View Full Version : HAPPY NEW YEAR-JANUARY Journal
12-31-2004, 09:33 PM
Less than a couple hours away from the New Year! and just 2 mos away from tapping. Holy cow it went so fast and yet seems like forever since the last boil. I know everyone has the New Years resolutions picked out.. loose weight, save money,learn to yodle(ya sure). I just hope to have a healthy year for my family and make a crapload of good tasting quality syrup..... So heres a toast! to a good prosperous and lengthy sugarin season to all you sugarmakers out there.. and Happy New Year :D
12-31-2004, 10:21 PM
I will toast to that, Happy New Year!!
12-31-2004, 10:47 PM
Figured out what my old password was!!!!!!!!!! Happy New Year to all. :lol: :lol: :lol: Hope it's better than last year. :lol: :lol: :lol:
01-01-2005, 05:23 PM
Welcome Back Pegjam
Today I made the front plate to replace the firing doors on the evap. just need to weld on some tabs to take place of the hinges so I can mount the plate and use the hinge pins to hold in place, that way I can remove the plate easy enough if I go back to wood. had company today also so that slowed me down quite a bit!
01-01-2005, 05:40 PM
What a beatiful day we had today!! Who'd thought we could work in the woods on Jan 1 and not be wadeing through waist deep snow. I put out about 50 taps today, got them all ready to go. Sap was running out of a branch I broke off a small maple. :lol: :lol: :lol: Long ways to go though, hope the weather holds, but don't expect it to. :cry: :cry: :cry:
4x14 small bros, wore out wife, two kids, a mule, whole lota chickens, turkeys, 2 coonhounds, and a milkcow.
Hope this helps, can't hurt.
Happy New Year to all. It was a nice day here also, I moved my lines up this afternoon. The last time we didn't have any snow on the ground on newyrs, my lines where buried under 3' of frozen crusty snow, YUCK.
Ma. guys remember the mass maple meeting is Jan 15.
01-01-2005, 08:51 PM
Finally got an entire day to work on maple stuff and it has been a long time since the last time. I finished my preheater and soldered in my removable connections from the preheater to the feed line and to the float box. I also installed my steam stack up in the coupla, finished installing my blower on the back of my arch and washed my pans really good and covered them. I also leveled my arch and installed 1" ceramic blanket all around the outside for pan gasket.
Due to the difficulty in getting everything setup and having to drain the pans really good to keep the flue pan from freezing, I have decided not to do a test boil. My first run is usually really small and I can tweak it them. I hung some small lightweight chainks above each corner of the hood to raise it if neccesary. I am off from work on Monday as that is when our New Years holiday falls and I hope to finish up nearly everything and finish washing up everything then.
Speaking of leveling the evaporator, I was lowering it to the floor last saturday and the rear of the evaporator hit the floor. Fortunately, no damage was done and no one was in the way as it weighs close to 2,000 lbs with the airght front and pans on it. I hope to get some pictures of everything on Monday and post them on my website.
Good luck and it is 6 weeks or less down here or if the weather stays the same, it is about 58 weeks. :cry: :cry: :cry:
01-02-2005, 05:55 PM
Spent all weekend cutting a new roadway threw the woods. The other one is too far gone to use mud, sand, water. Did over 300 yards long and 12ft wide. Now I can get around nicely.
My Back is killing me now, need some heavy pain killers.
01-02-2005, 05:57 PM
Mapleking,,,try a stonewall,,,,,Got the tin on one side of the roof,,quiting work early tommrow to finish it...Planning on going to VT saturday to get the new rig,,,,
01-02-2005, 07:56 PM
The way things are going down here and much of the other US, it may be 2006 before any syrup is made. I checked the forecast through Jan 11th, and it is supposed to be warm like it is now without any freezing. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I am curious to see what everone else thinks. I checked the forecast for up north yesterday as I am going to be flying up next weekend and it looked about the same.
