View Full Version : December Journal
11-30-2004, 11:33 PM
The days are tickin away till the time we all wait almost a year for :!: Hard to believe time can zip by so fast. Does it get worse as you get older? Let it snow and get things whipped into shape for spring. Finally stripped the two vac pumps down and the darn things look good. Couple bearings and some seals,paint and go. Spoke to a guy who is expanding his milking parlor today after hunting. He is adding a 30HP vac unit to his operation. I have to go back up tommorrow and see what his old units look like. He stated one is seized and the other razttles a bit. Might be able to pick them up resonable? Keep the faith boys and girls,spring is coming soon.
12-01-2004, 04:12 PM
I found a local sawmill with free slab wood so I have been busy loading up the big pieces and plan to cut all of my wood this weekend. My steam stack (12") is in and I will cut that in this weekend. After that all I can do is wait until the end of Feb.
Chris :roll:
12-01-2004, 06:09 PM
The slab does not look half bad in the daylight for a headlight finish with hand trowells,,,the drains even work pretty well (one low spot by the firing pit) We logged out some hemlock today and will try to get it to the mill this week,,,would like to have the walls up next week,,,,got a 5x16 when I went up to get the washer from Powerdub last saturday,,,Now just have to move it and some stuff that comes with it to Salisbury,,,,,thin 31 acres,,set up 600+/- new taps,,,,,,,,,,,,finish the shack,,,,,OH YEAH I forgotI only have 12 cords worked up,,,,,,of course I have to set up and repair the evap and tanks...........ect...
Ready for 2005. Cutting wood for 2006. Best wishes to everyone during the Holidays.
Race in Wisconsin
500 + buckets
2 1/2 x 8 Dallaire
Ranger 6 Wheeler
12-01-2004, 08:21 PM
Got some electricity to the back shed on the barn tonight, and am getting ready to start setting up the vacuum system in it's new temporary home. I say temporary because if it works like I want it to at that elevation and pulls the sap up the sap ladder to the backside of the barn then next year I will bigger power to the sugarhouse and pick up a mechanical releaser and have the vac system right in the saphouse. this year I will stay with the electric and pump from the back of the barn to the saphouse. I pulled the releaser out of the pumphouse in the woods and am giving it a thourough cleaning in the bathtub tonight... boy it still got gunky even after the rinsing of the tubing. guess a good cleaning is needed again on the tubing.. better get that done REAL soon 8O cold weather will be here :?
12-02-2004, 08:31 PM
Never posted in the Journal before- hope there's no prejudice against outsiders..........So here goes........Got up all my wood and plenty for the next year (1 more cord of hardwood, several portable mill slabpiles, and whatever we produce from my dad's mill or clean out of the woods). That's a relief- no serious woodcutting until next year. On to better things! So today we sawed some timbers to build a platform for a vacuum system for the south end of the woods and I got them set into place before it snows too much. Hopefully tomorrow I can get into the woods to replace some really old tubing, and then in 2 weeks my buddy Jeff is planning to come over to help hang a new run of mainline. It's a good thing the fall work lull happened just when I was hoping it would!
12-02-2004, 08:47 PM
wdchuck, an outsider is someone from the knitting forum posting here(not that there's anything wrong with that :wink: ) I look forward to seeing new people posting their happenings!!!
tonight I got the rest of the vacuum equipment in place, I like this setup much more than when I had it in the pumphouse near the woods, it will be totally out of the woods, also much easier to check and add oil to the vac pump, last season I had to be a contortionist to get to it., also this setup I can build a belt gaurd so if the belt breaks it doesn't take out wires or pipes.
