View Full Version : Weather in your area.
01-01-2005, 07:35 AM
Wondering what every body thinks about this weather we are having??
Here it is jan-1-2005 and they are saying 50-60 temps possible.
Im wondering what this season is going to bring.
It looks like it may be a very bad year here. Im thinking if its anything like last year.
It will be over be fore it really ever starts.
O well, just have to take it day by day I quess.
Hi Charlie, I think your right. This weather is great if you don't like snow but I don't think its to great for sugaring at this moment. We need snow and cold here pretty quick. Now having said that. Not to much snow or cold to quick! Let's break into it easy. :D
Take care.
01-01-2005, 08:22 AM
We had a winter like this in 99-00. I tapped the end of Dec and made syrup all the way through the first or second week of March. Most people thought I was nuts for tapping that early, but had I waited for "traditional" time, I would have had a really bad year. Granted there were long periods of time between boiling, I still made over 250 gallons of syrup from 1500 taps. In a year when most only made 20-25% of their normal yield. So if this continues I plan on tapping as soon as stuff is ready, which could take awhile as I am still setting lines.
4x14 small bros,
wore out wife, two kids, and a mule.
Oh ya, whole lota chickens, turkerys, 2 coonhounds, and a milkcow.
01-05-2005, 06:25 PM
Wow, this is not winter its spring??
Well, we are getting a little snow tonite. But I dont beleave it will last as snow. Beleave it'll all winde up being rain.
This is kinda scary seeing what type of winter we are getting.
My wife told me to settle down(relax) that Feb will all change for the better,
Sure hope she is right. :!:
Darn Bug is making me ichyyyyyyy :twisted:
01-05-2005, 06:57 PM
Almost 4 inches of rain since Monday, still raining. Ground pretty well soaked. Waiting for some freeze/thaw to start!
01-05-2005, 07:13 PM
I say about 1 more week of this crapy weather. Than mid Jan and feb will get cold lake affect snow for those who get it. March will be nornmal. April a little colder. About 4 weeks of syrup weather. Lots of dark syrup this season.
Joe the weather dude.
01-05-2005, 08:51 PM
I don't care what color the syrup is, I just want to be able to boil and boil quite a bit. If this weather doesn't change by next weekend, we're in trouble down here. :cry: Last year was bad down here as I made syrup for 6 weeks and never had 1 single run where I got 1 gallon per tap. :?
01-06-2005, 03:17 AM
01-06-2005, 06:11 AM
Parker so true.. it makes ALL the difference, when the buckets aren't running, I'm still getting sap from the vacuum.
well a nice blanket of 6" or so, with some more still coming down, but then changing to freezing rain the rest of the day... I better get the generator ready for heavy trees and power lines 8O never know :!:
01-06-2005, 06:18 AM
Vaccum sounds great and I am sure it is, but not up my alley. I live about 30 minutes away from my sugarhouse and sometimes during the season I will only go over there every 2 or 3 days if the trees are not running real good and due to work and family. My trees are all remote in about 3 different locations, so not something that interests me to much. Not a good idea to go off and leave a vaccum system unattended for 2 or 3 days. :?
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-06-2005, 06:45 AM
Themapleking knows what he is talking about. Short season and dark.3/4 Crop. I remember about 10 years ago we had so much snow the sap lines were under in no time with about 4 1/2' of snowpack in the woods after X-mas and the second or third week in January it poured rain hard for 3 days straight-well it wiped out all the snow.And i ended up tapping for my first without snow shoes on- (Bare Ground) I Remember finding a picture(Several months ago) of my buddy scott helping me tap then. Season started out dark amber syrup and went to B and the best it improved to was a low Medium-Every sugarmaker i talked to was the same with the dark and B-So it's looking like a repeat of that season.Figuring on these warm days are souring the sap in the tree like it did many many moons ago? :roll: :roll: :roll:
01-06-2005, 06:57 AM
:oops: 8O :evil: Darn New england weather...... don't forget now our earth is wobbling 1" off it's axis, from the earthquake, hmmm maybe thats the culprit!!
01-06-2005, 10:33 AM
3" of snow so far and now the ice is starting to build up. 1/4" so far and building, roads are good though. Plow guys are doing laps around the coffee shop so they pass pretty often. Keep it comin mother nature, a few poles with power and phone on them and it will be SHOW ME DA MONEY,DADDY NEEDS SOME NEW STAINLESS ! Only down fall would be missing work to go to the conference. WILL make that, rain nor sleet, nor blinding snow.
