View Full Version : Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Summer Tour

06-07-2009, 04:31 PM
I was wondering if anyone has any information or contact info on the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Summer Tour.


06-07-2009, 07:15 PM
Here's the link to the OMSPA Summer tour page:


E-mail Don & Marion Dodds and they'll pass on any information you may want.

We're on the Saturday afternoon bus tour. Hope to see you on July 18th!

06-07-2009, 09:30 PM
I will get in touch with the Dodds, and have them send some information.

Hope to see you there.


07-13-2009, 12:52 PM
The OMSPA Summer Tour starts this Thursday and runs through Saturday. I spoke with Don & Marion Dodds on the weekend and they are expecting a really good crowd. We were told to expect up to 200 people at our sugar camp on Saturday!

Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet some of you on Friday on the buses or at our camp on Saturday.

07-15-2009, 10:52 AM

My neighbor and I had planned on attending the event. but It sounds like alot of peaple will be attendingand have sold out early. They have seating for only 200 peaple and have had over 400 peaple try and register. Unfortunatly my neighbor and I will not be attending this years event due us to not getting registered in time.


07-21-2009, 07:55 PM
This year's Summer Tour was my first but won't be my last. It was nice to speak with so many like minded and friendly people. We missed Thursday but attended the Friday seminars and went on the buses to James' sugar camp and Fortune's maple orchard. Lapierre had set up the same size of Hurricane Force 5 at James' as we bought and it was great to see it in operation. It's beyond imnpressive and I can't wait to see my own syrup running off the end of it. They also had a Busch vacuum pump set up and it was very impressive too. I'd love to have one of them run all our taps!

I took some pictures of the Force 5 and loaded them in my Photobucket account under the 2009-07 OMSPA Tour folder for those who may be interested.

Saturday we had 200 people through our sugar camp. It was great to discuss ideas with so many people and explain how we do things. I didn't think we'd have many interesting things for people to see but the variety of thought provoking questions was surprising. I can't wait for next year's tour!