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View Full Version : Newbie L.P./gas fired evaporator question

03-30-2009, 09:12 AM
Hi all, I'm new to the forum and fairly new to syrup production. I presently have a half pint and run 20 taps or so. It's been fun but, like everyone else, I want to upgrade for next year. I don't envision ever getting up to 100+ taps but you never know. For now, I'm thinking 40-60 taps for next spring.

I have the Lapierre catalog and I really like the looks of the L.P. multi use gas hobby evaporator. I like the fact that it has a flue pan and a syrup pan and I like the advertised 20 GPH evaporation rate for the small 16"X48" evaporator. Even better is the fact that it burns on propane and won't require cutting/splitting firewood or constant stoking of a firebox (I actually rather enjoy it with the half pint but not sure I would when/if I upgrade).

I have two questions. First of all, does anyone else make a similar unit for less than the$2600 that Lapierre wants for this one? Secondly, can you use the same orifice or can you modify the unit to burn on natural gas? I have free gas at my home and would much prefer to do this if it's simple enough and safe to do.

Thanks in advance for any advice or help.