01-06-2005, 12:38 PM
What rule of thumb do you guys use when evaluating ice storm damage? (tap vs no tap) We've had ice overnight here in central IL and once I get off work I'll check out the damage, but if the winds pick up I know I'll lose some branches.
Seven inches of snow and about 1/8 to 1/4" of ice. But our temps are above freezing, so we should be ok. Got up around 38 degrees. No wind so ice damage shouldn't be too bad. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hope it helps, can't hurt!
01-06-2005, 06:12 PM
:oops: 8O :evil: Darn New england weather...... don't forget now our earth is wobbling 1" off it's axis, from the earthquake, hmmm maybe thats the culprit!!
Jim, you may just be right about that. 1" off axis!
01-06-2005, 07:01 PM
Boy lets hope something like that doesn't really effect us.. but who knows?
01-06-2005, 09:54 PM
Outlook for week of the 17th highs in the low to mid 20's and lows in the singles so take advantage of the warm weather and get a few more projects done before cold temps set in. We still have lot of winter left don't get discouraged.
01-12-2005, 08:09 AM
Northeast • Great Lakes/Midwest Southeast • North Central • South Central • Northwest • Southwest
---As a free service to Farmers visitors, here is the current as well as next month's weather forecasts for the Northeast United States. Forecasts for the entire year are available in the 2005 Farmers' Almanac sold in many retail stores across the US. You can also conveniently order a copy from our online store. Note: If you are a AOL user and are having trouble seeing our monthly weather updates please click here.
January 2005
1st-3rd. Storms continue in Northeast, snow mountains, wet near and along Coast. 4th-7th. Fair, then unsettled, snow and cold New England. 8th-11th. Pleasant. 12th-15th. Stormy, then fair. 16th-19th. Wet New England. Fair, then showers Virginia, Maryland; unseasonably mild (“Juneuary?”). 20th-23rd. Fair and very cold; then clouding up. Snow West Virginia. 24th-27th. Heavy snow New England, accumulations of a foot or more. Stormy Mid-Atlantic States. 28th-31st. Fair and cold.
February 2005
1st-3rd. Wet New England, then clearing and cold. Showers Mid-Atlantic States, then clearing. 4th-7th. Fair, then snow by the 7th. 8th-11th. Stormy New England; blizzard conditions, 1 to 2 feet possible. Fair, blustery and cold follows. Snow also Mid-Atlantic, 6 to 12 inches, then turning fair. Snow returns to Virginias, Maryland by the 11th. 12th-15th. Snow New England. 16th-19th. Fair skies. 20th-23rd. Snowstorm sweeps in for Mid-Atlantic Coast. Heavy snows northern New York, Vermont, New Hampshire. 24th-28th. Fair, then unsettled. Very cold early mornings.
Now that's more like it. A couple of more big snow storms and I can talk my wife into a snowblower for the tractor. :D
Take care and have a great day! :D
01-12-2005, 09:52 AM
gotta love that :wink:
I sure would love a snowblower on the front of my cub cadet tractor...
I have a little snowblower for my Toro. I want a nice big 5 or 6 ft one for my blue tractor. :D Takes away from maple thou!!
01-12-2005, 04:40 PM
No tappin yet for Us, I'm waiting to see when Brandon makes a move. My weather pattern is very close to his.
We are getting 60 degree weather tommorrow and then its suppose to drop down in the teens this weekend. So mabe soon. Last year I had some in the last week of jan. and then put the rest in the second week of feb. But We will just wait it out for now.:roll:
01-12-2005, 04:58 PM
Wait.. don't be too anxious!! this happens every year when we start to get antsy!!
01-12-2005, 06:00 PM
I am hoping to hold out until Feb 20th, but will tap on 13th if neccessary. If Feb stays cold, I will wait until Feb 27th. I hope this cold stays around a while because I would only tap Feb 6th as a last resort.
01-12-2005, 09:34 PM
I wish I could send some of my weather your way. supposed to get down to -20+ with a high of -5 Fri.-Sun. Only have about 8 in. of snow, I will trade some cold air for precipitation. This is the third cold blast we have had this winter. I need more snow, but tapping here won't start untill mid-March, so still have time to get more snow.
01-13-2005, 11:53 AM
wheeeeeeeewwww...Time for a beer break! 67 degrees out , the pool is up and filled ,the trampolin is up with the net,oil and a tune up on the riding mower. WHOOOOOOO STOP IT'S ONLY JANUARY !