By the way, what is the website you sugaring people use for forecasting that gives like 15 days or more of forecasts?? I remember mapleman and some of the others posting it last year, but I can't remember what it was???
01-02-2005, 08:50 PM
Thanks for the info. We haven't had any freezing here for 3 or 4 days and it is supposed to be like this for about 12 to 14 straight days. It is 53 here as I am writing this post and it is nearly 10 pm.
I have never seen weather like this for the first two weeks of Jan. Will this hurt the season if any of you experts have an opinion?? It's normally doesn't get above freezing the first two weeks of Jan. 8O 8O
01-02-2005, 10:49 PM
I have tapped early before, in 99-2000. Other than not making any light, I didn't notice any off flavor in my syrup. It was hard not having something to boil every single day, but we did alright. If the farmers almanic is right, the weather isn't going to cool down until mid to late feb. With most of the cold weather in feb and march, and coming off warm in the first or second week of april. If this continues I will tap as soon as the lines are up and ready. Make hay while the sun shines. Make syrup when the weather's right. Hope this helps, can't hurt. :lol: :lol: :lol:
01-03-2005, 05:38 PM
Got the rest of the roof on, should have the boards for the sides tommrow afternoon,,,strating to look bigger now,,,it will be nice not to have to shovel off the slab agine, (been real lucky with that) , now it time for a large STONEWALL
01-03-2005, 07:29 PM
We'll blame the warm temps on Brandon. He's coming up north this weekend to the converance and bringing that warm southern weather.
Can't take the cold :wink:
01-03-2005, 07:42 PM
I'll take the blame for that but I am hoping to bring back some cold northern weather with me. This weather we are having is not good for anything, especially for sugaring. Well, it might be good for the flue bug to spread. :evil:
I spent all day again today working at the farm on sugaring stuff. I spent about 3 hours and after 1,000+ shovels of large gravel, I was able to get the road to it in good shape. The dirt was starting to push up through the gravel as it had been several years since any gravel had been spread. Got a load of 23 tons a couple of weeks ago and finished getting it spread today. I also cleaned up my sugaring area and finished giving the evaporator it's final scrubbing and sealed off all the pans and boxes to keep dirt out. I also installed a 1" drain pipe for my stainless sink and my hood drain to get rid of all the excess water and water from the sink. I still have to hang the hood for my finisher, but that will only take about 5 minutes to get it hung and leveled. I also installed a sight tube for my feeding tank on Saturday and I think some of you will be interested in seeing it as soon as I remember to take pics of everything and post them on my website. I did try out the blower and rehostat today and it works great. I can't wait to get about 500 gallon of sap and let 'er rip! :D :D :D
01-04-2005, 04:35 PM
The forecast here is supposed to stay warm all the way thru Jan 18th. That is 3+ weeks without any freezing. I have never seen weather like this in my life. It normally doesn't get above freezing this time of year. I don't know what to think other than start planning for 2006. Sure puts a damper on the trip this weekend also. :cry: :cry: :cry:
01-05-2005, 06:24 AM
The weather has been so mild here, I'm getting alot done, unfortunately it's been too warm, kripes if I was ready I could be sappin right now, the next 10-13 days is showing perfect sap weather, teens at night 30's and 40's during the day.... I sure hope the snow we get tonight stays for awhile :? enough of this January thaw!!! I mounted the Burner last night, I'm hoping someone is selling arcg board at the conference, I'd like to insulate this weekend with Brandon coming up. I think if I needed I could be set in a weeks time but it would be awefull close and a lot of work, still need to build the sap ladder(buy those parts this weekend also) better bring a bunch of $$ with me to NY this weekend :?
TR Hardwoods
01-05-2005, 07:10 AM
Weather in WI has been fairly normal. About a week of bitterly cold temps. -18F on christmas eve in central WI with a high temp of only -4F. My father, who lives in northern WI, had temps of -31F. We could use some snow however. We had about 7" on the ground but then the ice storm struck last week and everything is blanketed in .5" of ice. Even the horse will not venture out of the shelter 8O . The forecast is calling for 2-4" of snow tonight with more to the south and temps in the upper 20's to low 30's for the next week. All in all this is fairly normal weather for us. Still not to excited about the sapping season as we have another three months around here before we get going. Hope everyone had a good holiday season and good wishes for 2005.
01-08-2005, 08:37 PM
Well I wacthed the forcast and decided not to go to VT in a snow storm for the evap..,,old trucks with crappy winshield wipers and no real defroster takes the fun out of it,,Worked on the shack insted,,got one side boarded in ,,Ill try to finish the other side tommrow,,Ill be after the evap. this week
That was proberly a good idea Parker. We got more snow here then predicted. I'm on my way to plow my driveway now. Pick up my rear pan on Tuesday with the new float on it. :D Have to plumb it in and get it ready to go. People are starting to ask about syrup. Almost makes me wish I had more taps. :D
Take care
01-09-2005, 03:59 PM
Al 200 taps isn't far away is it? :wink:
So I got back not to long ago from droping Brandon off at the airport, My boys were sad to see him leave, We all will miss having him around, we had a good Brunch ,played ping pong(he's good) the boys tried taking him down but brandon fought them back, my dog was happy when he kept feeding her extra goodies...
I am glad I got to go to the conference, Met Greg(Trout Brook Maple) , Rick(dropflue) a new guy who will be signing on soon, and Our infamous Chris the Mapleguy! Glad now I can put a face to thier names... Chris, Glad you had a good day there, a long way to travel.
Now to get more work done this week, Brandon having been here helped out getting a few things done, as I needed help with the scoping and leveling of mainline wire. Brandon I hope your piece of stainless stack and other goodies mede it back safely with you.
I have moved back onto the logging job I was on last winter in Andover that has all the ice damaged wood on it.There is quite a lot of standing dead red oak,,Thursday and friday while I was pulling hitches I would pick up a few dead ones per hitch,,I cut them up 40 inches long in the yard then the farmer who is letting me land the wood on his lot split them up for me,,I just grab the split wood with the yard crane and load the dump trucks,,I brought 1 load home yesterday and there is one to get there now,,,Last year at bobs I brought some over and it was boaderline scary burning this stuff, I like to call it the NITROMEATHANE of sugar wood,,I am going to try to get 30 cords of it home,,,I am a little concerned how it will work with a blower and a green {ME} evaporator opperator,,,Do you smell something burning?
That last one was me I got logged off agine :evil: PARKER
01-10-2005, 11:59 AM
Everything arrived safe and sound on the airplane that I brought box and the box didn't have a scratch on it. The barometer that I won doesn't appear to be working, so maybe that is why they called it a decorative barmoter! :lol: :lol: Will watch it and see what happens with it but might call Marcland and see if I can buy another insert as the wood is fine. It didn't get hurt in the plane as it was inside the stack and surrounded by several inches of soft packaging materials. :o
01-10-2005, 06:16 PM
maybe the high altitude in the plane messed it up just a thought. don't know maybe some one else knows. I know you are suppose to calibrate them based on your elevation.
01-10-2005, 06:43 PM
I did calibrate it today based on the local airport. Guess I will wait a day or two and see if it decides to work correctly. :?
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-10-2005, 07:10 PM
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A good way to test a barometer to see if the needle moves under increased air pressure is to put it in a plastic bag and seal it by twisting the top or whatever, then applying hand pressure while watching the dial.
01-12-2005, 06:42 PM
HEY ALL YOU MAPLER'S............... What do you think of a section here in the maple trader for SALE OR SWAP.....Looks like a lot of people selling and looking for stuff....why not have a section for bartering!!(I hope i used the right word)...If the Maple Guys agree........ :D .....Hope I'm not out of line here.....
01-12-2005, 06:48 PM
Better be careful, some of these guys might get the shirts off our back. No names, but their initials are PR and JD. 8O 8O 8O :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
01-12-2005, 06:59 PM
ok JD I get 8) .. PR ? :?:
I like the idea, bartering is always good, heck I would go help someone with a good days work for used galv sap buckets :wink:
(edit) ahh just got the PR :wink:
01-12-2005, 07:09 PM
Better be careful volunteering to help. Seems like you have enough to do to get ready between now and syrup season especially with all the meetings you are attending! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-12-2005, 07:28 PM
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01-12-2005, 07:35 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:
01-13-2005, 03:34 AM
HMMMM P.R,,wonder who that is???........oh by the way I have a bunch of buckets that leak,,,if anyone wants to come over and help for a day,,i would be happy to trade
01-13-2005, 07:57 AM
I had to have a little fun with you and mapleman. Seems like you are always battering on something! :oops: :lol: :lol:
01-13-2005, 09:52 AM
Bartering is a great way to get things, or get things done :D too bad it doesn't happen more in life
Well what a busy last couple of days!!! Whenever I do this maple stuff I feel like I am skipping school,,not working,, just having fun..Friday Kevin came down and marked out most of the new sugar bush in the pouring rain, then we ran over to the Hoit road bush and went over that set up with an eye towards line improvement,,very helpful,,,,THANKS! Cant wait to return the favor, ,Yesterday 7 friends of mine met at my house at 7AM, I had my international 1600(12 foot bed) with a 16 foot trailer, my int. 1700 (12 foot bed), my full size dodge and a buddy brought his F-700 with a 20 foot bed...we laoded the arch of the 3x10 I sold on thursday and headed to Ludlow,, there we met up with the Lowes and transferd the arch to there trailer,,,They were nice enough to follow us down to Andover and help load the 5x16 and all the stuff that went with it,,,I really thought we would have 1 truch that was half full on the way back,,,NOT SO,,everyone was freighted,,we got the arch and the sap pan in the new shack,,,now the work begines,,,,,,
That last post was me,,got logged off agine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PARKER
I bet you can't wait to fire up that baby! Good luck and have fun. This sugaring is worse then being a kid in a candy store! :D
01-16-2005, 07:46 AM
You are going to have to change your signature since you are getting big time in the maple world. :lol: :lol: :lol: I thought you were going to be around 200 taps this year instead of 120 :?:
Parker, congrats with the evaporator. You are going to have to take some pics of everything and post them on the trader so we can see everything once it gets finished! 8)
No Brandon 120's the limit. Anything over that and I'll have to boil 24 hours a day to keep up. At best my boiling rate is about 18-20 gallons an hour. Although could add forced air to bring her up a couple gallons an hour. :D Also after looking at the new catalouge prices I intend to keep this one untill she falls apart. :D
Take care
01-16-2005, 09:11 AM
Parker congrats, sure sounds like it was a real busy but productive weekend, now I'm sure your strting to get the itch alot more... it's just around the corner!!
01-16-2005, 11:41 AM
With your evaporator, you could easily handle 200 taps if you wanted to. There are not going to be very many days you will get 1 gallon per tap and the days you get huge runs, you can carry the sap over until the next day and keep carrying it over until you get it caught up. I would much rather dump too much sap than not have enough. :D :D
Remember all the unfilled orders..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
01-16-2005, 12:15 PM
Ahh finally the oil lines to and from the burner are hooked up, now hopefully tomorrow I'll get most of the electrical done.. then insulate.. shooting for a week or 2 for test boil
01-16-2005, 06:06 PM
I am about 5 weeks from my test boil I hope. I am planning on my test boil being the first boil hopefully. Don't really see any problems with anything, but hope to find about around the last week of Feb! :D
120 the limit here. Evaporator is at top end now and it's not getting any bigger. Have a great even and good luck.
Holy Cow!!! Six of us on the forum at once. Should be alot of good ideas. Have a great night!
01-16-2005, 08:46 PM
Might be a harm too! :lol: Since you are spent out for this year, might want to try to add a blower and a preheater to your evaporator for next year. Could probably get it up to maybe even 30 gph! Lookout, might not want to do that because then you might need 200 taps!(no pun intended)! 8O
I am just joking with you!! Have fun with whatever you do as you have a great setup! :D :D
01-19-2005, 09:22 PM
I ordered 10 rolls of 2300 deg/ 8 pound den. blanket to line my arch with. I hope this will work, If not I will put a roll of 2600 in the front. I ordered some jugs, grading kit and 2 dr pepper 15 gallon ss drums.
I think I will be ready in time for the first big run! :D
01-20-2005, 11:22 AM
I have been thinking about the blanket issue. I would think it would be fine to use 2300 degrees for the first two layers and use the 2600 degrees for the outside layer--the one that makes all the contact with the fire. Don't see where it would need to be 2600 underneath?? :?
01-24-2005, 01:07 PM
I got my 210 gallon tank just before the big storm hit. I love the way it sits low profile in the truck. I have a valve and tubing hooked up so I am ready to collect. about 1 month until I tap!
01-25-2005, 09:13 AM
Finally we have gas line plumbed and the gas tank is being delivered today. Hopefully I can do a real test boil tomorrow.
I'm planning to tap, too, the forecast is for freeze/thaw through the weekend.
01-25-2005, 09:24 AM
Let us know how the test boil goes. Are you planning on tapping already? I am holding out for at least a couple more weeks, but hoping to wait until at least Feb 19th. Might want to check the 15 day accu weather and see what they say. Nothing in sight here for the next 15 days if it is accurate??
01-25-2005, 11:50 AM
we may be a little early, but it's forecast to be 46 today, and all the local forecasts say freeze/thaw through next week. The 15-day on accuweather also says freeze-thaw through the next 15 days.
I may not get them all done tomorrow, but we'll at least be started. Looking back at our old records we usually make our first batch around the 8th or 9th. Figuring we tap several days before that, we'll only be about a week early if I boil next Wednseday the 2nd.
Hopefully it's not jumping the gun too much, but I don't want to miss a good early run if the temps are anywhere near what they are forecasting.
01-25-2005, 12:18 PM
I'm interested on how the test boil goes also. Don't for get about getting the flame deflected under the syrup pan. Once you get the right setup, you'll be impressed with the amount of heat produce from that burner.
Dropflue (Rick)
Gas Fired 2x6 D&G Dropflue
01-25-2005, 02:08 PM
We should have it fired up tomorrow afternoon, so I'll post something after that. I can't wait.
The previous owner had built a deflector out of blanket & bricks, so we will start with that and see how it goes.
Just got an e-mail from my partner who says the installation guy from the gas co. was extremely helpful & set us up with 2 regulators, high-pressure to "push" the gas to the building, then low pressure at the bldg. He also fixed the leaks from my partner's plumbing job. :)
We ran an additional line to our 3-burner we use for finishing, so that will eliminate having to mess with propane tanks for it.
They were nice enough to bring us a portable 1000 gal. tank that we can use for this season, then will pick it up after the season is over, then bring us a permanent one whenever we get our new building up.
01-25-2005, 02:17 PM
Guys, if you are interested in checking out my forecast(s), you need to use zip code 25976 for the weather channel and 24901 for accuweather. If you search by Beckley, the temp is usually 4 to 6 degrees warmer than where I make syrup.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-25-2005, 02:39 PM
post edeited
01-25-2005, 03:24 PM
If you look at my area.. 01007 from beginning of Feb on.. it sure looks like tapping weather!, I still have a bunch of work to do.. 2 weekends worth.
01-25-2005, 05:22 PM
That's why Bascom dropped the micro spouts and 3/16 mini spout from the 2005 catalog. They were a disappointment, resulteing in considerably less sap flow.
