View Full Version : Maple Syrup cancer cure?
05-24-2009, 10:40 PM
I had this sent to me yesterday. It seems there are some claims that a mixture of maple syrup and baking soda can cure cancer tumors! If there is any proof to this, the value of maple syrup is going to go through the ceiling. If interested check out the link below.
05-25-2009, 08:24 AM
Zman, I had cancer and maple syrup and baking soda does not cure cancer. That is the dumbest claim I've heard about the medicinal properties of maple syrup. Hopefully the people claiming this "do not" get cancer, it really sucks, and believe they will be healed by their concoction. If so, they will die!! Go to a real doctor, modern medicine is fantastic, it saved my life and helped me keep all of my natural body parts.
05-25-2009, 10:51 AM
Far as I can read it's for intestinal cancers of some kind. They must figure we are idiots to think the blood stream would absorb bakeing soda and maple syrup mixed.
05-26-2009, 07:36 AM
I too had cancer and only modern medicine saved me.2 and half years of chemo and I'm still here.
05-26-2009, 11:29 AM
There's an amishman near me in Smicksburg PA claiming that evaporator condensate reduces the need for dialysis. Hmmm, distilled water, yeah right. I'm not sure what they're selling it for, but its not good for the reputation of the maple industry as a whole in my opinon.
Homestead Maple
05-26-2009, 12:50 PM
Anyone know anything about the newest diet fad that calls for drinking a mixture of B grade syrup and something else, because B grade, (according to the people using it,) has more beneficial ingredients than the lighter syrups?
05-26-2009, 03:06 PM
B grade and Rye with a twist of Birch would work.
05-26-2009, 03:59 PM
homestead i think your talking about the master cleanser diet. its like maple syrup and lemonade or something
ya it was started with B because at the time it was the cheapest syrup
05-26-2009, 08:53 PM
Yes, I believe also that it calls for B syrup and lemon juice. I know it's purported by Young Living, an MLM that really does have great products, and the best essential oils. But I've been asked by friends who are in that business about the syrup difference. I even asked a pretty high up distributor why the B grade. She said she heard the mineral content was higher or something. So I don't think most of them even know why they want it.
When asked, I patiently try to explain that darker syrup is only a result of higher bacteria-count preboiling. I asked Dr. Chabot of Cornell about this last year, and he said the same thing I've been saying.
One of the reference books my father-in-law has by the Young Living founder, states that you want grade B because formaldahyde is used to process the lighter grades! Can you believe it! I've always wanted to set him straight on this. I assume he got wind of the paraformaldahyde tablets that used to be used, and got a bad misunderstanding. Guess it can show we can't be too careful when it comes to the industry image.
05-26-2009, 09:35 PM
Sapman, formaldahyde, set that man straight. What the heck is the man thinking. That is a representation we do not need.
b also has a stronger flavor to drown out the lemon and spices
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