View Full Version : Making a Sap Tank Guage

03-11-2009, 08:35 AM
My tank that feeds my evaporator is in a loft in the sugarhouse and I was wondering if anyone had good ways of measuring how much sap is left in the tank without having to climb up there and look in it. Im just looking for an easy makeshift kind of way to keep the level in check so i know when to shut down. THanks.

225 buckets on Ascutney Mtn, VT
2 x 6 Leader Evaporator
a couple dumping stations and a couple pumps

03-11-2009, 08:56 AM
How about a fuel gauge and sending unit? We can get them up here at princess auto for about $40.00.

03-11-2009, 09:00 AM
I've got a "T" cut into my 1 inch feed line to the evaporator, I then reduced the T to a half inch barbed fitting and ran clear poly line from that up the wall. Be sure to leave the top of the clear poly tubing open so the level can move accurately in it, also be sure the top of the tube is higher than the top of your feed tank! After you've added the clear tube, put enough sap or water in the head tank to fill the feed line right to the bottom of the tank, at the inlet. At this point you'll have some fluid showing in your new sight gauge. Mark this as zero / empty. From there you can fill your head tank in 50 gal increments or whatever amount you choose, and make marks next to your sight gauge accordingly. The only change i've been thinking of making is switching to clear sch 40 pvc and putting a ball of some sort in it that would float to make seeing the level a little easier.

Amber Gold
03-11-2009, 09:15 AM
This is what I did.

Put a Tee in your feed line with the branch being threaded. In my case I was using 1 1/4" PVC, so installed a glue x glue x 1/2". I then put a 1/2" NPT x 1/4" ID compression fitting, with length of tubing (vinyl I thin, it is food grade) as high as the tank. The tee can be anywhere in your feed line provided your tubing is at least as high in elevation as the top of your feed tank. I think the cost was about $5-7 for all fittings and tubing.

Amber Gold
03-11-2009, 09:18 AM
This is what happens when I get distracted while responding to a thread, someone beats me to it. Well said.

Andy I like your idea with the floating ball. Where do you find clear pipe?

03-11-2009, 09:20 AM
I've got the same kind of set-up as Mapleack, a small fishing bobber works well for an indicator. I've got my clear tubing taller then the top of the tank, and the end hooks back into the tank. When I open the valve to fill the evaporator sometimes it will gush up the tube for just a little bit and go back into my tank. I put a wire stop in the tubing to stop the bobber from shooting out.

03-11-2009, 09:38 AM
This is what happens when I get distracted while responding to a thread, someone beats me to it. Well said.

Andy I like your idea with the floating ball. Where do you find clear pipe?

I bought the clear tubing at lowes, but had been looking at clear sch 40 on clearpvcpipe.com. The only drawback there is they'll only ups 5 ft sections. I haven't remembered to measure to see if 5ft would be long enough for me, though I could just couple on white pvc at the bottom where it's below tank level anyway.

03-11-2009, 09:56 AM
Here's a pic of what they were explaining with the T and clear tubing. Not the best pic, but if you blow it up you can see it better. I have a wooden dow rod and the tubing is wire tied to it for support. I have the top open and a 90 elbow on the top that is above the tank in the event the sap decided to jump and allows the line to be washed out when I wash out the tank at the end of each boil.


03-11-2009, 10:30 AM
I have the same set up as well,
but, the closer you put the tee to the tank the better (opening the tank valve and the float changing volume/flow at a regular basis will keep the sap in
sight glass constantly moving up and down), or the larger the sight glass diameter the better. I finally run a separate line to my gauge, no more sap movement. I labeled my gauge at shut down point, and than in hours left to boil, at one hour marks. I think the clear pvc is a great idea( did not know they even made the stuff). 2" with a bobber in it, owe i can picture it now, no more problem reading the gauge.

03-11-2009, 10:36 AM
With the top of my sap gauge completely open with the 90 degree elbow, I have no problems with it moving up and down. I used to have a plug in it with a small hole on each side and that was bad news and wanted to squirt and spray out of the small holes. I think the key is to keep it open so it gets plenty of air.

03-11-2009, 11:16 AM
I think the biggest problem with mine is that the sight glass is only 3/8 glass tube, the biggest diameter i could get at that time, so when there was a little movement in the 3/4 feed line, it multiplied in the 3/8 sight gauge. Mine is also vented at the top. I just priced clear pvcat clearpvc.com(they have a huge selection of clear pvc parts, everything and anything) I am probably ordef some bigger stuff, depending on how soon they can deliver it.

Thanks for the web site Andy.

03-11-2009, 11:55 AM
I have a 1.5" feed line and a 1/2" sight tube glass and I have no problem since the top is completely open.

03-11-2009, 12:37 PM
Well, i do not know what the deal is,mine is also completely open at the top. I guess i will have to keep messing with it.

Thanks for your advice Brandon.