View Full Version : Old mainline?

04-27-2009, 05:14 PM
I have a bunch of old (about 10 years i believe) black 1" mainline that was left in the woods we are tapping. do you guys think this mainline is still good at all? obviously it would be best to buy new stuff but if i could get 1000 or so feet all cleaned then it would be nice to save a little money. also what do you think the best way to clean this would be? thanks

Haynes Forest Products
04-27-2009, 06:16 PM
Im using 25 year old mainline and its fine. Its still plyable and when I cut into it its like new. Is it closed up or is it laying in the dirt and crap has run in it. I would start with the usual power wash and flush. Heck you could blow small sponges down the length with a pump at one end. put a T in the system about 2 feed down from the pump and water tank and insert a small sponge into the pipe cap it run it and every 30 seconds and insert another one small chunks of scotch brite pads. If you dont have any branch lines it will come out the other end. We have done this to get sand out of sprinkler lines. You dont have to have a tight fit for it to help wash the line.

04-27-2009, 07:00 PM
Sounds good ill probably try and clean it up and see how it comes out. the problem is it is lying on the ground so stuff can run into it. part of it is hung up but most of it is on the ground and covered in leaves.

04-27-2009, 08:31 PM
I have seen brushes that are made to clean the inside of mainline. It gets either pushed through or pulled through by air I think.
I have never used them but I think their either in the LaPierre or Domminion& Grimm catalog.

Haynes Forest Products
04-27-2009, 09:25 PM
If the line was laying on the ground coverd with leaves thats ok as long as crap wasnt sitting in there getting petrefied. Every year when I open up my cabin the pump spits out sedement from the well and after 1/2 hr its all clean and we drink that water.

Amber Gold
04-28-2009, 06:29 AM
Keith, they're called pigs. They use them to clean, NG pipelines, water mains, and sewer mains. Didn't know they used them on this scale. Only thing that would concern me is if it gets hung up. I would just use a water and compressed air. I wouldn't think it would be any dirtier/more buildup than tubing that's been used continuously.

04-28-2009, 10:53 AM
the problem i have found with old line is when you use vac you will find pin holes cracks ect. if you plan to use vac do your self a big favor and use all new stuff it will save you time and money in the long run having to chase leaks when you have other things to do during the season is a pain in the butt. your money will be well spent in labor saving and time spent doing other things