View Full Version : Wood!!!

03-20-2009, 01:04 PM
No matter how much I cut/split - I run out every year.

Anybody know a good source for wood or slabs in the CNY area at a good price? I'm in Elbridge, just west of Syracuse. At $70/facecord I've got to think about pulling taps. I hate to do it but what's a guy to do?

Have more wood on hand!

Fred Henderson
03-20-2009, 01:21 PM
Are you saying 70 bucks a face cord for slab? It would be cheaper to burn oil.

03-20-2009, 03:50 PM
$65-$75 facecord for hardwood. Still looking for slabs - problem is most of it has been sitting in the snow all winter and slabs do suck up water.

03-20-2009, 07:05 PM
Danno... too bad you don't live near me. Sap flow here has sucked! i've got 6 cords of locust and i've only used 15 wheel barrels full to boil all of my520 gallons so far.

03-20-2009, 07:35 PM
I'm going to run out this week. Locust you say!

03-20-2009, 07:41 PM
true story, some of its not split but dry under a tarp, atleast 2.5-3 cords are split and stacked neatly

03-21-2009, 01:13 AM
Danno there use to be maybe still is a sawmill off from 481 between fulton and oswego that has slabwood cut into something like 2 foot lenghts. Give the guy 15 bucks and take what you can hall out in one trip. I bought some from him a few years ago. Guy just wants to get rid of it. It was a mix of soft and hardwood slabs. I cannot for the life of me remember the name or the road it was on. Maybe our fulton maple producer on here can chime in on this one also. Look in the yellow pages maybe he is still there. I know that there are other sawmills around me to that Im gonna check with over the summer. Seems like Im cutting more wood than Im boiling this year. Just burning it up way too fast. Also you could check with some lumber supply stores. They usually have cull lumber to get rid of. My dad is always bringing some home from them to burn in the evaporator. Right now Im just about burnt up the supply he got 2 years ago.

03-21-2009, 08:30 PM
3rdgen - if you want cheap slabs - go visit the amish on rte 2 between richland and orwell.

I did what I should have done from the beginning - got the chainsaw out and went to town. I've got plenty of dead/dry wood around the property - just had to find the time to get after it. Found some time this afternoon.

But for $15/load - if it was dry - that may be worth the trip.

03-22-2009, 12:17 AM
Danno Im surrounded by Amish. They are Good people though. I will go check the place out I know where they are. I bought some rough cut off them a few years back. A group of them stopped by and asked alot of questions about maple syrup last year. They tapped something like 1500 trees I gotta stop by and see how they are doing.

03-22-2009, 01:05 AM
The only mill that comes to mind is Black Creek on old Rt. 57. I go by occasionally, but don't see much action going on.

Do green slabs burn decently? I've been burning some slab in the house, but it did set for months. We have a Woodmizer at work, so there's usually a decent amount of slabs around. I've haven't been at work much lately to see, but I know we are filling a sizeable order of hemlock. I'm sure I could get my boss to give you a good deal on it if you came and got it. If you'd be interested, let me know.


maple flats
03-22-2009, 06:36 AM
Danno, for next year you can get some slab from me , free. I have a sawmill and burn about 20% slab, 80% hardwood. I have trouble most years getting rid of slab. If you come even today you can get some free but you would need to buck it up. I have some that should be fairly dry and down into the piles won't be dry. I only bucked up what I needed, and stacked it to dry. You can also cut some marginal (old) wood for free. Call if interested. 338-9646 at the sugarhouse 1220 Canal Rd., Oneida

03-23-2009, 09:20 AM
Danno, for next year you can get some slab from me , free. I have a sawmill and burn about 20% slab, 80% hardwood. I have trouble most years getting rid of slab. If you come even today you can get some free but you would need to buck it up. I have some that should be fairly dry and down into the piles won't be dry. I only bucked up what I needed, and stacked it to dry. You can also cut some marginal (old) wood for free. Call if interested. 338-9646 at the sugarhouse 1220 Canal Rd., Oneida

Dave - thank you VERY much for your offer. With what I cut around the house I think I'm going to be ok - which is kind of sad becuase that means not a whole lot of sap left to boil. We went gang busters from 3/4 - 3/18 and I think that is about going to be our season.

I cleaned out my srup pan and re-started with sap from the flue pan in the syrup pan and 450 gallons of fresh sap from Saturday. Boiled it all and pushed through 50 gallons of tap water behind that - and did not draw off a pint. Sugar content was down to 1.25. Ugh!

Syrup pan is now finally highly concentrated. I will dump flue pan this week (mostly just tap water at this point) and run whatever sap I get this week and probably call it quits. Probably just one more boil.

Sitting at about 65 gallons - not great. But have boiled enough sap that it should have been over 100. Yesterday was the first day I boiled this year with snowflakes in the air. Weird March here.