12-03-2004, 10:31 AM
Hope to have my vacuum set up soon.....Need owners manual for the pump and the mechanical releaser...... :roll: .....should i put my pump level with the holding tanks or a ft or so higher??? wheres the best place to buy oil for the pump??? I may have to put a larger gas tank on the honda, looks like a 1-2 gal tank.......Happy holidays to you all......Mike
12-03-2004, 05:08 PM
It doesn't matter where the pump is, just make sure you have a moisture trap between the pump and releaser. Oil I use 10w30 full synthic oil. I have a conde' and thats what they rec. I'm also installing a 5 gal tank to my pump. That small honda tank only last about 3.5 hrs at 3/4 throttle.
12-04-2004, 04:21 PM
December is summed up with one word...
12-04-2004, 04:38 PM
seems like I'm getting alot done! I put in my posts for my saphouse extension on the side of the sugarhouse, I figure I'd better get them in the ground before the frost goes any deeper.. was about an inch or two today. at least now I can work on it if it snows ..
12-04-2004, 07:20 PM
Haven't been getting much syrup stuff done lately. I am pretty much finished with most everything until it is time to make syrup. Helped my uncle work cows most of the day today and fix some fence. I did work a little on the fence around one of my sugar bushes. I have about 65 taps on my family's property and they gave me permission to fence it off. It is in the corner of their property, so I am using existing trees and some steel posts and running three strands of barbed wire around it. I have a total of 145 taps in this bush, but the other 90 taps are across the fence on the neighbor's property, so I don't have to worry about them. This will be nice as I can leave up my tubing year around and don't have to worry about my mainlines getting torn down.
I am hoping to lower my evaporator in the next couple of weeks and finishing installing my hood and preheater. I plan to have a test boil between now and the first of the year to make sure everything is working correctly with hood, preheater, blower and airtight front. I usually tap around the 15th of Feb, so it is not far away.
Good luck to all it is less than 3 months for everyone! :D :D
12-06-2004, 09:35 PM
Just curious to know if anyone saw the new 2x6 WSE evaporator Leader came out with that is fully welded for hobbyist and has all stainless fittings and connections? Looks like they are trying hard to compete with the Canadian companies that are trying to suck up all the American market due to the enormous decline of equipment sales in Canada.
Competition is what makes the world go around! :D
Hi Brandon. Going to Leaders tomorrow to take a look at that new evaporator. Just looking of course.
Went to the local syrup meeting last night. Was pretty informative about the Asian Beetle and syrup judging. One other thing that the state is starting to see is lubricant contamination in the syrup from people not using the right products in there filter press's etc. Also syrup contamination from fuel oil caused by unadjusted fuel oil nozzles was brought up also. Everyone up here is getting ready for the annual maple conferences in January.
Won a tee shirt and a maple cook book also. :D
Take care
12-07-2004, 04:54 PM
Al.. Whats the "buzz" about the beetle anyway? have they said if it's getting worse? more sightings? can they introduce other bugs to eat them like they use lady bugs for?
There have been more sightings but that may also be brought on by people being more aware of the problem. The goverment spent 48 million dollers on the problem last year alone. They gave us some pictures of what the leaves look like when they get done eating them. They eat along the vein of the leaves. They put out alot of information and I don't have the hard copy handy although I could find it if I looked real hard. Our extension office here has all the data. I bet Mass maple has it too.
We also put out a Ski & Maple map this year. It's really neat and maybe you could suggest it to your group. It's a combination of several groups efforts. List all the ski area's and alot of the sugar houses with good directions and descriptions of there operations. Pick some up when you get up here or maybe I can grab some and mail it to you. :D
12-10-2004, 09:09 AM
I just put in my 12" steam vent for my hood and got everything sealed up for the long 2 1/2 month wait. All I need to do now is get a tank and clean up some barrels when the time nears. This is the most prepared I have ever been in my life. My wife is worried I am going to make too much syrup. I told her there is no such thing as too much :!:
12-10-2004, 11:03 AM
Too much syrup??? Hmm not possible, plus you prolly won't make as much this year as you will next year, experience with the new evap takes a little while, you'll start to get it humping about 3/4 thru your season when you figure it out... but then the next season should be a big one!!
