View Full Version : What does Nitre look like?

03-22-2009, 07:29 PM
I cant think of any other way to say this...does it look like raw sewage? Cuz the bottom of my filters have something in it that looks...Uh.... pretty nasty.

Syrup tasted good though :)


03-22-2009, 08:19 PM
MapleME, sometimes mine comes off the bottom of the pan in pieces that resemble corn flakes but usually it looks like grains of sand or sugar. The color seems to vary year to year and sometimes day to day. I've seen it anywhere from blonde to very dark brown. Hope this helps.

03-23-2009, 12:09 AM
RAW sewage. Never heard it called that before but yes what you have left in your filter is normal. Run some prefilters if you got them. I put like six in at a time evertime I drawoff and filter I pull one out. When I use the last one I pull the filter and replace with a clean one and put six more prefilters in that. Most of the nitre is stuck on your pans like concrete. The rest is just Crap (for a lack of a better word).LOL

03-23-2009, 06:37 AM
yep it's cr#p, I had 15 gallons of B yesterday I was filtering through the press into a keg, and had to change the filters 4 times to get the syrup through, yes blackish brown.. CR@P !!