View Full Version : Ticks

H. Walker
04-07-2009, 07:07 AM
The ticks are out in the bush already. My wife got one on the weekend and now she doesn't want to help gather anymore. I even offered to sing like Brad Paisley and "Check her for Ticks" every night. But seriously the hospital said that she was the 2nd one this week so everyone beware.

04-07-2009, 07:18 AM
Can't say I ever seen one except when shearing a sheep.

04-07-2009, 07:30 AM
pulled one off of me two weeks ago, after spending the day at the sugar house.

i'll consider it a "low tick" year if i only average 1 tick per day during the spring/summer. i often end up having to discard more than 10 per day.

Clan Delaney
04-07-2009, 07:35 AM

I hate those little buggers. This is the high season for them - temps rising above 40 bring them out. Put all the faith you want in chemical sprays (like permethrin) but I've found the only thing that works, other than staying indoors, is constant vigilance. And then one is still going to get through.

Wear long pants, preferably light colored ones. Check your legs every few minutes. They're slow, and likely start hitching a ride below the knee, so you can spot 'em and flick 'em early. The good news is, it will take them some time to find a place to, well, dig in. They're not like mosquitoes (though we'll be seeing more of those this year). It also takes them a good long time to settle in and start feeding, and the risk of infection doesn't occur until many hours after they've started.

Brad Paisley may have created the cheesiest pick-up line ever, but having someone check you head to toe after you know you've been "exposed" is never a bad idea. I know a few people who've been treated for Lyme - long, drawn out and miserable.

I know where there's some good online info. Give me some time to dig it back up.

04-08-2009, 07:20 PM
If you have dogs at the sugarbush you should check them too. Our guy picked up a couple on those warm days in March. I put the Frontline on him to wipe out future pests. There are other brands and options for tick control on your beast also. Check with your local vet.

04-08-2009, 08:14 PM
How do you take ticks off when and if you get one ofthem.

Clan Delaney
04-08-2009, 08:33 PM
How do you take ticks off when and if you get one ofthem.

Use these (http://www.theticknipper.com/). They come highly recommended.

H. Walker
04-08-2009, 09:17 PM
Those must be the tool that the doctor told us to get at the vet. She said vets had better tools for tick removal that hospitals.

04-09-2009, 07:02 AM
My personal record is 437 ticks in one day picked off my person. I never found a tick yet I couldn't remove with my thumb and first finger. Think about it. They got no neck. All the parts pull out of your skin.

04-09-2009, 08:37 AM
Use these (http://www.theticknipper.com/). They come highly recommended.

These look cool. I have an REI right near me I'll be going this weekend to pick one up.

I was going to have my back lawn sprayed for ticks. Has anyone had this done and does it work?

04-09-2009, 09:45 AM
hey I'm the master of getting ticks on me. I get at least 10 a day when they are out for the whole season till fall. The just love me, and the Dr's. too. I have had the diseases and the treatments and they all hurt. But here is my remedy for getting them off and it slick and easy and cheap and sterile. I use petroleum jelly and cover them and they cannot breath and will back out fast. Then you can discard the way you wish.

PS. just wish they did not exist my life would be easier

04-09-2009, 05:00 PM
When I first moved to Medina thirty years ago, had ticks EVERYWHERE! Got chickens and haven't seen a tick ANYWHERE for the last twenty years!!

04-10-2009, 12:39 AM
Just the opposite here. I never saw had a tick on me until about 8 years ago in northern NH.

04-11-2009, 03:04 AM
Dad helped collect sap today when he got home he gave me a call and "said you better check for ticks cause I just found one on my leg" Them things are just nasty.