View Full Version : The boy made it!

03-31-2009, 10:54 AM
Graduates Army Basic Training day after tomorrow. He had a rough go of it with the physical part. He eeked it out on his 3rd and last attempt.
Was given the title "WT-L" (Womanly thrower-Looker) on the grenade range.
Apparently he had some trouble getting distance and then wanted to watch it go BANG! The Drill Sergeants took the appropriate action, one commenting "I guess a 50th birthday is out of the question, eh boy?"

He had some problems with a knee, shin splints and blisters, the normal stuff. He thought the confidence course would be his undoing and he's never been much of the camping type, but he survived.

Ah, the memories. I went through Air Force basic when I was 20. Everything he wrote home about, good and bad, I remembered. I must say, it is far better to watch things unfold through hindsight, there is a greater element of humor associated with it, not so much then. :lol:

Graduation day, that sense of accomplishment will be with me, as with him, for the rest of our lives. I did it at 20 and thought it exhausting. I would like to hear his one word discription of the experience at 30.

Mama, Grandpa and his little sister will be on hand for the ceremony, I'll be home tending to the chickens.

Way to go boy!

Jim Brown
03-31-2009, 11:19 AM
Congrats Tweegs I know how proud you are! Oldest one graduated from Air Force basic 22 years ago now he is a master chief in germany-Next son graduated from Air Force basic 20 years ago now is with national air inteligence(I don't have a clue what he does) at Wright Pat and just returned from a 4 week tour in Iraq(his second trip). sure make a father PROUD!!


03-31-2009, 08:33 PM
Congrats !! And we are proud of him also, I respect any Man or woman who serves their country and stands for freedom

Fred Henderson
03-31-2009, 08:39 PM
Congrats Tweegs, it must you feel very good that you raised a fine young man. May he stand proud with the rest of us.