Wow what a dream that was, Guess thats what i get for nappin in the early afternoon. Is it really January ? Yep weather man says cold and snowy starting tonight and lasting all next week. I know they are usualy wrong. Keeps the kids out playing in the snow though.
Thanks Lanny, it looks like your wish is about to happen over our way. I'll see what i can do about the precip your way.
01-13-2005, 06:19 PM
Set a new record high today 68. The old one was 65 way back in 1890. Hay it even got hot 115 years ago and they made syrup back then. Think positive boys, still early.
01-13-2005, 09:25 PM
Set a new record here yesterday 66 and today 65. Supposed to keep getting colder with a lot of temps in the teens for the next couple of weeks. Hope things will hold true! :D
01-14-2005, 09:44 AM
59 when I went to bed last night and 30 this morning and a skiff of snow. The 15 day forecast looks awesome with even a night or two of single digits and most of the nights in the teens. only 4 to 5 more weeks for me and I am hoping we will have a good season! :D :D
01-15-2005, 07:46 AM
Hey Brandon, you are right about the forcast outlook. Like you said: hope it rings true?? This weather pattern is sure crazy.
I never thought much about the winter weather till I started sugaring.
Other than for hunting. I wish we would have had some snow this dec. and the beginning of Jan. It was the worst muzzleloader season we ever had(rain, rain, rain). I had 1 doe ,buck combo tag I wanted to fill.
We did however take 3 doe in the rifle season and 1 doe in the archery season and I shot a blackbear in the opening day of it.
But no buck, seen lots but no shots(archery). I missed a nice buck on opening day rifle and my wife also missed one to.
Any way, I'm gonna keep my sites on you and just wait to see what happens with this crazy weather patterns?
01-15-2005, 10:03 PM
Good luck this year and sorry about the bad luck in hunting season. Didn't have much luck and hunted very little as there are not hardly any deer anywhere down here. There are about 75% less deer than there were four years ago and they have doubled the bag limits and the kill is still down a ton this past year. Idiots in the DNR have let about all the deer get killed and the winters have killed a ton as we haven't had much mast in 4 years and some hard winters. :(
01-19-2005, 07:41 PM
Well now everybody, it is about time we get some snow here. Today 4" of nice powder. Good cold temps also.
For saturday and sunday they are saying anywhere from 8" to 12" of snow. Sounds like winter has finally made it here :!:
Hopefully things will all come together in about 3 weeks or so here. :P
01-20-2005, 11:20 AM
Looks good here also. 6 degrees Mon moring and 4 degrees Tues morning. We have got a few inches of snow this week also. The 10 day forecast looks good through end of month. Hope this weather holds up as I would like to wait until at least Feb 19th to tap! :D
01-20-2005, 12:06 PM
BBBB RRRR RRRR RRRRRRR MMMAANNNNN IIISSS IIITTT CCCOOLD OUT :D Looking at accuweather it should stay cold up to the 2nd weekend in February here.Thinking we can still wait our two weeks after that and tap the last week. See how things work out. :wink:
01-20-2005, 03:00 PM
How are you getting a forecast that far in advance. That is 3 to 4 weeks away??????????
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-20-2005, 03:31 PM
Genny says!!!!! :D :D Hey Rick, how'd you like that mirror picture I sent to your e-mail?
01-20-2005, 08:33 PM
Anyone know if there going to do the state by state tapping board again :?:
If so, when do they normally put it up :?:
Was just wondering if that is the way they do it every year on here??
What happens to the old board, is it removed totally or are there some kind of archives somewhere to veiw it again? :idea:
would Like to look back on some of it. 8)
I did keep a journal last season just to have that info, think I will keep a journal every year.
01-20-2005, 09:05 PM
You can go and look at all the posts by user. Just look at all your posts from last year and hopefully that will help you some. :)
01-21-2005, 12:23 AM
Brandon.....Try going to
scroll down, enter your zip code ,scroll down again and look for weather next 11-15 days.
Thing to remember is that it is only a forcast. The temps they predicted last night have changed for the same dates i looked at yesterday. Sure wish i had taken up meteorology as a profession,would always have a job of guessing.
Al....mirror picture that you e-mailed me ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? don't remember receiving anything recently. Resend if you would.
Rick resent the picture it to your email.