12-10-2004, 10:36 PM
Did you get a chance to check out the new WSE Leader and just wondering what your opinion is of it?? 8O
Haven't gottten there yet. Been hectic with the Christmas season on. Hopefully next week.
Take care
12-11-2004, 07:13 PM
WEEEHHW--just got back from Andover, V.T. with a load of bricks, grates and 6-33 gallon drums,,,One heck of a lot of bricks in a 5x16,,got the arch stripped and emptied,, Scott had the pre heater off when we showed up,,, shoveled out all the junk grabbed the bricks,,moved sap pan ahead ,,got the stack down,, will try to get up there sat. for the rest of it,,will bring my 2 wood trucks and an equipment trailer + pick up,,should be able to fit it all in them,,,,now I have to call the sawmill and light a fire under his butt, and I was going to have this all done in June!!!!!
12-11-2004, 09:20 PM
Glad to help!! It's great to meet some of the traders. Great bunch here!! Hope to see you again next week and get the rest of the stuff loaded. Maybe I won't have to leave in the middle of it this time.
12-12-2004, 07:27 PM
today I got to see what the inside of our local hospital ER looks like :? was building a closet today and somehow with the pnuematic framing nailer, put a 16penny nail through the side of my thumb clear thru just missing the bone 8) so I got that going for me :lol: so a tetnus shot and a shot to numb it and a good yank and the Doc pulled it out :wink: just ticks me off that it sets my projects back a weekend... see when things are going smoothly there's always something to slow ya down and say "hey..take a break" !!!
12-12-2004, 08:06 PM
Yeah, maybe a slow down but look at it this way! At least it didn't go through the center of your thumb bone or you would have had a setback.
Glad to know you're alright and tough as nails(no pun intended :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) :D :D
12-12-2004, 08:09 PM
Thanks Brandon, it's funny, your always carefull, but then there's always accidents.
12-12-2004, 08:31 PM
I agree with that and the best way to look at things is to be thankful it wasn't worse as it can nearly always be worse! :?
WOW! Your Mrs. wasn't kidding when she said you really get into your work. A real man would have grabbed the bottle and numbed the injury from the inside out. Then ripped it clean out with his own teeth. Tetnus? Naw the bottle would killed any worms youd've had. :wink:
12-13-2004, 10:07 AM
I actually did start pulling it out with my teeth, and it was moving, but then figured I'd better leave it in so they could see how it went through, plus to see if there was anything left in the wound.. it did look pretty cool, I couldn't help joking about it with the nurses, I told them I was afraid of needles when they were giving me the tetnus shot as I waved around the skewwered finger.. then told the wife I was up for shis ka bob for supper :lol: :lol:
12-13-2004, 12:06 PM
Gotta love a guy with a sense of humor! :wink:
12-17-2004, 09:44 AM
I have a vacuum question....Can I use a ball valve to regulate my vacuum or do I need a vacuum regulater...If so wheres the best place to buy one.....Thanks........mike
12-17-2004, 11:05 AM
I would reccomend a vac regulator.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
12-17-2004, 01:24 PM
post edited?
12-17-2004, 04:47 PM
Kevin, Nice find thats a heck of a better price for sure. I am ordering one for 39$ hopefully it will come with instructions. I did the ball valve thing and it had the vacuum all over the place, I'd set in the morning, come home after work and it would be way lower... this gizmo will be great to have
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
12-17-2004, 06:27 PM
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12-17-2004, 07:17 PM
true, at only 120 taps on vac... it should do the trick, I'll inquire with them for sure :wink: 8)
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
12-17-2004, 08:21 PM
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12-17-2004, 09:38 PM
Like everyone else said go with the regulator. The reason a ball valve is not good is that the amount of air you need changes through out the day.When the lines freeze up your regulator will open more and let in more air and as the temps rise and the flows rise the regulator will close. I like the idea of having variable motor speed to slow the pump down when the system is not calling for all the vacuum but know that the control devise to do that would be expensive. I suppose if you are running large pumps like in the dairy business all year long it would be worth it but in sugaring may only average 30 days per year
12-18-2004, 06:53 AM
Thanks for the info guys...Ill check into the ones you have posted.....Sure beats $200 they want up here at the duval dealer......Can you go to big on a regulater????...Mike............
