maple season again or something. I myself am trying to figure out how I could make a smoke stack out of SS tubeing that forks into at least three tubes and runs through a container of sap to preheat it I think a guy could get it pretty warm or even hot that way.

Clan Delaney
06-09-2009, 07:11 PM
I declare Crazy Idea season OPEN!

Justin, I love this. But there's no way I have time to see it through. :cry:

06-09-2009, 08:31 PM
i dont think ya would gain anything, raise the pressure to make higher pressure steam and you now need more heat to boil that since you have now raised the boiling point of the sap. so whatever steam pressure you can utilize you now have to add more btus to get that steam

Justin Turco
06-09-2009, 10:42 PM
Ahhhhh yawwn.....bored. Need to make some syrup. Dont want to cut wood. yaaawwwn.

Haynes Forest Products
06-09-2009, 10:52 PM
Justin Its called a steam engine and they tend to go BANG if your not paying attention. I have covers that fit on my finish pans they sit down inside the lip and when the pans get to boiling hard the covers pop up and steam shoots every direction. Its a little scary right before they pop off the pans start to rattle and the sides start to bulg slightly.
On the oil fired rig when we restricted the flue pipe to keep more heat in the arch we ended with alot of soot blowing out the cracks in the insulation om the arch rails and when I kicked the oil gun onto high fire it would blow out the insulation.
Markct is right on the higher the pressure the higher the boiling temp. What you need to do is boil under vacuum so you can lower the boiling temp. That would take one heck of a vacuum pump to keep up.

06-10-2009, 05:25 PM
you actually wouldnt need a vac pump at all,all you would need is to be able to direct the steam into a crossover pipe and into/threw a cold condensor coil.the condensing steam would creat its own vac.
i spent 10 yrs operateing steam turbines onboard aircraft carriers and they opperate this way,its very efficent.:rolleyes:

06-10-2009, 06:32 PM
I have been trying to figure out how in the off season a guy could use the evaporator for a fermented corn or grain mixture make some extra car fuel maybe.

06-11-2009, 08:15 PM
you guys might want to consider getting a summer job to keep you busy.

Haynes Forest Products
06-12-2009, 12:27 AM
KenWP is that what they call it up there "car fuel" a little further south you also need a Bajo as you cook that CAR FUEL.

06-12-2009, 08:04 AM
I would have to use my ukeleele as that's all I own. Truck fuel also works. I actually have a book on how to make it useing homemade wine.