View Full Version : New York and Canada producers add sweeteners?!

05-24-2009, 09:15 PM
Check out this maple syrup review appearing on Amazon.com:

"Remember only Vermont requires no dilution, New York and Canada allow for Sweeteners to be added to Maple Sap."


(Naturally, I want to make it clear that the reviewer was wrong. Pure maple syrup is just that, pure maple syrup, and that includes syrup from New York and Canada.)

05-24-2009, 09:30 PM
That is to response from somebody who supposedly tried the syrup. Who ever heard of putting sweetners in pure maple syrup. Now table syrup is another matter. We had a big stink up here about syrup they sold this spring. Turned out people bought it thinking it was maple syrup and if you read the lable it said syrup. The word maple was no where on the lable but because it comes in a can like maple syrup does they just figured it was maple syrup.
Loblaws paid $20000 dollars in advertiseing just for signs that called it syrup and people still never noticed it was syrup untill they poured it out of the can and tasted it.

05-24-2009, 10:06 PM
were dose it say NY syrup producers put sweeteners in there syrup the syrup.The producers i know around hear are all 100% maple most of them don't have vacuum and i only know of 1 ro 20 miles north

05-24-2009, 10:09 PM
Whoever it was that posted that comment on amazon.com is 100% wrong!!! Canadian producers are not allowed to add anything to our maple sap.

From the Department of Justice Canada website (http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/showdoc/cr/C.R.C.-c.289/bo-ga:s_3::bo-ga:s_3_1?page=3)

5. (1) Maple syrup may be graded only if

(a) it is produced exclusively by the concentration of maple sap or by the dilution or solution of a maple product, other than maple sap, in potable water;

Don't believe everything people post on the internet!

05-24-2009, 10:14 PM
Thanks Ennis. In Ontario you have to even show the grade on the container also if I read the info right do you not.

Thompson's Tree Farm
05-25-2009, 06:01 AM
Just tried to enter a comment on the Amazon website. I can't comment unless I buy something. Strike one against them!

05-25-2009, 06:52 AM
I figured out how to send a comment to customer service. You have to go to help and go to how to contact us and it allows you to send them a email. I never used my account # even to send it.

05-25-2009, 08:27 AM
That is adulteration, if sold as pure maple syrup, in New York and you could go to jail, lose your house, etc.. Bad idea to add anything to pure maple syrup.

05-25-2009, 07:07 PM
Fellow from Amazon tells me they are going to correct the posting. He also told me how to post without a account on the page also. I am knowen to be miserable just ask she who must be obeyed.

05-25-2009, 11:22 PM
Thanks Ennis. In Ontario you have to even show the grade on the container also if I read the info right do you not.

Yes - all of our containers must be individually graded.

05-26-2009, 10:09 PM
This sounds like an Aunt Jamima conspiracy to me. Sure this is not backwards. Add pure maple syrup to sweetner and sell it as maple syrup like the Aunt Jamima does.