01-21-2005, 08:53 AM
See Al, even the great state of Vermont knows that Genny is the real king of beers.Were the heck did you find it?Very seldom you see much advertiseing out of NY state. See if you can find that buck in the top right hand corner. Hunting trip to pumpkin village if you do. :wink:
My Aunt and Uncle sold antiques and found it. They give it to me about 15 years ago. No deer like that here in Vt. Well that's what we tell everyone anyways. :D
01-21-2005, 02:44 PM
Ahhh Genny... cream ale!!! :mrgreen:
01-22-2005, 06:31 AM
Ok so one asks himself, why did you worry about the weather, there's always a jauary thaw. then there's the opposite the deep freeze 8O this morning is the coldest yet, -11 here and it's 7:30am. we have a good sized flurry coming of 6-12, I think maybe the season will start as usuall :lol: :wink: this definately may freeze the "swamp" that was around my back bush and stay frozen so I'm not sucking pond water instead of sweet sap!! now to get out there and get some 3/4 mainline up in place of the too small 1/2 " I've got 1 more sap ladder to build too.. 8O maybe since it's a few deg colder today I'll finish wiring the burner :o
01-22-2005, 06:53 AM
When it doesn't freeze for 2+ weeks the end of Dec and the first two weeks of Jan with temps in the 50's and 60's, you'd probably be worry too. Never seen weather like this in my life and the old timers all said that also. We usually don't see hardly any days above freezing this time of year. 8O
01-22-2005, 07:55 AM
Oh I know, I was talking of myself, wondering about around here, now your area? sure glad it's colder there too for sure.. wouldn't have been good if the trees POP... you have too many goodies to play with this season... hopefully won't be for 2-3 more weeks at least.
01-22-2005, 09:41 AM
You people panic too much. I told you it's early and don't worry the cold weather will come.
Brandon you said you have never seen weather like this in your life last year.
01-22-2005, 05:15 PM
Well here in CT they are calling for 20-30 inches of snow blizzard like condition. the snow is going to fall 3 inches an hour. I got the wood stove full and sitting back and getting the drop lines done, nothing else to do now.
01-22-2005, 05:45 PM
they are saying 18+here and also blizzard conditions... hooboy, gonna be fun :lol:
01-22-2005, 07:20 PM
So Jeremy..... If i sighn on this dotted line for the easy payment program, bought this 30k truck,payed for the insurance,the add,coffee,smokes,etc. just how much is left for sugarin stuff? Sounds like all the other big ideas i have too. HE HE HE
01-22-2005, 07:51 PM
Yeah, this is two years in a row I guess I made the statement I never seen weather like this. Last year it was the first 8 days of March, not Jan and it was 60's to 70 every day with no freezing. Normally about the best syrup week of the year down here.
We have gotten a few inches today and got quite a bit of freezing rain and sleet earlier today. Forunately, very little stuck to trees and lines since there was enough wind to keep it off. Pouring it down now and goona be cold tonight! :D
"As long as we no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow". :lol: :lol: :lol:
01-22-2005, 09:46 PM
Jeremy.....I the big storm has blown past us. We have around12-14" on the ground now with another 4-6" due tonight. Not enough to get excited about. At least we'll have a little snow pack this year. Figure tommorrow will be a good day to head to the shack and get some goodies for fine tunning.
01-29-2005, 09:51 PM
I have something to for you to chew on as you didn't like me stating I had never seen weather like this. I was at my grandmother's house today next to one of the sugarbushes I tap and there is a really nice mid size red maple in her yard and it had not only budded, but the buds had busted out and were huge. Bet they're all dead now since it was -8 one night this week and below zero one or two nights last week with basically only one day above freezing in the last two weeks.
Chew on that for a while and I would like some opinions on what this tree will do?????? Will these buds fall off and will it bud again??????????
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-30-2005, 04:44 AM
I've got to look at that tree personally-send me a picture.
01-30-2005, 07:06 AM
What is your email address and I will try to send you a picture next weekend as I won't be over there until then??
Better yet, I will try to post a picture on the trader for you and others to look at and give opinions. 8O 8O
01-30-2005, 07:10 AM
I'd say the buds will sit like that till spring. I dont beleave they will fall off the tree and start over.
However it probly will stunt there growth.
My reds are all very tight up my way. I quess are weather pattern isnt the same this year. We,ve still got about 15" snow left on the ground and it hasnt gotten above freezing for a while. I was going to tap this tue's, but the weather is suppose to stay around 20's to 30's till Thursday.