12-19-2004, 06:43 AM
Kevin, The $39 valve is a Release valve.....Is there a difference between a Release valve and a regulator valve???
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
12-19-2004, 07:02 AM
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12-19-2004, 09:33 AM
Kevin, I also recall you saying you can run a fan over the pump to help cool it,Mine will be in a back shed off the barn, so air flow may be at a minimum although it is alone in the corner, I think it would be a good idea then to run a box fan next to it. maybe only when it's a bit warmer out. sure wish those old milker pump had a larger oil resivoir , would cool better.
12-19-2004, 11:03 AM
Some of the vacuum pump pullies have fins in them so when they are running they blow air on the pump. But it wouldn't hurt to use a fan to help keep it cool.
12-19-2004, 07:00 PM
Thanks Keith
not much for any air movement on my pully(I bought a cheaper one) a box fan should work, I should buy the double belt pully this year for a smoother run
12-20-2004, 03:24 AM
GREEN HEMLOCK IS HEAVY,,,,,,,got 3 walls built and stood up for the sugar house yesterday,,a couple of people stopped by to look at the evaporators,,a busy day!!!I was digging thru one of my files on sugaring and came up with the list of Gallons of sap per day I hauled to Bobs last year,,,I am definatly going to need MORE TAPS!! as one of the poeple who looked at an evaporator said yesterday,,"The saeson usaully starts 9 weeks from now, do you think you will be ready???" Lets see now,,thin 30 acres, hang 800 taps, get 20 cords wood <DRY OF COURSE>finish the sugar house,,fix all the old lines,move evap from V.T. and set up/ Repair as needed,,,,,,,oh yeah and work full time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12-20-2004, 03:30 AM
Hey Kevin,,,,That new tag on your posts is pretty funny, As I was zeroing in on your quardinants with my GPS I drove up the hill to and saw the jail and thought to myself,,No wonder this guy has so much time to spend on the computer,,he is in jail, Ha Ha,,,,,but isnet it supposed to be Crowbar hotel??
12-20-2004, 12:47 PM
I am all set for maple weekend. Now I just have to make up some signs and come up with some activities outside of a boiling demonstration. I sure hope we have some sap. I would hate to have to boil water that weekend
Any suggestions on what else I should offer people that come?
Most open house's I've been to put out a little maple food. Like 1/2 doughnut with maple frosting,maple bars and regular doughnuts that they can dip into a sample of maple syrup. It might also be nice to have a partner there to take up some the boiling so when you talk you have a back up person there also watching the evaporator.
Also a nice maple display of your product is a must with all sizes down to a pint. A lot of kids like the little ones that are just there size. :D VMSMA puts out a nice poster that explains sugaring in laymens terms. I have two to put up on my wall so people can also get information that way also.
Some other activities can be grading the syrup and showing how the colors match to the grade. Have a few samples set aside and let the people do it themselves. Hydrometers can be used also at pull off to show the correct density of the syrup. Just be ready to answer there questions professionally.
Now having typed all that I have never done a quote open house just a few visitors but have been to a few and no matter what have come away with a new respect for the way people make maple syrup. :D
Take care
12-20-2004, 05:48 PM
I've done the "open house" thing last year just from drive by's and website traffic and cub scout pancake breakfast, it's alot of work to stay on track with the boiling, But very fun, I love the people and talking with them and the kids. enjoy it. just "STAY ON TRACK" don't let the syrup get away from you, the folks will understand when you have to fire every 8 minutes or draw off or.. or ... or... :wink:
12-21-2004, 09:11 AM
We've done open houses the last four years, I think. A couple things we do are:
1) have the laptop running a Powerpoint slide show explaining sugaring.
