View Full Version : Maple Pro 20 X 66 Evap Rate

04-29-2009, 07:12 AM
Any traders out there with a Maple Pro 20 X 66 raised flue?.. I would like to hear from someone how they like it and what the average evaporation rate is, just using good dry wood. Many thanks

04-29-2009, 08:00 PM
the rate will depend on how many flues and the depth of the flues that the builder put in. The Phaneuf I use has 11 deep flues on a 2' x 6' and I think we run at about 45 GPH with a hood and pre-heater in the hood.

your mileage may vary.

J. R. Dodge
05-01-2009, 11:06 AM
I have a Waterloo Small 20x66 dropflue, the flues are only 5''. It boils a little better than 20 gal/hr. I believe WS is now MaplePro.