(Thursday)It is then suppose to stay around 20's at nite and above 40's for the whole following week after. But that can change at the flip of a switch. So quess we will just wait and see. :?: :?:
01-30-2005, 08:22 AM
Wait until Thursday and see what it is then. It may be totally different by then. I would recommend you waiting until the last possible minute to tap. I tapped a week too early last year and paid for it in the long run as I only got 170 gallons of sap the entire first week. Last year I tapped on Feb 13. I hope to wait until at least Feb 19th this year or even Feb 26th if possible. If you hit it right, you can make close to a quart of syrup per tap in the first 7 to 10 days. When I was in college years ago, we were always on spring break around the 8 to 15th of March and I would always tap 100 taps around the 7th of March and usually make at least 15 gallons of syrup in just 6 days. 2 years ago, I got around 1,000 gallons out of 103 taps in 8 days. This was the last week of Feb and the first 3 or 4 days of March.
01-30-2005, 03:54 PM
Hey Brandon,
I put out 25 taps today.
But Im going to wait for the rest.
I have about 80 or so taps left to do. Im going to wait for them.
They where running when I put them in. The temp was 36 degree's. They are calling for good weather next thrus or fri. and they are saying it should last at least 5 days or so of 40"s high temps.
Not sure what your weather is suppose to be??
But I will just wait on the rest I think.
I'd like to make a small batch A.S.A.P. Got a few people looking for it.
02-03-2005, 01:32 PM
Charlie.....How are the 25 taps doing ? Are they running :D or just teasing ya :cry:
02-03-2005, 03:45 PM
Hey Rick,
They are teasing me :twisted: But things should look better by Saturday if it all pans out. However, I will not tap my last 80+ taps to I see a big improvment.. :wink:
02-03-2005, 03:50 PM
:P Here you can check Slatingtons weather out right here. :lol:
02-03-2005, 04:07 PM
Here's mine, guess you can figure out why I am pulling my hair out. As of now, I have decided to hold until 19th, but I will decide for certain by noon tommorrow. :(
02-03-2005, 06:13 PM
I saw a robin today on my way home from work. I told my wife and she said the males always show up first to claim thier territory. I know it wasn't a local bird because it was wearing sunglasses and had a Tampa sticker on it's suitcase!
02-03-2005, 06:40 PM
I saw the 5 day forcast for my area today,,,,,20's at night--40's during the day,,all 5 days!!! 8O
02-03-2005, 07:29 PM
Still early I hope... Big weekend this weekend for me, got my insulation today for the arch, I will get it done and maybe test fire too by sunday, that with finishing lines and vacuum system.. if it gets warm I'll be almost ready 8O
02-03-2005, 07:49 PM
Hey Jim,
sounds like your just about ready for the sugaring to start. I'll bet your all fired up w/ the bug and all. :?: :wink:
dads hobby
02-05-2005, 07:06 AM
Up her in northern Ontario we are in a mild spell. We are above the freazing piont we are siting at about 35 degrees F. Hopefully it will get colder for a little longer as i have to repace my hole evaporator system. Ihave a veary small oparation and last year i burnt out my homemade evaporator and my pans developed some severe leaks.
02-16-2005, 06:29 AM
WHAT THE ???? Yesterday it was 55 degrees and sunny,snow melting like crazy,and grass showing everywere. Woke up this morning and it's 31 and snowing to beat the band. 2-3" with more falling pretty heavy. Make up your mind Mo Nature Geeeeeeezzzzzzz.
02-17-2005, 06:16 AM
Mo Nature must be having her..... it will be cold this weekend, then a week or so warmup, then cold the beginning of march.. maybe get some good runs in tho with the up and down temps.
02-17-2005, 06:49 AM
They say good things come to those who wait :D ....Ill be tapping by next weekend.... :wink:
03-05-2005, 03:52 PM
looked at accuweather just a min ago, looks aweful, still cold up to mid march, sure hope it changes.. there will be alot of guys RE-TAPPING, imagine some have tapped for 2 to 3 weeks or more ...may be a record cold syrup year!!!
03-05-2005, 07:14 PM
Well it looks like we are gonna get some good temps again.
Collected 34 gallons of sap today and boiled off 32 gallons of sap today from the other day.
The temps look like they may run for a few days up until Weds nite or so.
Then cold again for a few days, then back up to the 40's for the following week. I hope this keeps up!!!! Maybe we will get lucky and go right into april. :P
My weather
03-05-2005, 08:10 PM
Charlie, Your lucky my 15 day forecast does not have a 40 in it.
03-06-2005, 06:04 AM
You guys up there should soon be getting good weather.
What is Mass normal tap date?
There a few big guys that are up north of me in Pa and they tapped like last week, but there tree's just arent running yet ether they say.
But it should all start to come together soon?
Its Gonna get muddy fast when it does.
