View Full Version : PETA Boycotting Canadian Syrup

05-28-2009, 10:55 AM
What a bunch of morons! PETA is advocating boycotting Canadian Syrup, hoping to pressure the canadian gov't into banning seal hunting. Hmm, lets take away the livelyhood of an group of people that have nothing to do with seal hunting. I bet that'll work! (pure sarcasm) It's sad that there are people this stupid in the world today! Heres a link to their idiotic campaign https://secure.peta.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2209

05-28-2009, 12:15 PM
Well you have to remember we use the seals to pull the sleds to gather syrup. On a good sap day we have like 20 little seals hooked up to the sleds pulling away.
It's pretty stupid all the way around as they eat meat from a store but if you get the meat from the wild or the fur or leather its cruel. Next thing they will say were are cruel to trees because we drill holes in trees and steal the sap.

05-28-2009, 04:55 PM
How nice what the heck is wrong with those people. I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about how peta rescues all the cats and dogs and have no way of taking care of them. It said they had to put down something like 12,000 animals last year cause of the starvation and inhumane living conditions peta was putting them through. Maybe they should buy those animals some pure canadian syrup and get there heads out of where the sun does not shine.

05-28-2009, 05:11 PM
I'm to far from the coast, so I have to use river otters, (lutra canadensis),,, don't quite have the pull of a leapord seal... but I get by.

Homestead Maple
05-28-2009, 05:53 PM
I saw this tee shirt on a woman in Michigan last year year that said:
PETA - People for the eating of tasty animals.

You can guess it wasn't Pam Anderson.

05-28-2009, 06:09 PM
Ran into somebody trying to name some baby pigs. They got mad when I suggested supper,dinner,bacon and ham.

05-28-2009, 08:01 PM
We don't club any seals in Maine.

Therefore the PETA people should be willing to pay extra for our syrup.

05-28-2009, 08:43 PM
Maybe they should rescue some of those seals, cut em up, and feed em to some of the cats and dogs they're putting down!!:evil:

05-28-2009, 09:14 PM
Has anyone tried seal oil as a defoamer? If they are going to blame the syrup producers for the cruelty of seals then you might as well use them in the production of syrup as well as pulling the sap tank.
I love animals, they taste great

05-28-2009, 09:17 PM
I wish those idiots would spend their time on something worthwhile!

Vegetarian - Native word meaning bad hunter.

Get a life.

05-29-2009, 04:48 AM
I have to agree with PETA , the last time I opened a container of canadian syrup there WAS a seal on there!!

I went to Bascoms this week , can back through downtown Concord , the guy riding with me has a butcher shop and cuts meat. We stopped at the light on the main drag, On the side walk beside us was a woman with a 'eating veal kills baby calfs' sign walking back and forth , she also had a picture of a pig there and the same poster my freind has in this butcher shop showing where all the cuts of meat come from.
He said he's seen it all now , thats why he don't leave the farm.

Dave Y
05-29-2009, 06:03 AM
As someone who has been involved in the fur industry for over 30yrs, this is not the first idiotic campain PETA has come up with. The sad part of all of this is there are people who are dumb enuf to beleive them. It is very important that we as hunters, fisherman, trappers, farmers, fur producers, and now sugarmakers all stick together and fight this campain of slander with education of the truth and the facts. this is the only way to keep them in check,as they will never go away.
Homestead I know the person responsible for People for the Eating of Tastey Animals. A trapper from MD. started a org called Putting People First. This was one of their shirts

05-29-2009, 06:44 AM
yes i do alot of maple syrup. but we also have a mink farm. and yes you gussed it peta love me. somthing about raiseing a green product. taking food srcap from a land fill and feeding them to the mink. and makeing a really good poop for your granden. and the fur that will keep you warm in the winter.

05-29-2009, 08:23 AM
Freind of mine tried their web site and signed the petion. His name is Meanseal Killer and it took the name should look good on the petition forms.
I used to hunt and fish and trap coyotes up untill 2006 and a guy really gets tired of hearing about how cruel he is. I also ran one of the largest hog operations in Canada and had to hear all the dumb things from that end also. Next thing they will say we are mean and cruel for pulling veggies out of the ground and such.

Homestead Maple
05-29-2009, 09:07 PM
As someone who has been involved in the fur industry for over 30yrs, this is not the first idiotic campain PETA has come up with. The sad part of all of this is there are people who are dumb enuf to beleive them. It is very important that we as hunters, fisherman, trappers, farmers, fur producers, and now sugarmakers all stick together and fight this campain of slander with education of the truth and the facts. this is the only way to keep them in check,as they will never go away.
Homestead I know the person responsible for People for the Eating of Tastey Animals. A trapper from MD. started a org called Putting People First. This was one of their shirts
Oh, ok. I didn't ask the woman where she got the tee shirt. She was wearing it at a cookout and I assumed it was kind of a northern thing. I thought it was pretty neat and especially for a woman to be wearing.

05-31-2009, 03:59 PM
We wait for the beavers to chew our maples near the swamp then we squeeze the syrup out of the beaver !!

Maple Restoration
06-02-2009, 12:03 PM
Just curious, does anyone know how many BTU’s one can get out of a seal? They are not readily available here in northern Ontario.

Haynes Forest Products
06-02-2009, 12:25 PM
Is that with or without the fur on it. I would think the fur would impart a smell and taste only KenWP could love.

06-02-2009, 10:49 PM
I like my seal fur free and we don't burn them only pull sleds with them. I stopped useing my whip to apease the tree huggers now I will probbably have to start useing guys from Colorado to pull the sled. Wonder how many it will take to pull a sled.

Haynes Forest Products
06-02-2009, 11:17 PM
only one if its down hill

06-02-2009, 11:20 PM
I see a superbowl commercial in the making. Instead of Clidedales pulling a beer wagon Seals pulling a sapwagon with the name Ken's Pure Canadian Mersh.:lol: