View Full Version : 30 yrs and she still loves me

03-17-2009, 11:10 PM
Well today (St Patties Day) makes 30 yrs of I dos. What a gal, she worked her 8hr shift this am 5-1:30 (someone has to make the dounuts) , got home and jumped in the truck to pick up sap, short run too windy to leave the 5 gal buckets without ballast, came home got the other truck and got a load of wood for me,did my barn chores and then fixed a lobster dinner to be eaten in the sugar house. She said she was tired imagne that. Well I often take her for granted but she is my support in all the goofy things I do. I'll keeper her if she can stand anymore of the madness. 26hrs of boiling in the last 2 days. The good Lord sure sent a good one my way.

03-17-2009, 11:18 PM
Sounds like you found yourself a keeper !!!!

03-17-2009, 11:56 PM
Sounds like my wife.She was kind of iffy last year when I started this syrup stuff. Noow she is as hooked as I am. I thank God every day for bringing her into my life .it has been 33 years this July...... Life is Good

03-18-2009, 05:32 AM
Sounds like my wife also. When we married 32 years ago, she knew I sugared but didn't get awfully excited about it herself. One thing led to another and a few years ago she started doing all of the boiling, filtering and barreling of syrup off from the 17,000 tap operation we managed. This allowed me to do the barrel cleaning, moving of barrels, running the r.o's and all the other things that happen. I could have not done it without her. She also now is a co-manager of the Vermont sugarmakers booth at The Big-e in Massachussetts and many other things that involve maple in Vermont. I think I have created a monster.

03-18-2009, 06:12 AM
I've only had my wife for about 25 years. Last night , she mopped the floor in the sugarhouse, hauled 2 loads of sap, broke the #$%@!recoil on the sap pump. I don't know what i would do without her--I don't think she knows it yet, but, she is going to clean the inside of the 1500 gallon sap tank tonight!

Dave Y
03-18-2009, 07:14 AM
All I can say is you guys are very fortunate! I on the other hand have not been so lucky.

03-18-2009, 07:27 AM
All I can say is you guys are very fortunate! I on the other hand have not been so lucky.

me either, any of yours have a sister :)

03-18-2009, 09:14 AM
The Love of my life(No not the evaporator) of 20 yrs now is my awesome sugar partner too.

works for the schools as a speech and language therapist and co teaches in a special ed class, gets home after that long day, grabs the kids and collects 200 taps on buckets with one of our trucks, makes supper, shuttles the kids to their various activities... is a den leader in the scouts and an awesome Mom and Wife... God Bless her, She deserves so much more than I could ever do for her!!!

I know I couldn't do this "Hobby" without her

Jeff E
03-18-2009, 09:21 AM
Its good to see there is more to like than SYRUP.

I to have a great wife, helped filter and clean up last night. 24 years of sharing lifes ups and downs.

A little sleep depravation brings out the soft side of all you hard maplers!!!

03-18-2009, 10:24 AM
I've only had my wife for about 25 years. Last night , she mopped the floor in the sugarhouse, hauled 2 loads of sap, broke the #$%@!recoil on the sap pump. I don't know what i would do without her--I don't think she knows it yet, but, she is going to clean the inside of the 1500 gallon sap tank tonight!

You have to see how Mike is going to have his wife clean the tank. He has a 1550 norwesco plastic tank. He is going to tip it on it side and have his wife get in and then he is going put the cover on and roll it down the highway with his truck. Pretty much like a rock tumbler and he will most likely get away with it. That is true love right there. LOL

03-18-2009, 11:32 AM
I'm with Dave and fred on this one!!!! The rest of you make me sick!!!!! I can't read this thred any more!!!!!!! Maybe I shouldn't have treated her like gold for all these years. Give her every thing she wants, Work nights so I could be home with the kids. Feed her horses, wash, clean, cook... She's right it is my fault!!!!!! It's all my fault.

Russell Lampron
03-18-2009, 11:49 AM
I feel bad for you guys with the crappy wives. I have been married to my wife for 28 years and she supports me and helps with the gathering and canning.

03-18-2009, 12:02 PM
I'm a youngster, going on ten years but I think I got you all beat! Mine put in a 9 hour day yesterday on the rig by herself firing every 8 minutes, cleaned the sugarhouse, washed filters and tended to our 4 month old son the whole time. It was a classic to pull in the driveway after work last night and see steam pouring out of the cupola, the little one suspended from his 'johnny jump up swing' in the doorway bouncing around loving life, while she was getting the canner going and maintaining the fire.


I didn't have the heart to tell her she would of had a little better evaporation rate if the front door was closed!

03-18-2009, 12:20 PM
Ok, I feel A little bad. Mine isn't all that bad, but she won't be fireing any evaporator for me. Not when there is a mall 10 miles down the road!!!

03-18-2009, 08:07 PM
dont feel bad they just dont make them like they used to :) . most women these days are just a different breed.they want it all and they want it NOW

Big maple
03-18-2009, 09:59 PM
My wife tries to hit me with a cast iron pan or a rolling pin every time I come home. I think it's just her way of telling me she loves me.

03-18-2009, 11:51 PM
15 years with my wife so far. I started with syrup a year before getting married. While she isn't into firing, filtering or canning, she does keep an eye on the RO while I'm collecting. I know I couldn't do this without her. She handles all the financial aspects, personal and business (the latter got dumped on her), and does her best to keep me in line. She has dinner when I'm ready, whenever that may be, has a gift for organization, helps collect buckets when she can (she actually likes the excercise, usually), does all the barn chores when Dad and I are busy in the sugarbush, etc.


03-19-2009, 05:08 AM
Sounds like a lot of us have been blessed with a good partner. Maybe we should let them know a little more often??. I'm guilty but I'm going to try to be more thankfull in the future. And for the guys still looking don't give up the Lord will bless you with a good one. Oh and as far as her sisiters go I've got the pick of the litter, the rest are trouble.

03-19-2009, 07:15 AM
Just got my wife into into bottling this year. She came home from work and
headed right over to help me right away. I could not have found a better
woman, and she was raised right across the road from me. As a kid she played
with my sisters, now with me. We are married 31 years , with two
fantastic boys, who also are married now.

03-19-2009, 11:48 PM
Okay I got you all beat. Mine does not boil, will not gather, no desire to cut or stack wood, refuses to bottle, The only filter she knows is the one on the end of her cigarettes.:lol: But she does Make a mean steak, or spaghetti diner and delivers it everynight to the sugarhouse. I get no nagging or complaining from her. A man can't ask for much more than that, a meal and freetime to pursue my own passions in life, man I love that woman. Wait a minute I think that was all a dream I had. I dont even get the meal.

maple flats
03-20-2009, 06:34 AM
You guys are good, BUT my wife and I are in our 42nd year, and our love gets stronger every year. We've had our ups and downs but our love never fades.
As for sugarhouse work, my wife boils while I collect sap as often as she can. We have 2 live in total care clients (since '93) which take up most of her time but while they are at program she helps. We have 4 grown kids all doing very well and 5 grand kids. Life IS great!