(I can send it to you if you'd like)
2) We have a small collection of old postcards, pictures, etc. that we have out so people can see how it was "way back when", as well as some other sugaring info in a 3-ring binder people can flip through. We Xerox a small handout people can take with them, too.
A nice handout with maple syrup recipes goes a long way too. We need to increase consumption by pointing out other uses for our product. I sold 3 quarts to a guy that just uses it as a glaze for his grilled salmon. A gal at work uses it to make fancy glazed baby carrots. There are a ton of recipes on the web, all you have to do is cut and paste and pretty it up with your logo, name, and contact info.
12-22-2004, 03:52 AM
I have never done a maple weekend BUT I know from doing firewood,,,have a sine in sheet with people writing down their adresses then send them a decorative postcard next season marketing your product,,maple weekend might be a one time thing for the people otherwise,,mabey the card will get them to come back neex time,,,just a thought
12-22-2004, 02:53 PM
Parker I like that Idea... I was thinking last year of a guest book, I had people from many states com, my syrup ended up in Fla. Wis. and Ariz.
and some went overseas too, that was pretty cool!!
12-22-2004, 07:10 PM
Some things I do for maple weekend.
1- sign in book
2- tubing demo or buckets
3- pictures of everything
4- sap tasteing and a syrup taste. That realy gets them
5- receipes hand out
6- tours-boy scouts girl scouts
7- effects on the trees
8- a clean and neat operation.
9- hand out sheets on syrup production, to take with them.
10- a section of a maple tree that has been tapped. cut in 1/2 so people can seen the stain in the wood from tapping.
11- a nice display table with your products for sale.
I had 4 helpers last year and we were all busy with people.
12-22-2004, 08:35 PM
The neater and cleaner things are, the more likely people are to buy and recommend your product to others. People don't expect it to be spotless, but the neater the better.
Remember, the first impression people get of your operation is 95% of what they remember! :D :D :idea: :wink:
12-23-2004, 07:14 AM
One thing that may need checking is liability coverage.
Our state Maple Association meeting this month had a presentation on the subject.
I would prefer not to think about it or mention it but still a concern with lots of personal injury lawyers looking for work. :(
12-23-2004, 07:43 AM
that's a good point. I spoke with someone a while back who had done school tours for years, and his agent told him as long as he didn't charge them anything his homeowners would cover, but if he charged them to cover any expenses from having them there he was on his own.
Just got back from Leaders and looking at pieces of the new 2x6WSE evaporator. It's replacing the soldered 2x6 King Jr. and the Leader Special. The back pan is now 4 ft instead of 3ft. With a 2 foot syrup pan. Uses a single float system. Nice looking especially with the new fire box. Available in drop flue now and maybe raised flue in the future. It's a little lower priced then the other evaporators and aimed more at a smaller producer.
Got the tour from Fred around the plant. They now have orders into Feb. One of there best welders passed away with a heart attack and now they are a little behind. There proberly going to ship some work to there Rutland plant. They started to make hoods now in St. Albans and boy are they nice. Talked to a couple of the guys and they were really proud of there work. Nice to see. :D They also have a new Flood Vacum system setup for producers with less then a 1000 taps, a smaller 18 gallon Water jacket canning unit, made some improvement on ther filter press's and have a new sking Santa bottle out. I know I left something out so get on the net. It's all on there web site and no I didn't order one. :D Didn't even get the itch to buy anything if you can believe that. 8O
Take care. Hope thats enough Brandon.
12-23-2004, 06:08 PM
Two of the welders at the Leader plant are in Iraq, so they are really in a bind. Any really good welders could probably get hired if they needed work.
