View Full Version : Maplehaulics meeting- June 14th

05-29-2009, 05:22 AM
Looks like things are shaping up for an early summer pot luck cook out and maplehaulics meeting-

Sunday June 14th- 4pm- its the weekend before fathers day.

Tucker Mtn Maple Co-op 224 Tucker Mtn Rd Andover NH 03216

There will be plenty of ice in the kettles and some grills going- rumor of a smoker also

BYO grill items and anything else - kids welcome as I have 2 of my own...

All maplehaulics welcome- they say first step of curing the disease is admitting you have a problem- I know I have a problem, but frankly hope I never get cured!

PM me so I have a sense of #'s



05-31-2009, 05:45 PM
a request from a fellow maplehaulic to move the time a little earlier for folks traveling from further away...


2 pm start time for the June 14th MapleHaulics anonymous meeting...


06-11-2009, 08:17 PM
forecast looks good for Sunday's maplehaulics gathering...got to clean up the sugarhouse and get some ice for the kettles... 2pm on...

06-14-2009, 08:55 PM
Eirc and the rest of the TMP (tucker mountian posse),,,Thanks for hosting the meeting,,,had a great time seeing everyone,,my girls had a lot of fun too...got me motivated to think sugaring...will be trucking some wood home tommrow!!!!
Girls want to have the next meeting here...sometime in late july?,,,Mabey a wood stacking party :)

Russell Lampron
06-15-2009, 05:24 AM
Thank you Eric, Richard and I had a good time too. It is always fun to talk maple with other mapleholics. Parker if you do have a meeting at your place the 1st Sunday in August would be better for me.

Amber Gold
06-15-2009, 08:15 AM
Thanks for hosting the meeting. I'm glad to see there are others like me who have a "minor" obsession with sugaring.

Parker a meeting at your place sounds great. Would like to see the legendary Mighty Marvin. At this point July and August are open so just set a date.

06-15-2009, 08:21 AM
I heard over the police radio something about a civil disturbance on sunday must have been you guys. We thought it was plans of some group to cook up some kind of chemicial of some kind.