View Full Version : POP UP ADDS GRRRR.

12-31-2004, 05:56 PM
Ok I know this is not Maple info but it does involve the internet.
Does anyone know of a good software to get rid of these **** annoying pop up adds?? I have installed adaware.. spyblaster and such but to no avail the adds still pop up... even through a firewall... there are so many advertisements that "pop up" and tell you stop these pop ups with our software.. thats just wrong, I'd like to get a hold of those creeps who write all that pirate software.. it should be illegle for them to be able to jump into your computer like that.. I'm ready to SNAP :evil: :evil: :evil:

so anyone have good experience with a popup blocker software?

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
12-31-2004, 07:20 PM
Jim- They seen the sucker coming when you bought those programs-How much did they take yo for $50??? 8O Hear that spyware was part of the pop-up clan and the feds fined them bigtime. When we had the hacker thing i was getting them pop-ups and sent them a good letter telling them what i thought of them annoying ads-We'll maybe they retaliated with the hacker/Virus i got? Teen age kids most of the time with nothin' better to do then mess things up. :twisted:

12-31-2004, 07:51 PM
Change your email address, change servers. Mostly don't chick on to unsubcribe or remove from mailing list. That just conferms your mailing address is right and you'll get 20x's more crap.

12-31-2004, 08:13 PM
Hi Jim, I'm on earthlink and there pop up blocker works great. I just get a little symbol and a ding when I recieve one. Never see it and never look at any anyways. Hope this helps.

12-31-2004, 08:49 PM
Joe I bet your right on that!! I just did windows update security fixes.. and am re working my firewall, actually Kevin adaware and spybot are free, My computer dept at work highly recomends them to get rid of spyware and adware on the computer. but pop ups are a whole diff mongrel. I'll beat them just may take time tose BAST%$# :evil:

01-01-2005, 08:31 PM
Better than all the previous answers is to reinstall windows operating software on the computer and that eliminates 99% of popups. What happens is you click on some free offer on some garbage website accidently and you are infected. They multiply faster than you can eliminate them and no spyware, popup blocker or anything can every eliminate them. What happens even with spyware and pockup blockers is that you get so many popups, popup blockers, antispyware software and everything else running along with the spyware that eventually that gradually the computer runs slower and slower. :evil: :evil: :evil:

Reinstall windows, works every time and be extra careful on what you click on! 8)

01-02-2005, 11:23 AM
How about when your home search page on your internet explorer has been taken over? The first site that comes up attacks my computer with a bunch of viruses and popups. I used spybot, hijackthis, and cwshredder to get rid of most of the problems but still my internet explorer has the top address as the offending site, not microsoft, and goes there automatically. I get around it by using aol search but miss using google. Jerks and criminals are taking over the internet and I am about to give up on it.

01-02-2005, 02:49 PM
I have dealt with and administered computers for years and when you get so much junk on them, the only true fix is a windows reinstall. You can have antispyware, popup blocker, antivirus and every other anti program known to mankind, but eventually, the computer will keep getting slower and slower and getting more crap on it as the crap multiplies.

The biggest key to any computer is a good anti virus software. I have used Mcafee for years and on my 3 computers, I have never had a virus get past it. The key with the virus software is to have it set to check for updates every time you log onto the internet and keep it update. You will have to pay aprox $ 30 to $ 40 each year to renew the subscription, but it is a must if you are going to get email.

01-02-2005, 04:32 PM
in response to the Internet Explorer taking over, I have an IBM that is about 5 years old now. We finally junked it 2 years ago as Explorer took over the whole thing. We reloaded Windows several times. It worked for a few weeks. We reloaded our internet provider software. We kept downloading the updates that IBM told us we should to solve the problem. Nothing worked more than a few weeks. Until we pulled the plug, cut the cord, dropkicked it down the stairs, gave it to my son to play games on, and called Dell.
We haven't had a pop up since and spam emails were eliminated a year ago. We use AOL and download thier updates when they tell us. Also never open those spam emails!

01-02-2005, 05:17 PM
Well unfortunately I am now working on my laptop :? :oops: my desktop won't even go on the internet... time to call Dell, I think what happened was a file got hijacked and the cleanup software deleted it because of the embedded file on it, so now a win32.cfg error message comes on... I know the connection and the cable modem are fine since I am using them hooked to the laptop. next is to uninstall the network card and drivers to see if that does it... otherwise, save the important info and Reload windows :evil: :evil: :evil:

01-02-2005, 05:26 PM

The good thing is that if you have a dell and windows xp, reinstalling windows is a snap with the resources cd from Dell. :D

The error message you have is probably not repairable without a reinstall. If you have XP, you may try to go back to a prior date on the operating software.

