View Full Version : holes in maple trees
05-08-2009, 05:18 AM
Ive noticed down here where theres a bird that bores holes in some of the maple trees. I think I remember Russ saying it was a sap sucker or something like that. Are the birds removing something bad from the trees or are they just messing the trees up. I think wood peckers actually remove bugs or worms or something. Dont know much about it wondered if anyone knows what the deal is? Theron
Russell Lampron
05-08-2009, 05:47 AM
Theron sap suckers make a bunch of small holes that get just down to the cambium layer. The sap that seeps out attracts bugs which the sap suckers eat. Sap sucker damage will look like a bunch of 3/16" holes not far apart in a section of the tree, almost like a shot gun blast from a distance, so that there is a spread out pattern. Sometimes it's on the trunk of a smaller tree while it is usually in the upper part of a big tree where the bark isn't as thick.
05-08-2009, 06:23 AM
I saw some holes like that in a couple of my trees, and was wondering what it was. there was 5 or 6 holes in a line almost 6 inches long and the holes were about 3/16. now i know. thanks russ.
05-08-2009, 06:38 AM
That what I was talking about. Looks just like that. Do you think they need payback or are they not really damaging the tree much? Theron
05-08-2009, 07:01 AM
If the trees are healthy i dont think it hurts them to much, but if the trees are stressed i believe they can kill them. I had a half dozen birch tree in my yard that the sapsuckers were working on for a few year- only one is alive. I do know humming bird and bees will drink the sap also. I know hummingbirds kind of depend on sap from the sapsucker holes when they first migrate north for the season.
05-08-2009, 09:37 AM
soooooo could kill tree.......
ah ha ive come up with a break through in sap sucker control methods
im thinkin 12 ga? maybe 20 with brass or steel shot ( you know the whole deal about having tin pans with lead solder, wouldnt want to put lead straight into the trees!!! LOL)
Russell Lampron
05-08-2009, 11:35 AM
Yes they need payback Theron. Just like those tube chewing tree rats with the bushy tails. I have some trees with sap sucker damage in my woods and they all appear to be healthy.
C'mon Theron there's no sap left in those trees after 4 months of high vac.:lol:
Hummingbirds completely rely on sapsucker holes until the flowers come.
05-08-2009, 02:48 PM
Don't get a red ryder BB gun, "you'll shoot your eye out"!!!!
05-08-2009, 07:12 PM
Most sapsucker holes I've seen were in birch trees in the Adirondacks. But when birch aren't available, I guess they obviously go for maples, too. I don't think I could ever hurt one. Been a birder all my life. But if they really started in on my sugarbush, I suppose I might feel different. They are, of course, VERY protected by law, FWIW.
Dave Y
05-08-2009, 07:23 PM
as sapman stated the yellow bellied sap sucker is protected by federal law. We can not sit in the woods and baby sit the trees. we need to accept the fact that we are not the only animal using the trees. we should not try to kill every perceived threat to the trees. we should be focusing on real threats like the Long Horned Asian Beetle or the emerald ash borer. How about the clear cutting of sugar bushes. and the list of real threats goes on. leave the bird alone. It is just trying to get a meal.
05-08-2009, 07:40 PM
Yup, I feel the same way as Dave Y. If the tree's are healthy dont worry about it, i doubt their going to kill them. Who knows maybe they target weak trees anyway, just like a wolf will target weak animals. Nature is very complex. And no im not a tree hugger.
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