View Full Version : First draw off

03-13-2009, 08:55 AM
Here's our first draw.
3 gallons, minus the pint mama dropped on the floor :oops:

How did y'all do?


03-13-2009, 11:24 AM
You didn't have a pancake handy to soak it up??? Nice job Tweegs. Your gett'n the hang of it now. I've got a 160 full frozen buckets waiting at home tonite. We didn't dare pick up with those 50+ mph winds the other day. Then the cold set in. We're goin to try the cheap RO method today. Looks great for the next two weeks. Sugar season is finally here.

03-13-2009, 06:34 PM
Thanks! gett'n in the groove. Stoke, add sap, draw a little, test....repeat.

Don't blame you. Sister-in-law and I trucked out about 6:00 Wed night, the wind had died down a bit. Got all but a dozen buckets before sundown, got the rest Thurs morn. Head tank, pick up tank and those remaining buckets were froze up good.

Heard that pint hit the floor and went ta runnin in there on all fours ready to lap it up, but she hit the little throw rug. Now I don't mind shoe dirt, kitchen drippings or even a little glass mixed in with my syrup, but that carpet fuzz....bleh!