But I already had my doubts about them last year. After the 2004 conferance on them and seeing the wood stain compared to the 7/16 & 5/16 spouts.
Just like I have my doubts about air injection. You might get a lighter color syrup 1 grade higher with air injection. YA SO WHAT! We all made light syrup that tastes like crap. If it taste like **** at grade B It'll still taste that way with injection. Just a lighter color.
If it sounds to good to be true.
01-25-2005, 09:36 PM
You can play with nature too much and get untrue results. You can make any ugly woman look good if you do enough or make any old barn look good from 50 yards away. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
01-25-2005, 09:37 PM
Those zip codes again are 25976 for weather and 24901 for
Seems to be close to the money, but if you do it in reverse, they are off.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-26-2005, 07:30 AM
post edited
01-26-2005, 07:52 PM
I tapped 51 out of 100 today. Most trees were running like crazy, temp was about 36. Cloudy but little wind.
This was one of those half good/half bad sugaring days, I think:
Tapping went well, but our attempt at a test boil really didn't amount to much. Still having trouble with the safety valve on the burner. It appears the thermocouple is shot, hoping to have a new one in a few days. Also found a leak in the back pan, at the drain valve fitting. I think we can have that repaired on Saturday.
If anyone has a Marcland drawoff with both the auto drawoff valve and a low-level alarm I need some info about the probes. Please send me a message and I'll give you the details.
01-28-2005, 09:30 PM
Well it's getting closer, just a month away... built a whole new evaporator this week, it's a 1.75 x 6.5...... INCH model, ok it's a pinewood derby car in the exact shape and look of an evaporator :lol: we have an open class for the Dads at the race this sunday and we can do anything, so mine even has a stack on it, oh yes stainless pans and arch, why go with just tin.. ok its chrome tape but it looks cool. I will post a pic tomorrow when the wheels are on :lol:
sometimes it's just too fun
01-28-2005, 09:53 PM
I spent this afternoon finishing up everything at the sugarhouse and am nearly ready to boil. I had a few odds and ends and misc things to do. I did get my uv unit installed along with quite a few other jobs. I haven't tested out the uv unit yet, but plan to before season to make sure the light works good.
I am shooting for Feb 19th, so that is 3 weeks from tommorow! :D
01-29-2005, 11:42 AM
Ok Here's a picture of our cars we made for the pinewood derby.
Breezy Lane Sugarworks
01-29-2005, 02:53 PM
Looks pretty sweet.
01-29-2005, 03:34 PM
Thanks I'm thinking I'll get maybe .01 gph boiling rate out of it, although if I put a draft inducer on it it not only may boil better but should fly down the track :wink:
01-29-2005, 04:57 PM
How are you going to get anything syruping done spending all the time making things like that. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Most of you have never met mapleman or seen any of his work, but he is a genius at everything. Awesome with wood working and anything else he puts his hands to. He can take any piece of junk and make it look like brand new and it will probably work better than new when finished. Sure is good with parenting too in case anyone new like Jeremy needs any advice. :D :D :D
Just haven't figured out anything he is bad at. Wish I had a touch of his talent! :wink:
01-29-2005, 05:14 PM
Thanks Brandon, just don't ask My wife that!! 8O
As far as real maple stuff, I just about finished the wiring for the oil burner today, and am making an hour meter that works just off the actual burner control not the switch, so I'll get actual firing time in 10th of an hour increments, I also stripped down 200 ft of 1/2' mainline and put back up 200ft of 3/4, I will shorten alot of my laterals and reduce the amount of taps on each one down to 5-7 so I will need to add some more 5/16 laterals to make up for what I shorten and pick up the taps.
so yes I've not just been playing :wink: all right maybe a little :lol:
01-29-2005, 06:59 PM
Rather than put up long 5/16 lateral lines use some of the 1/2 you just took down buy a 3/4X3/4X1/2 tee make a few 1/2 mains off your 3/4. The 1/2 you already have and it will transfer the vacuum better than 5/16 Long 5/16 laterals even if they only have a few taps on them do not transfer the vacuum very well.