Hard to beat Dell. :D

01-03-2005, 07:44 AM
As far as the home page takover of internet explorer. Your fix is the first thing I tried. When I put in a home page and save the malicious site comes back into the blank where you type it. I cannot change it. So there is some kind sophisticated code messing up my computer. I use mcaffee virus scan that is updated when I log on. I did not have the latest updates from microsoft for internet explorer so that is where the weak point was in my computer I think.

01-03-2005, 07:44 PM
Also, make sure you log onto microsoft's website from time to time and get the security and critical updates for whatever version of windows you are running. Sure makes a lot of difference! :D

01-03-2005, 08:14 PM
As we speak my desktop is loading windows XP, I have the install disk and it's reinstalling as an upgrade, I am hoping that my stuff is still on the machine.. or else I'm in a world of SH&%... usually an upgrade does as it says.. upgrades so I'm praying!!!!!! 8O :oops:

thank God for the laptop

01-05-2005, 11:41 AM
Ahhh, computers. Make our lives so much easier, don't they?!

From painful experience at work recently, I feel compelled to weigh in a bit.

As mentioned earlier, Spybot is good. Ad Aware is good. They're both available as free downloads and come quite highly recommended. McAfee is good. Norton is good. They all work a little differently, and pick up different things.

We have a 17-'puter network at work and run them all periodically. Actually, we have one type of virus protection on our server, and a different type on each of the workstations. We have one type of pop-up spamblocker on our server, and different versions on the workstations. We still get viruses and junk.

Spam, adware, pop ups and all of that junk will get past the best anti-virus software, because the programs look for certain characteristics in the message or virus, and the spammers work around that.

Internet Explorer seems to leave itself wide open to infiltration, so we don't use it. Netscape is a pretty good browser and has built-in pop-up blockers that work pretty well. Except, interstingly enough, popups from Netscape!!

Our IT consultants tell us to run our McAfee periodically and to run a DIFFERENT virus-scanning software periodically as well. We use the free online scanner from Trendmicro (trendmicro.com) and it conistently picks up things that have snuck past Norton and/or McAfee. We run Spybot and Adaware, and they both pick up things the other didn't.

Also, as noted, never for any reason click on one of those "unsubscribe" buttons. That just lets the pop-up-spammers know that that is a valid e-mail.

Sadly, if the computer is totally locked up and frozen up and cluttered with spyware, the best thing to do really is to reinstall the operating system.

All this takes time away from thinking great thoughts about maple................

01-05-2005, 01:10 PM
Good info Dave Thanks, and yes you are right, it does take away from Maple... I have been needing to get on my website and rebuild, I have alot of great Pics from all you guys and still trying to get them posted. worse comes to worse and I reinstall soon, I hopefully am able to back up the Email file from outlook express, I have all the other pics that ya'll have sent me the past year or more all on CD now, so I'm getting closer to getting things done. Trying to get out of work early today to get some more work done in the sugarhouse.
AND THE SNOW IS FALLING !!!! WOOOOHOOOO KEEP IT COMING, they are saying about 6" or more by tomorrow!!

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-05-2005, 02:47 PM
I caught the news clip again last night about the spyware guy from Barrington, N.H. that was trying to sell computer users bogus programs to clean up the mess he started. Hope they pin him to the wall by his inch worm.

01-05-2005, 05:40 PM
They'll slap him on the wrist and tell him not to do it again or put him in the pen for a year or two and give him a computer to play with while he is in there so he can keep screwing up stuff. Probably a 14 year old kid anyway. :evil: :evil:

01-05-2005, 10:16 PM
I"M BACK ON !!! WINDOWS REINSTALLED!! now to get some of my applications back on and get workin on stuff!!!!

01-06-2005, 07:24 AM
I just heard of this new web browser on NPR this morning called firefox.
It is supposed to be way more secure than internet explorer and blocks all pop ups. I am going to download it and try it, it's free and only takes a couple minutes.

01-06-2005, 09:03 AM
I forgot to mention Firefox, so thank you. I have tried it and love it. It looks a lot like Netscape, but seems to have more security features and better pop-up blocking, and a whole heck of a lot less "clutter" in the toolbar(s).

Our super-techno IT people recommended it to us, so we are trying it out. It automatically imported all my bookmarks from Netscape, so it earned brownie points for that alone..........