View Full Version : Glass Windows in hood?

03-29-2009, 04:51 AM
I mounted a couple of tempered glass windows on the out side of my hood but due to the condensation they are really quite useless they are sealed with food grade silicone.
My question is how do I keep them clear?
I had a couple of ideas.
1 installing a piece of metal on the inside of the hood that would direct air over the glass from small holes drilled about a foot away, this would provide heat air do give an air wash effect.
2 mount another piece of glass on the inside that would also be siliconed to provide an insulated air space like a thermo pane window.
Would either of these ideas work? or do any of you have any other ideas???

03-29-2009, 06:57 AM
I would think the piece of glass on the inside would just fog up too. I like your first idea, but question how well it will work (it might be a lot of work for minimal results). How about a little windshield wiper?

03-29-2009, 07:53 AM
I had the windsheild wiper idea too but am trying to figure it out.

03-29-2009, 08:10 AM
some high end cars have wipers on their headlights that would be small

antique cars had small wipers also . model A fords were vacumn operated

there are after market ones for the fords etc

maybe just a case of modify,modify, modify until you get what you need

03-29-2009, 07:36 PM
my hood i used 1/4 inch lexan for the doors to access the plugs and ports, i just put a knob on it and a piano hinge along the top edge, they fog a bit but you can still see thru enough to tell how its boiling and if its foaming up and if ya need to see more exactly ya just open them and look