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View Full Version : Sap Getting Into Pump - Delaval 73

Charlie Harding
03-22-2009, 07:25 AM
This is my first year with a vaccum and still trying to work the bugs out! My biggest issue right now is sap getting into the pump. I have a moisture trap, but it appears to be filling up while the pump it running. could it have to do with the location of the pump in connection with the releaser? I'm wondering if the releaser is sucking the sap back through the vaccum line to the pump? We have approximately 300 taps on this line with a hobby releaser. Has anyone had this problem, and if so how might I correct it?

03-22-2009, 07:37 AM
the trap has to be between the releaser and the pump. is the releaser working? is it icing up inside? you my have some leaks where your lines hook to the releaser, teflon tape all fittings. or you have a major leak in your woods

03-22-2009, 07:59 AM
check my post under Amber Gold's Delaval 73 post...also having problems with hobby releaser...

03-22-2009, 08:02 PM
I turned my hobby releaser in. The plastic piece on the rod above the float was not sealing the small hole between the top and bottom chamber and sap was getting sucked through the hole up the vacuum line filling up my moisture trap which didn't work and into my pump. Maybe a rubber washer on top of the piece on the rod would solve the problem. I didn't have the time to fix Lapeirres design flaw.

03-23-2009, 09:28 AM
I just replaced my CDL releaser for similar problems with freezing up and sap running thru to the pump. Put in new Laperier (5-1200 tap) releaser and vacuum went up 5" just changing the releaser only. not one freeze up since and no sap flooding pump either. I know now my old releaser had several leaks the I could not stop. They must have been bigger than I thought.

03-23-2009, 09:51 AM
After telling others I have not had any problems with my releaser after intial set up. I had nothing but problems this weekend, resulting in sucked up sap. Mine just plain quite dumping. The top knob on the bottom chamber does not actuate high enough to open the flapper. If I unscrew the top knob slightly I can manually dump but then the top chamber that is filling with sap while the bottom is dumping does not open the valve after the bottom chamber is emptied. thus the bottom is emptty and the top fills up backing up into my vacuum line Would not reccomend this model to anyone until the unit is redesigned.