My little 4x4 tractor almost got stuck on me the other day. Im driving threw about 10" of snow and it sank threw about 10" into mud.
So Im staying away from that spot..
Best of luck
03-06-2005, 10:48 AM
Normally I tap mid to late feb. but doesn't look like it will run for another week or two
03-06-2005, 02:38 PM
The good thing with it being extremely cold, there shouldn't be any reason to retap. With very cold temps, the holes will stay dormant and run like crazy when it does warm up. Bacteria doesn't like cold weather, so the holes shouldn't be sealing very little if any due to cold weather! :D
03-07-2005, 12:01 AM
Was just watching the weather channel and they reported an earth quake up in Canada felt as far south as NY,Mass,VT and Maine. Any one over that way feel anything?
03-07-2005, 11:31 AM
here is some weather and tapping related reading material.
03-07-2005, 02:28 PM
Someone sent my partner a newspaper article the other day, it had a quote in it from a guy about 30 miles west of us at a museum saying that the season here only lasts 2-3 weeks.
No wonder the guy has been boiling water for exhibitions when we've been making syrup. And he teaches a class at the museum about sugaring, too!
Maybe he just doesn't want to spend much time doing it. We're into week six, and if the weather is anything like the forecast, we may have seven.
03-07-2005, 08:21 PM
You are thinking right Doug.
Gary Graham from OSU at Ohio Maple Days in January said something like - if you waited for your tapping date instead of the watching the weather in 2004 you missed the season. :cry:
03-08-2005, 07:15 AM
As long as the weather stays fairly cool/cold and don't get a bunch of warm days, the holes will stay open for who knows how long. I have seen posts on here where guys have tapped in Jan and made syrup until April. I think this is very doable and this would be a year when you could do that due to so much cold weather. :D
03-08-2005, 09:11 AM
We're kind of in the middle of that debate at the moment... as I mentioned last week a bunch of ours have stopped, and even with some cold weather have not re-started. But, taps we added last week are running like crazy.
The debate is whether to move some taps to trees we haven't tapped yet. My partner thinks that time is running out, I'm looking at the long-range weather and thinking it will go through at least next week. Maybe I'll just do them Wednesday when he's not around :D
03-08-2005, 11:55 AM
If you have more trees you haven't tapped, pull the old taps and put them in new trees. The new trees will run so fast you can't keep up due to it being late in the season! :D
03-08-2005, 01:34 PM
That's what I say. :D
03-09-2005, 08:00 PM
What a beautiful day today. Foot new snow on top of the last several storms. 15 degree temp and a 20 mph wind just to keep the snow sandblasting your face. Thought about running radiant heat in the sugarbush, than thought better about that idea. How about movin the trees to FL and put in some big AC units????????
03-10-2005, 05:13 PM
NY maple weekend might be a no show. Most everyone has none or very little made. I have about 15 new gals plus 3 gals from last year. I need at least 60 gal min. for maple weekend.
Mother nature is a real B this year.
03-11-2005, 06:49 AM
Joe, I have the local paper coming on Wed to do a story on my place, I told the girl that if I have to we will boil water 8O I also have the scout pancake breakfast next Sat. hopefully the sap will run this week.... 1 more week and no sap, I'm apt to throw my hands up in the air and shut down till next year 8O mother nature is definately a Beee atch !!
O.K. Jim now calm down. Warm weather is on the way. Great to see you getting in the paper. What will you do for syrup for the pancake breakfast?
I'm tapping this weekend and the extended forcast says the 22nd will be up around 40 and stay around for the next couple of days. Our maple weekend it the 18th too. Don't know what the sugar houses are going to do. We had one of our bigger operations already to go during the Feb. warmup period and collected 28,000 gallons of sap.
The story is in the Agriview paper and you can find it on the Vermont homepage. Take care and stay calm.
03-11-2005, 03:41 PM
MAPLEMAN3---1 more week and no sap, I'm apt to throw my hands up in the air and shut down till next year 8O mother nature is definately a Beee atch !![/quote] :lol: :lol: :lol: yea sure ok......ROTFLMAO (abreviation for) Rolling on the floor laughing my *ss off
03-11-2005, 06:12 PM
hehehe love pullin yer leg!!
03-13-2005, 07:46 PM
What is in the bottle on your pic?? The way you guys are talking, it can't be syrup and it seems more than one person has been nipping it?? I believe you have taken up making moonshine. 8O 8O 8O :oops: :oops:
03-14-2005, 06:21 AM
Moonshine.. hmmm still boilin right? :wink:
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