View Full Version : Purchased new toys for sugarhouse!!!!!!!!!

03-21-2009, 12:07 PM
Hello just went and purchased a sap and syrup hydrometer wondering what the hot and cold test meant on it? Do i have to wait for it to cool before i check it or do i just draw enough off for a test cup and check it then, Thanks for your time chad (captaincpfd)

03-21-2009, 12:25 PM
Do i have to wait for it to cool before i check it

No. The hot test line (32.0 Baume) is for syrup right off the evaporator or finishing pan. They figure about 211 deg because the syrup would cool a few degrees from 219.

The cold Test Line (36.0) Baume is for room temp (60 deg f)

03-21-2009, 12:26 PM
Hot test is for testing syrup at 211 degree the cold is for syrup at 60 degree. It will suspend in the syrup at a differnt depth do to the temp of the syrup. You'll also have to ajust the density by the temp of the syrup. Say it was 110 degree it will read diffrent density so you need a conversion chart to be correct depending on the temp of the syrup. As for the sap it should be good at temps in the 30's and 40's.