View Full Version : Parker's Maple Barn

Clan Delaney
04-07-2009, 07:42 AM
One of my friends on Facebook just listed Parker's Maple Barn (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mason-NH/Parkers-Maple-Barn/55563722838?v=photos&viewas=0#/pages/Mason-NH/Parkers-Maple-Barn/55563722838?v=info&viewas=0) as a favorite of sorts. (You should be able to see the page, even if you're not a Facebook member)

I was just wondering if anyone here on the Trader is the proud owner of this establishment, or knows who is. It's a small maple world, after all.

Specklefield Farm
04-08-2009, 01:46 PM
I know where it is Clan, but have never been there. Its only about 45 min. away on the Mass. line near Milford, NH

Uncle Tucker
04-08-2009, 07:57 PM
My wife and I used to go there when we lived in Manchester. Great food, lunch and diner are BYOB, which is pretty cool. It has been sold a couple of times but the food is still good. They have a sugarhouse on the property witch is cool when you are waiting for a table. And on the weekends the wait can bee a couple of hours. Just a little history, the place used to bee an old dairy barn. When they wanted to open a restaurant, they almost weren’t able to because they couldn’t find water. After five wells, they finally hit water and opened.
No, I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn, they were on New Hampshire Cronical a couple of years ago.

maple sapper
04-08-2009, 09:55 PM
I created a group on facebook called Pure maple syrup a while ago. check it out and tag me if you wish.

maple sapper
04-08-2009, 10:00 PM
Parkers maple barn is about 20 mins from me. Due to being a syrup junkie myself, I dont go there but know its a tourist spot as well as well know in area by all. Nice area to go and see the country if you are from the city. The place has changed hands a few times. Most people in my area associate maple syrup with parkers. Maybe with time we can change that around here. I am young and got goals.