Thanks to Al for the info. Sure would love to get up there one of these years and look at all the syrup stuff they make and watch them in action. :D :D :D
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
12-23-2004, 06:40 PM
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12-23-2004, 07:58 PM
So the Boiler plant you fire is at the Jail? oh I didn't realize, no wonder why it's so big... thats too funny the inmates were sugaring on your very spot :) does make for some interesting conversation I bet!! I'll have to put something in the stories and recollection page on my web!!
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
12-23-2004, 09:00 PM
post edited
12-23-2004, 09:07 PM
Ok yes I remember you saying the Paper mill... sorry Brain Farted :lol: :mrgreen:
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
12-23-2004, 09:13 PM
post edited
12-25-2004, 07:39 PM
Had to cut down two nice maples. Thanks to the high winds. Add it to the fire wood. But I picked up some more taps that I forgot to run a line threw. So That gets at 665 taps.
Just need to order some jugs and pick up a few drums and I'm ready to get boiling.
8 more weeks and we can start tapping. Pick up your feet men lets go. Less time on the mapletrader and more time working.
12-26-2004, 05:14 PM
Put up the south wall on the sugar house (8 foot door to the woodshed), purlins up ridge pole 1/2 up, moving along nicely,,hope to have tin on roof by friday..........have all supplies on site,,
Boy Parker your on a roll. Keep it up. This is a pretty funny link. Sad but true.:lol:
Take care.
Fought my way through head high killer biers from!@#$ putting up mainline today. Temp got to 41.2, sap was proably running. Supposed to stay warm through Mon. Still have 300-500 more taps to set out. I bought a conde vacuum pump today, but have to wait for it to get here. Guy said it was brand new, we'll see. Near as I can figure it should pull 70cfm, can't wait to try it out. I'll keep you informed.
4x14 Small Bros
800 taps, wore out wife, 2 kids and a mule,
oh ya, lot of chickens, turkeys, 2 coonhounds and a milkcow!
Hope it helps, can't hurt! :lol: :lol: :lol:
12-31-2004, 08:43 AM
If anybody is going out tonight you may want to try MAPLEJACK
All you need is some syrup and Jack Daniels. Take a double shot glass and put in half syrup then top off with J.D. syrup goes down to cool the pipes. Drink many and have fun.
12-31-2004, 05:22 PM
Happy New Years Eve to All.. may your night be safe !!
Worked out in the sugarhouse last night. finished installing the fill and vent pipes for the oil tank, was surprised the oil company would still deliver me oil last week with nothing on it, they said don't worry we'll fill it!!.
Finally lowered the evaporator of it's 8" blocks, won't need it that high for oil. sure will be alot easier to clean pans and watch the boil, funny how much of a difference 8" is !
today I built the metal roof over the sap tanks, now they will stay snow and rain free... thats a plus !!
hoping to get the burner mounted up before Brandon gets here next week for the Maple Conf.
12-31-2004, 07:00 PM
Brookledge- I like syrup out of the canner at 190 deg. into a glass half full of Myers Rum.......I call it the stone wall.....I think my forefathers drank quit a bit of it while building them.......just a the rest of the rafters up hope to have the tin on by sunday!!!starting to look like something now,,,,,,,Pegjam, good to hear from you agine,,,,happy new years to all and thanks for the info
Good to be back!! I'll be signning in under guest until I can figure out what my old password was. Darn system won't let find out because I changed my email address. Anyway, got more mainline up today and hope to start putting out taps tomorrow. We've had some decent weather down here, hit 50 today. Back in 1999 I tapped the end of Dec and made syrup into March that year. Might do it this year if the weather holds. Anyway Happy New Year to all.
4x14 small bros
800 taps, tired wife, two kids, a mule, lots of chickens, turkeys,
milkcow, and 2 coonhounds.
Hope it helps, can't hurt. :lol: :lol: :lol:
01-01-2005, 08:36 PM
Send Chris a private message and he can probably send you back you password. :D
His username is CHRIS! 8)
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