01-29-2005, 07:02 PM
Good point Keith, I'll see if I have enough wire to hold up the 1/2 ", I had thought of tee-ing off just wasnt sure if I would, but it does make sense, plus it should be easier to clean with a few valves set in the right places!
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-29-2005, 07:07 PM
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Went to the Vermont Maple Conference in St. Albans today with Warren our eight year old. We had a good day and the presentations were outstanding. We both learned alot and now Warren is all wound up about sugaring. Sam my youngest (3) heard Mom and Dad talking about the maple budget. He went to his room and got into his piggy bank. He came out with a 20 and told me it was for buckets but he had to have the change back. :D Now if you don't think I'm a proud Dad. We've got two really good boys here. Of course we snuck the 20 back into the piggy bank later. :D I believe forced air is my next upgrade to my evaporator. Talked with Steve Shelby about the number of taps that were practicale and he said about 120 was about perfect for the big runs. So thats were I'm staying. They now have light blue 7/16 plastic spouts for buckets and the health spouts are now out for buckets also but you may have to drill a bigger hole in your bucket to attach it to the spout. Boy alot of new stuff out there and Algiers has there new catalouge out now.
Take care
01-29-2005, 08:31 PM
Make sure Warren has a VT Maple hat to wear when he's boilin' before you know it he will be firing the rig for you!! keep them interested!! 8) it's a great thing to teach the kids.. alot of things are lost in the video and computer world our kids are in now!!!
01-30-2005, 03:43 PM
Ok Derby Update, they looked good but didn't run as fast as some of the others... The Evaporator had to have it's stack shortened a bit to get under the finish gate. but the black Phantom car got best in show for it's looks, they don't judge the "open" Dad's cars for that. so although My sons car was a bit slow, he was real happy getting the trophy for best looking!!
Other than that, I did a quick fire up of the oil burner(with oil off) just to make sure it ran, didn't seem too noisey.. we'll see when the Fire is on.
Also got the second sap ladder built, boy they are cool looking, cant wait to see them perform!!
The Maple bug has been flying around, must have been a large hatch of them, I can't seem to shake it!!! :wink:
01-30-2005, 07:42 PM
Yesterday we finally got our new rig running.
After replacing the thermocouple on our safety valve, and still having trouble with the pilot light not staying lit we made a flat plate to replace the valve (safety is overrated) and fired it up.
WOW! :!: At less than 1/2 open on the control valve, (although with the sap pan only about 1/2 full) we had the sap pan boiling in about 20 minutes. And, an extra added bonus is that our old horizontal steam outlet worked well enough with the new hood that it looks like we won't have to run a fan like we have in years past. Boy is it quiet without it.
The burner barely makes any noise, not what we expected from something 5' long called a Buzzer, and with no fan running you can hear the rig boiling. That's going to be hard to get used to... or maybe not. :)
We also got the drawoff hooked up, installed our wood stove for heat, and almost finished tapping. Today it was 40 and sunny, hopefully a good run.
Possibly interesting note: we had a small leak at one of the drain fittings in the sap pan. Our welder took a look at it, and says that all the female couplings (3) on the pan are not T304 (food-grade) stainless. If you look on the D&G site, it says that the pans are food grade, and that all fittings are "stainless". The outlet valve to the front pans is also not 304. I don't know if fittings and valves are not available in T304, or just too expensive, but we were surprised to learn they're not all the same material.
Sorry this is so long, I'm excited about finally getting it fired up.
01-30-2005, 08:12 PM
Hey Doug,
Great to hear that you are getting things humming on your new rig.
It looks like we are going to have a great run coming for the next week.
I would like to come out and take a look when you are ready for visitors. :D
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