View Full Version : 5/16 bucket spiles

03-16-2009, 06:10 PM
Hello. I tapped yesterday putting in 50 5/16 health spiles. I went back and checked the buckets when I got off work today and noticed about 6 of them had frozen sap around the tap hole. They must have been leaking earlier in the day. When I used 7/16 spiles last year I never had that problem. I don't know if I tapped them in to far or what. I tapped them until I reached the ridge on them. I will post a picture of them. It went to -20 celcius last night. I wonder if that had anything to do with it. Maybe it forced them out a bit? Any input would be appreciated.

Homestead Maple
03-16-2009, 08:19 PM
A prolonged hard freeze, ( a week at 0 or below) might move your taps but even then doubtful. If you went by the ridge as far as depth to set them, I would say you set them in to far and may have split the area around the tap hole.