View Full Version : PA Maple License?
Dennis H.
05-15-2009, 08:40 PM
I had a very interesting conversion this afternoon with a guy from the PA Dept of Ag.
I wanted to find out what I was seeing on the Ag's website was correct. It states that if you produce,buy or otherwise acquires over 1000 gals of syrup in a year that you must get a license for sal pr resale or maple syrup. Under 1000 gals and you are not required to get the license.
Well when I was talking to the guy and I told him I was a hobbist sugar'r and that I made only 10gals this past season, he informed me that I must get a license to sale it???? I told him about what I saw on their own website and he had no answer.
So my question to everyone in PA who sales syrup in PA what does your region require you do? I was told by the guy that I was the 1st person he knows that asked about a license for Maple syrup in my region, region 6 I believe.
Or do you not worry about the license and just sell syrup. It seems ike a real pain if you do get a license, I would be required to have the sugarshack inspected and the well tested yearly.
05-15-2009, 09:03 PM
I'm not from PA but I would go by the website and not worry about it unless you are over 1,000 gal. You might be able to do more research on the ag web site and find the law or regulation. I would bet that the guy you talked to was misinformed himself.
05-15-2009, 11:44 PM
Im from Pa. Every day and every day they chip away at our freedom,prime example elk license drawing,all you hear is Pa. Wilds they even made a job up for 100,000 $ a year for a has been state rep who was voted out. The Game Commision wnt even draw the license in Cameron County(cost to much to drive up from Harrisburg),and now the want a maple license,maybe all of us hobby producers can apply for a license and they can draw in Harris. to see who can enjoy their hobby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :mad:
05-16-2009, 12:52 AM
I'm just wondering why you would contact Ag dept? I would just go with what the website states. Sure i know you want to be legal in all, but if you dont even have a sugar house obviously it's not going to be very sanitary in the general public's eye. 1,000 gal of syrup makes no sense to me, whats the difference between 1 gallon and 1,000 gallons? Just remember, we are producing a food product. I guess i would stick to selling it to people you know.
Dennis H.
05-16-2009, 09:12 AM
The good thing about the call was that they have no idea who I am, I used a calling card to make the long distance call and I never gave my name or phone number.
I am temped to call the office up in Meadville to see if they know the laws a little better, we'll see.
The main reason I am trying to find this info is I would like to put up some posters at local stores and maybe even an ad in the local paper, I just don't want someone come knocking on my door slapping me with some kind of fine.
05-16-2009, 10:12 AM
Being a larger than average maple producer in PA. I have had a license for years. Do not take this as legal advice but it should keep you out of trouble. If you sell any syrup in Pa. it is required to have the approiate grade label, And your name and address. I would not worry about getting a license at this point. They will let you know if you need one. If you put containers in stores you can expect a visit sometime in the future from the dept. of AG.. If you sell syrup to someone and they complain to the dept of AG. (wrong grade, off flavor, wrong denisty, ect.) You can expect a visit. If you have containers in stores they may buy it and test it for grade, denisty, ect. and if they find a problem pay you a visit. We are selling a food product so we need to keep our act CLEAN. What I found a little unnerving I had to fill out several forms and register with Homeland Security. I was given a # and was told I would not be able to sell any bulk syrup unless that # went with the barrel. So far only had 1 buyer that required that. Bottom line. We have some basic guidelines in place. As long as we do our part and follow them I think we will be find. If problems start to arise plan on more regulations and more watctdog to come along. There # 1 goal is to protect the customer, A very close 2nd is to get your ss# so they can track your taxes.
03-27-2010, 09:10 PM
I saw that 1000gal requirement also....and all my fellow sugaring friends didn't want to hear it. Basically the AG dept. could care less what its own laws say. The inspection for has some sort of power I guess. And I was told, that 1000gal is not for those who sell retail. If you sell retail, you have to be licensed regardless of how much you make or sell.
03-28-2010, 02:51 PM
Here is what I was told, again in a region that has alot of backyarders but very few that sell. You must be inspected regardless of how many gallons you sell. If you produce over 1000 gallons you are required to purchase a license. Under 1000 gallons you are encouraged to purchase a license but it is not mandatory. And if you own greater than 75%? of the trees you tap you don't even have to pay the $35 license fee. This was direct from Harrisburg through my Dept of Ag inspector. My inspector admitted maple laws are very vague and there is not much guidnance. Grade according to USDA, name and address are required on labels.
03-29-2010, 07:03 AM
We've been getting the license since it started just to be covered. This year we haven't even gotten the renewal form yet!
03-29-2010, 09:22 AM
I see no need for licensing or inspections by the state. It's been years since anyone has died from drinking my Maple Syrup,
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