View Full Version : Ohio final totals..

03-30-2009, 08:41 PM
I finished up yesterday, after it is all said and done this is the way it breaks down for me and the Half Pint.

35 taps produced 388 gal sap, or 11 gal sap per tap avg, 6½ gallons of syrup or 3/4 qt syrup per tap. Avg sugar content was somewhere around 1½%., pretty low compared to last year, but that's what is was.

Bottled up 104 - 8 ounce bottles or 6½ gallons of syrup which is 57½ gal sap/gal syrup.

Boiled 12 times with a total boiling time of 57 hours..looks like the half pint was averaging about 6½ gal/hour.

I'm now hoping to move up to a Leader 2x6. Like a lot of you I started with a pan in the woods, a home made rig and then the 1/2 pint. The half pint is an awesome rig, easy to run 15-40 gallons through without a lot of fussing around, and has made the best syrup I've ever had, but I want to tap more of our trees and it's time to move up. Sugar house is in the plans for this summer also. Any of your input will be appreciated. In two years checking in here I've gained a wealth of information.
Thanks John Allin

ridgerunner farm
03-30-2009, 08:49 PM
you seem to b like i use to b. i use to boil on a little barrel arch then grew to a pretty good size amount of taps 1200. but i'll tell ya its alot more fun being small, the little arch was great, but every year i grew a little bigger. now its become more of a job than a hobby. somedays i really miss those 45 taps and that little arch.

Big maple
03-30-2009, 08:59 PM
I miss being at fifty taps and a flat pan, I usually would have a fifth of stumblefoot in me and just have a real good time, now it is almost like a second job and I have to worry about the pumps every night and all of the other crap. One day I will be back at fifty with those same pans and more stumblefoot,about the time my boys leave for college but until then it will help out their work ethic.