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View Full Version : maple pro pellet/chip arch

04-27-2009, 05:20 PM
has anybody seen the new maplepro wood pellet/wood chip fired arch and have some pic,s of it?? i,de really like to see one or atleast a few pic,s.
it sounds very intresting and i have alot of chip wood i could use in one.


Haynes Forest Products
04-27-2009, 06:02 PM
I would call Maple pro Nick installed a new one this year in his new operation. My understanding is the chips need to be screened to clean out the crap. If there chips from a wood chipper they need to be dry so storage is a consideration to keep them dry.

04-27-2009, 07:30 PM
had a long talk with nick about the pellet rig. that 4x14 that was running will evap 420 an hour and draw 35 gallons of syrup an hour. the same oil rig will only do about 280. that rig also had reverse flow, but when dirty both cross flow pans had to be changed. to compare with oil you would need a 5x16 rig to get those numbers. or the 6x14 i am running with a steamaway. the price is not bad but does not enclude the price of a grain bin for pellet storage

04-27-2009, 08:05 PM
thanks for the info. do you know how much chips it would use to do that very impressive 420 gph??
i take it the need to screen the chips would be to get the small unchipped limbs and long silvers out?? i,ve been thinking about the chips and there storage.i feel you should store the wood whole under cover until it,s dry then chip it blowing it into some type of dry storage.
how are the chips feed into the firebox? some type of convoyor and/or drill feeding from a hopper??
whats the cost on the 4x14??


04-27-2009, 08:19 PM
That's some pretty sweet sap at 35 gallons per hour.

04-27-2009, 09:12 PM
I think maplecrest was talking pellets, which are significantly different from chips. When talking of chips, also remeber there are several different types of chips-

there are whole tree biomass chips- which are as the name implies- the whole thing- including limbs, leaves, etc...these are green chips and have high moisture- usually the cheapest available- used mostly in biomass plants to make electricity-

bole chips- these come from the "bole" of the tree- the main trunk- often times de-barked slabs from a mill that are chipped. need to have been de-limbed and de-barked- and often screened- these are the most sought after for folks running large gasification boilers- like in schools or hospitals. Generally about 2 times more expensive than whole tree chips. generally dryer in moisture content

paper chips are chips that are a specific size and are often from de-barked and delimbed stems- specific species are often sorted...

I would think if your running a chip- fueled arch you would be looking for the bole chips- around us in NH there are a few primary suppliers- HHP in Henniker and Cousineau Forest Products. Often delivered w/ an 18 wheeler and a live-floor trailer. not something that would ever make it into my sugarhouse during sugaring season...course there is no reason you couldn;t make your own bole chips by getting slabs and chipping them...then why wouldn't you just burn the slabs?

04-27-2009, 09:47 PM
i,am intrested in this chip fired arch for several reason.. sawmill owner,was a full time logger for years and ran a whole tree chipper.i can get or make pretty much any kinda chip i,de need and i,de get rid of my slabwood piles.
the idea behind burning pellets and/or chips would be a steady fire in the arch...you,ll never get that with slabs and i,ll bet chips would be alot less work as your boiling...the arch is nodoubt hopper feed.
